in above link pls anybody tell my how to count stars of each level
How to add chartboost and others in my game
should i have to create and pay$25 to google play store for putting Google play properties - Application ID, Client ID & Client secret ???
not getting it
dont know about dictionery
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
but i want to save 2nd Layout's animation frame
i have used local storage for that with
exit, get if get - set "BG" to system>sprite.animation frame
but this is not working
my English is not gud so i would like to know that what is beta release & stable release of construct 2
what is difference of both release
this is version 200 ... .capx?dl=0
i'll really thankful to you for you helping hand
help pls
this is sample file
in this file i have 6 instances with 7 frames
i am getting point and with point earned i unlock frame 2, frame 3 so on
now how can i save this unlocked frame
earned points i already saved
pls tell if their are any wrong thing i have done
Cant open your capx because you use C2 beta. But I think that you need to create variable and than set this variable to YourObject.AnimationFrame to save what frame is showing now, to stop animation on frame you just need to set animation speed to 0 and then to set animation frame to desired, to set animation frame to what is saved in variable - you need to set frame and just type variable name. Hope this will help.
Cant open your capx because you use C2 beta. But I think that you need to create variable and than set this variable to YourObject.AnimationFrame to save what frame is showing now, to stop animation on frame you just need to set animation speed to 0 and then to set animation frame to desired, to set animation frame to what is saved in variable - you need to set frame and just type variable name.
Hope this will help.
actually object has 6 instances and all instances has frames
lower version link
pls try this
attach your capx so that i can understand the problem easily
in this file i m getting point and with point earned i unlock frame 2
now how can I save this unlocked frame
does i have to link my game to AdMob website for test my game or just use AdMob Id for test
pls tell me
> i have variable in sheet one > but sheet 2 is not getting sheet 1's update value > Please provide always a capx example, otherwise it's nearly impossible to say what your issue is. Regards
> i have variable in sheet one
> but sheet 2 is not getting sheet 1's update value
Please provide always a capx example, otherwise it's nearly impossible to say what your issue is.
here is capx ... .capx?dl=0