's Forum Posts

  • Shubi Banner ads have been making double compared to rewarded videos mainly due to how often people see and click the banner ads. If I look at the last 30 days, Reward makes $0.30 a click while banner ads make $0.09. Rewards make more per click, but not in the long run.

    I haven't really used any 3rd party addons and plugins. Recently, I've been playing around with Mobile Master Ads by Chadori. Trying to see how to get mediation going through that.

    Kunkong is made in C3. In fact, all my games on are made in C3.

    I use primarily native ads plugin. Nothing new or additional. I'm slowly moving over to Mobile Master Ads. This is in place for my I'm a Birdie game.

  • CreativeMind Thanks! Totally. I feel everyone struggles with not finishing.

  • LukeW I launched on Android for almost a year before introducing ads. I launched on iOS about a year and half after I think.

    iOS made about $800 of the $70k.

    I did offer IAP to remove ads, but I barely made anything from it. Maybe $1 or $2 a month and sometimes nothing. I actually made more from donations and had $1, $2, $5, and $10. Someone people surprisingly donate $10. I removed this in favor or ad removal for $1, but more recently removed that as well.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Starting this topic to have an open (and transparent) discussion about games that have reached 1 million downloads. I've posted something similar in the past, but thought this is a good way to encourage and motivate the Construct community to keep at it and to never give up. Ask me any questions. Other developers/designers, feel free to chime in! :)

    Q: How much did you make per month with 1 million downloads?

    A: I was making about $2k per month on just banner ads alone. This decreased over time and have recently picked back up due to feature updates and using video rewards as well as interstitial ads.

    Q: How much revenue to date?

    A: Currently with 1.5+ million downloads, I have made over $70k in ad revenue.

    Q: How did you accomplish that many downloads?

    A: Honestly, it had to do a lot with luck. I didn't do any marketing except post the link to the game in several indie game forums and looked to the community here for support. A fellow developer I knew said that for indie developers it may take launching 10 games for one to be semi-successful. I just happen get lucky and hit that on my second game.

    Q: For people who are starting out, any beginner tips?

    A: Don't try to create games that take a lot of time to build. I recommend starting out creating simple casual mobile games. You can get an idea of this by looking at the games created by Ketchapp or Voodoo. If art is not your strong suit, you can create simple graphics with geometric shapes like Thomas Is Not Alone or Snake VS Block. Try creating a game within 1 or 2 months. Don't spend a year or two creating your first game.

    Q: What's the hardest part about developing/designing games?

    A: At the start, you're going to have a lot of passion and energy, but midway through, it's going to feel like a chore and another interesting game idea (distraction) will pop up. During this time, it's important to push through and finish the game. Even if the game "fails", that's okay. You'll learn a lot by fully launching a game. The biggest mistake you can make is not launching.

    Q: What's important to learn early on?

    A: Learn how to build for multiple screen sizes and preview your game in different screen ratios. Learn how to use functions to streamline the code so you don't fall into the habit of copy and pasting multiple lines of code only to change a few lines for different objects. Think about optimizing your art by not creating bloated or large assets. For objects of the same variety and have similar behaviors, plan ahead and create families and apply behaviors and instance variables to those instead. Get in the habit of grouping various lines of code to stay organized (e.g. groups like Player Movement, Enemy Attack, Player Death, etc...).

    Hoping this is helpful. Feel free to ask away and check out my games on my website at:

  • Anyone else getting this warning when exporting for App Store? The app succeeds, but warns for when I update my app again.

    ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information.

  • Great start! The analog stick gets stuck if your finger drags outside the region. You should grab a sanapad/fanapad template.

  • Nice! Good luck!

  • Nice job! Who doesn't like little fox characters?

  • This game is top notch. Love the trailer as well!

  • Nice!

  • Greatjob!

  • You've made the right choice. This is probably by far the easiest way to make a game for beginners.

  • This is a really great game! Fun and addicting! Really challenging at the same time.

  • Looks like a combination of GooglePlay, GameCenter, and MobileIAP is making it fail. Does anyone have any of these three plugins installed and still able to build through PhoneGap? Thanks!

  • Did you ever resolve this? I have this same issue.