matriax's Forum Posts

  • Sorry, no idea that how to do that :S

  • Gigatron I see don't worry, i will try to do my own tests with this and if i can achieve what i want. Thanks !

  • Gigatron Since C3 is still in beta, no SDK plugins,etc... and seems until June/July no will be released the "final" version and i had an idea to optimize it maybe if works i will give another try to do some mini game.

    First of all i tested the Roll.X and Rolly.Y and gives a wrong perspective, the base of the model change their position and looks some weird streched. There is no way to really move the camera pos? (X,Y,Z) .

    About the idea to optimize the shader

    I edited the values of the rasterize method in .FX and got the cube no draw some faces and the perfomance was improved even if that faces are not visible.

    If i'm right, there is no way, rotating a cube that you can see more than 3 faces true?.

    So, if you can add some math or check the cube to no render the faces that are not visible, depending how optimized is that code in theory we can have aprox 3x perfomance from the actual results?

    What you think?

    Edited: And even more perfomance because depending the perspective of the game you only will see 2 faces of the cube because the two in back and the one in the floor and in the top no will be visible for example in a Wolf3D.

  • For example on plugins you can have more than 200 for example, and you need to scroll or write in the search textbox to find it always that you want to use it.

    Why not a custom group? Like Favs, Last used, or one with the nae we want?

    So with that we will have the plugins/behaviours/shaders in the fist group at the top, without need to scroll or write it in the search textbox.

    Maybe an option to show "Last Used", Favs = For example right click on the plugin and a button to set fav or copy to a custom group.

    What you think?

  • Gigatron Oh! So you only will work on C2 shader, or you ocassionally will do some C3 shaders? if i remember well you said you will stop on C2 and start on C3 so i guess your first impresions were bad :S .

    Hope they create some kind of window on you can code the FX directly inside the C3 editor and see how the effect looks with their text editor or similar, like in shadertoy, since now all is canvas can be done.

  • R0J0hound i see, so, we are in Beta and you, Rexrainbow and all the coders that make C2 great with their plugins/behaviours/effects... still you don't have the C3 SDK to port your work ?

    I thought scirra already contacted with you and others to give the SDK to start porting but seems this is going to be slow.

    So i guess this month is for Besta test and in May will be release the version to pay/subscribe? Anybody knows?

  • Also when you save the project is saved in the main/index of the cloud service :S

    So when you saved he do it in a default site and when you try to load you see all the files ordered by last updated, all in the same list mixing .capx of all projects, tests or whatever.

    At least using GoogleDrive. Also i tried to save in Browser local Storage the file, after that i tried to search that files in my PC and nothing was found... So i have to download the project to have a real copy in my PC ¿? There is no way to save in my HD by default instead of "download copy"?, like the Browser local storage does?

  • I wonder how will can edit effects in C3 since the addons are added using a manager and seems we can't edit them at least in this beta :S

  • To save/open you only see the files, there are no folders or way to organize them?

    I normaly have for each project more than 100 .capx, mainly because if i made some mistake or some thing not works and i can't go back i pick the lest version the project worked fine. So i keep the last 5 versions easy to pick and the others in an "old" folder.

    But now is a chaos, appears all the files in the list even projects i finished, all mixed :S

    Please, make a way to see the folders or something to organize all them better.

  • They have to be added one by one? Also seems only .C3addon are accepted, so all the .FX / behaviours / Plugins previous on C2 not will work , so i can't import any project vecause all them have a lot of that.

    Hope in the next updates there is some "Plugin/behaviours/Effects" store.

    Also for .FX effects, i normally edit them, the .FX/.XML to add more properties or edit some values to get as i want. So, how i can edit the .FX in C3 ?

  • Yes, this need some button saying "Add new Behaviour" or something so with one click open the behaviours window. Now you have to do 2 clicks in both ways. Double click o right click + select the add new behaviour

  • Vabal Done!

  • Gigatron Nope, tried now, i did it and this are the results:

    Number of sprites before frame downs

    512x512 = +1900 sprites(no FX) | 120 With Rasterize FX Cube

    1024x1024 = 800-900 Sprites(no FX) | 60 With Rasterize FX Cube

    What you think?

    Also i saw the .FX code and damn, how complicated is do a simple cube with a texture :S .

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  • Gigatron Perfomance tests comparing Rasterize-RayMarching

    Number of sprites at 256x before frame downs

    Raymarching = 150

    Rasterize = 320

    Number of sprites at 512x before frame downs

    Raymarching = 60

    Rasterize = 120

    Number of sprites at 1024x before frame downs

    Raymarching = 25-30

    Rasterize = 60

    Mmm... this is correct? I thought with rasterize the perfomance will be boosted, yes there is obviously an improvement but i was expecting more than 1000 cubes for 256x :S . But at the end the perfomance was "only" 2x.

    I'm going to see the .FX code and do other test to see if i can find in this case what is the thing more GPU is taken.

  • Gigatron Not a real gain. Between the same or 10 more cubes on screen with different tests.

    Also i found another perfomance thing. If the sprite is 512x512 but the cube with their zoom is only for example 64x64 size their perfomance in screen is the same with the cube at 512x512 or 32x32 or whatever :S . The perfomance only improves with the size of the sprite not the shader render content. Maybe was obviously but i didn't know that.

    So, what is the real difference between Raymarching and using triangles in terms of quality or features? Because after know how raymarching works seems is a GPU consuming :S .

    Can you post the first Cube shader that uses triangles please? I want to test their perfomance to see how much difference is.


    Interesting shaders i found that may improve the perfomance:


    Triangle Rasterize shader with a cube textured:


    Cheap Cubemap: