The "Start timer" is already copied in his screenshot. Also, the timer automatically restart itself if needed. I replicated the events and it seems to work fine on my end. Don't really know what's wrong...
Not quite sure what you mean by that.
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You probably butchered something along the way cause I tested it to be sure I wasn't saying nonsense. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">
Here's the correct version :
Try using timers. Like this :
Oops, another case of redundant double quotes is still wreaking havoc, the one around each inner JSON. The opening one ""\"" and the closing one \"""". Replace occurences of both by "" and you should be golden.
To put it simply, just replace every occurence of \""\"" by \"". Now, all your inner JSON will be properly formatted.
You have them included. The inner JSON should not have 4 double quotes on them, only two, much like the first part.
Be sure NOT to include double double-quotes inside your array. A double double-quotes is simply a way to tell the expression editor that you want an actual double-quote in a string. If it's included in your JSON, it will render it unusable by the parser.
Aren't bit manipulation limited to 32 bits integers ?
I don't even think you can have unsigned integers stored in a javascript Number.
I believe the limits are tied to what javascript can offer, so we have :
Number.MAX_VALUE => 1.7976931348623157e+308 Number.MIN_VALUE => 5e-324 (smallest value close to 0) Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER => 9007199254740991 Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER => -9007199254740991 [/code:3ffd3qst]
I once did something similar. It used a function and an array to store abbreviation values. You can expand it as you like, the system will stop using abbreviation when there aren't any to represent the number with less than 3 digits and fallback to something like 324e75. Construct's expression editor can't handle large numbers so I had to get creative, you'll see what I'm talking about.
I also had to squeeze in an ExecJs somewhere so I could check for infinity, C2 simply lack this feature. ... .capx?dl=0
Here's what I meant by "dummy" family. ... .capx?dl=0
It's far from perfect but it's something to build upon. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">
You need a "dummy" family, with only your chainlink sprite. In a single event, you would now be able to select two distincts instances of the same object. One through the family, one through the object directly.
It's not possible... unless you use a family. You could then create the joint on an instance of the link to another instance of the family.