's Forum Posts

  • Does anyone else get "SpriteFont+ Failure: ReferenceError: JQuery is not defined..." on android device? It works fine on PC.

  • I installed the SpriteFont+ plugin as the standard SpriteFont character kerning is terrible. I wanted to make sure that skinny letters like 'i' didn't have the same amount of width as a wide character like 'm'. It worked out great on PC, but on my android phone, the special spacing doesn't work and all letters are spread out like they have the same width.

    Anyone else run into this issue and know a good workaround to have spritefonts render correctly?

  • You have to create the banner ad in mopub using the admob. If all you have is the mopub test banner in mopub, that's all you're going to get.

  • TheSynan

    I dont' know what Crosswalk is. I just used CocoonJS because it has the HTML 5 "accelerator".

    You mean add actual banners to your game or create banners to promote on other people's games. You don't export for a banner, but you input the banner ID into Ludei when you export your APK.


    I received test ads originally as well.

    1. Did you create a banner in Admob?

    2. Did you put Admob banner ID into Mopub?

    3. Did you put in Mopub Banner banner ID into Ludei?

    I put my MoPub Banner AdUnit into Ludei Services > Ads and exported my apk from there. It took me two hours to figure out and kinda confused how I got here.

    Admob sends banner ID to mopub and mopub to ludei

    Admob > Mopub > Ludei

  • CPM: Do you get money for ever impression or every 1,000 impressions?

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  • My game works fine through Samsung note 2 but is slow on galaxy s3. Kind of a loaded question but is there a way to optimize on different devices? Is it slow because it's using the large graphics from note 2 resolution?

  • No problem. Didn't want to waste anyone's time, but since I'm posting this reply, I probably already am

  • I just learned that eCPM in mopub is an artificial number. It's meant to determine the priority of ads and not determine how much you will get paid.

  • Why is there an option to set your cpm in mopub and why do they make you go with $0.01? Would take forever to make anything meaningful.

  • I got the test ads too originally. My mistake was that I setup admob and mopub incorrectly. Make sure in mopub to set publisher id to your ad unit I'd from admob - not publisher id. To get this you need to have banner setup in admob. Did you do this?

  • What is the easiest way to store a global variable into WebStorage and then input WebStorage data back into the variable?

    I want the checkbox in sound off/on to be preserved when exiting the game. Is there a better way to do this?

  • Silverforce. In mopub, I only see $0.05 CPM. How do you get $2 CPM?

    Also, does your payments come through to you from admob or mopub?

  • Under Services, how come I don't see Ads? I just see Splashes

  • I have a platform with a Sine horizontal movement. When my character is standing on it, how do I make it so that there are physics (momentum) to when he jumps. In other words, rather than jumping straight up on the moving platform, he should be moving with the platform.

  • Love this thread. Thanks for the info!