matriax's Forum Posts

  • The game is out!

    You can download here:

    For Windows, Mac and Linux.

    Hope you like it!

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    Not, i bought from the scirra store

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    Is beta3 any different? (Available here:

    That includes "Fix: nwjs Helper process not closed (#4118)" which sounds like it may be related. I want to get a stable release out soon and I'm pretty sure this is a NW.js issue, and we can update NW.js independently of C2 releases. So I may go ahead and do a stable update despite this issue, and hopefully the next version or two of NW.js will fix it.

    As i said in the previous post and a minutes ago on twitter i'm using the last version of C2 and NW.js (the Beta3) and still have the same problem :S .

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    Me too, my PC started to work slow and when i checked... more than 30 nw.exe in the admin tasks on WIn7, and i have 16gb of ram so imagine

    SO = Win7

    C2 Version: Construct 2 r220

    NW.js Version: v0.13.0 beta 3 (Chromium 47) [Requires r217+] - 13th January 2016

    Bought from the Scirra webpage no Steam.

    To reproduce it is simple, I press F4 to execute the project using NW.js and then i press ESC to exit using an event for it using the BROWSER->Close. SO every time i made this action a nw.exe is created and after close the app the nw.exe i still running.

  • Such quality work! So much happening on the screen Music is very good and fitting which was pleasing. If the game catches enough wind under it's wings you should build it further and expand it somehow.

    Thanks! if all works correct the game will be released next week

  • Works the Fade-Out effect. The thing is that i need to copy all the events for each button "go to layout". At least i tried to create a function called "fade" and only set: "Function "fade" + Go to layout X" but seems not worked as expected . Also i tried other things like "on start/end layout" and nothing.

    Is there any way to set the effect for the entire project or in X layouts instead of set for every button in the game?. This will be very useful and a lot of time saved.


    PD. Your website not works. i tried to enter to see more plugins and all are banners and blocked for full ads ¿?

  • And Fade-In/OUT transitions will be possible? Is what i'm looking now .

  • Hi guys~ I've done a new tutorial about how to build a Leader Board with minimum efforts. This greatly benefits from rexrainbow 's Parse - Leaderboard plugin.

    You'll never know it's so easy to create your own leader board! ... rse-plugin

    Great tutorial! Used on my upcoming game! i hope release in a few days! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">, here a video:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • The game is almost finished, here you can see a gameplay video in HD showing a version close to final:

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Hope you like it!

  • I downloaded the plugin and my first idea was change the road and terrain to some texture but seems they are added in properties with the option to change the color .

    Will be any possibility use textures in road/grass/terrain instead a plain color? Maybe this is ask to much .

  • would be nice if the enemy cars changed sprite depending on which side you are on perspectively. Right now all of them are sligthly turned to the right. They should have three sprite frames: left side, right side and behind.

    Here are lots of sprites with other cars and their side perspectives:

    From here:

    Also with a bit more quality and number of frames for the cars: ... sheets.gif

    And i guess in somewhere will be the entire sprite sheet. But i guess gigatron only used one to test i guess.

  • matriax

    I only use firefox and the Space Harrier example works fine for me.

    Check for addons that may be blocking it from working.

    Yes, i don't know what is going with FIrefox but sometins the WebGL is activated and sometimes is OFF :S , and i guess i tested the harrier when was off .

  • The Space Harrier example works on Opera/Chrome but not in FIrefox, seems Firefox is getting last adding all the html5 features. The others Nebulus and OUTRUN works in all i tested, and they are great! I guess with all that also will be possible some kind of Star Fox or for some type of Road Rash.

    When i finish the game i'm working now (

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    ) i will test this plugin, is promissing!.

    Also will be great if you update the first post with all the examples and effects, to not look in all pages getting them <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> .

    Idea: Will be possible a tunnel effect with that? maybe put the effect at top and in the sides in some way?

  • A "Destroy behaviour" to set what things will make the sprite be destroyed.

    Yes/No properties


    /out_layout -> When is outside layout

    /down_layout -> When Y(Top) is greater than the Y game resolution

    /up_layout -> When Y(Bottom) is lower than the Y game resolution

    /hero_contact -> *When collides with hero

    /hero_overlap -> *When is overlaped by hero

    /animation_end -> When default animation ends (Explosions, particles..)

    /solid_collision -> When collide with a solid object

    /same_sprite -> When collides with another instance of the same object (Ex: 2 bullets)


    Setting the instance variable and value


    /"instance variable" is X

    Ex: life is 0 -> Destroy



    *On Start layout -> Set "Sprite" as Hero.DestroyBehaviour


    Maybe can't be done in the way i mentioned but i guess you get the point.

    Actually there is a behaviour called "destroy outside layout", the idea is made a more rich behaviour to set in what ways the sprite can be destroyed.

    Now i'm using events/families for do that, will be great a behaviour on you can set all this without any additional events/families or whatever, simply selection yes/no or setting what instances variables to compare.

  • Not at the moment, will be released soon i guess in January.