Magistross's Forum Posts

  • You have to loop through all tiles, and create the correct sprite according to the tile ID. Here's your file with the event that does just that. ... eTest.capx

  • This covers pretty much everything you wanted. I needed to add a "scroll to Y" since deactivating the "Scroll To" temporarily caused the screen to not follow the player on the Y axis. ... fixed.capx

  • I tested the demo,it is not well supported Japanese Charaters.

    ndeed, the demo only support a limited character range. However, the SpriteFont that is used to display the text can be modified to support any character. This little program made by blackhornet should come in handy when creating a new spritefont out of japanese characters (or any character for that matter).

  • Objects cannot be part of multiple containers, simple as that.

  • Note that this is not a movement behavior per say, it's a pure pathfinding one. The movement can be done with another behavior, like moveTo from rexrainbow, or directly through events.

  • I'm sorry, but without more details on how the behavior was used, I won't be able help you much. The only wild guess I could make right now is that you would get this error if you added the behavior to a non-tilemap object.

  • The fork expression evaluation is done through a javascript eval() call, so you must use a proper javascript syntax. Equality operator in javascript is "==", so you should go with {fork:{#hasappointment}==1,12,11}. If you ever tried to do equality comparison with strings, things would be a bit more complicated, but still feasible : {fork:'{#hasappointment}'=='yes',12,11}. Notice the quotes around the variable expression and around the "yes", they are mandatory otherwise the eval() function will think those strings are javascript variables, and crash. Note that double quotes would work too.

    I thought about adding a command like "goto sequence 2", but somehow never went with it. It's fairly simple though, it's basically the fork command all over again but with no evaluation, and only one possible "path". You can even do it with the fork command as it is. Something like {fork:1,2} would jump back to sequence 2. Or {fork:1,"dialogue2"} would start the "dialogue2" dialogue from the dictionary. The "1" there is basically an "always true" condition, thus no "else" part is necessary.

    Hopefully my answers will help you continue your awesome game!

  • Hahaha ! Loved those kind of games that punished you harshly for being a jackass!

  • Well, I can't say for sure why it doesn't do anything but I'll go with a basic round down of what to do to debug something like this.

    First, if the new event sheet is not tied to any layout, or tied to another layout, be sure to include it in the layout you are currently using for your tests. When everything seems in order, try to set text on screen, do some "Browser" alert or log to console within the "guardGun" function. If nothing happens, you'll know for sure that the event isn't triggered, and you'll probably need to review the "pullGun" command (although it looks pretty straightforward ). If you can see it triggered, but didn't seem to affect the guard sprite, it's either a picking problem, or there is another event that overrides the guard animation.

    Le me know if you still can't resolve your issue.

  • Yes indeed, a lot of new objects made their way into the template as it grew from version to version. A few objects are mandatory, like the "Browser" object for expression evaluating and "Sound" object to play sound and music with text commands. The "Touch" object is there to enable choice selection with a tap gesture, it can be safely omited along with event 76 and its sub-events.

    The other object types are for the utility, and the "UtilityEvents" event sheet are not at all required inside your project, but it can provide some clues as to how to handle dialogue data loading and how to start and execute actual dialogues.

  • Glad you figured it out on your own. I might as well edit the post you quoted to so to specify that variables should be copied over before the rest of the events. I'll be sure to answer any further question!

  • Oops! Must have inverted some numbers along the way.

  • And the "loto" variable is used before receiving its random value. You should reorder things a bit otherwise 0 will always be the first number.

  • For a generic linear interpolation formula you can use lerp(100,0, clamp((distance - distanceForFullOpacity) / (distanceForFullTransparency - distanceForFullOpacity), 0,1)).

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  • If you want to take an n-digits integer and consider it as a fraction of 1 (i.e. 234 => 0.234), you can do this

    10^(-len(str(Variable))) * Variable[/code:24l87r4k]or[code:24l87r4k]float("0." & Variable)[/code:24l87r4k]