's Forum Posts

  • The easy/hacky way is to add "wait 0 seconds" before you switch out the buttons. Wait 0 seconds is equal to "wait one tick"

    This did the trick

  • I have a continue button that switches out the components on the screen with a new start button. However, since the Start button appears exactly where the continue button is, the OnTouchEnd triggers the click for the Start button as well. How do I prevent OnTouchEnd to only trigger for the Continue button and not the next button that shows up under it?

  • Hey Community!

    Quick question. Are leaderboards simply not ready for C3 on Android devices? They open up and close down without fully logging in. Does anyone know how to get around this? Thanks!

  • henryWIJAYA Here is the information I found. It says to include third-party SDKs.

    Google mediation supports over 30 third-party ad networks. Integrating mediation requires changes in these places:

    Third-party ad network UI - Sign up for the third-party ad network and create a placement in their front end.

    AdMob UI - Update your ad unit's mediation settings to include the ad network. It is also recommended that you set up ad network optimization for ad networks that support it.

    App code - Update your app to include the third-party ad network's SDK, and an adapter library that communicates between Google and the third-party ad network to request and serve ads.

  • I thought that in order to use other ad networks, you had to add in a plugin for that SDK. I guess what you're suggesting is that if you go through Admob, the mediation is already included and can work through the ad service built in C3?

  • It's been a day so far and no impressions yet through mediation. I feel like an SDK needs to be incorporated somehow through SDKs, or at minimum, plugins with SDK built in.

  • This whole time I didn't know this. Is this true? Just starting adding some mediation. We'll see what happens.

    Why were there people creating plugins to enable several ad networks for mediation if this actually works just through Admob?

  • Is there a way to do Admob ad mediation through Construct 3's Mobile Advert? Without it, we may be getting bare minimum revenue and lower coverage ads. Since most ad networks require you to install an SDK, not sure how this works with Construct 3 unless there is a plugin with multiple ad networks?

    If you are doing ad mediation, what are you using to get it to work and what ad networks?

  • Doesn't seem to work for Mac I think?

  • Agree. It's always hard to find exact examples of what you're looking for. I've often found pieces of related solutions that I extract, configure, and make it my own. The matching logic should exist in the Pop Lab. How you want to trigger the removal of blocks could be handled different kinds of ways.

    Good luck!

  • Couldn't you just clamp it since it's a rectangle?

    clamp(x, lower, upper)

    Return lower if x is less than lower, upper if x is greater than upper, else return x.

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  • Have you tried looking at the code for Pop Lab? It's on the start page under Game Demos. Not exactly the same game, but when you line up the same colors, they pop.

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  • Bootfit Does your leaderboards work successfully now? Mine don't. Check out Soccer Dribble Flick. It just pops open the first sign in green box and then disappears. Nothing happens.

  • Thanks!