lucid's Forum Posts

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  • In cc r2, a new collision type makes it so line collisions work as expected

  • Oh I mean add textures that are warped on the paths

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  • also, when you zoom in those values are used for your more accurate location

  • on a real wolf the whole body sort of scrunches together because the back is bending. it's almost like an accordion effect, contracting, and then expanding as the back legs push the body forward again. the flow of the animation should capture the timing of that force, right now it looks a little floaty.

    as far as the legs, in anime studio,   move the bone from the previous leg frame to overlap this one on this frame, and toggle visibility to   then despite you changing the images of the legs, it will be blended together.

  • The new working search bar is awesome. Thanks for that! I think, though, you should have the little (powered by google) thing there, and (phbb..(or whatever it is)) for the Search button (next to Chat!, and under Arcade), just so it's clear that they are two separate types.

    found two bugs:

    the when using the tube][/tube]. The "watch on youtube" button is there, but just causes a glitchy blink when you click it instead of taking you to youtube. example:


    also, if it's possible to have the HD and fullscreen buttons right here, the only reason to go to youtube would be to read comments and such.

    the other bug is when a user is banned, if theirs was the latest post in the forum, it still shows it as the latest post, even though it's been deleted. so you click click the arrow and it just refreshes the page

  • wow, so, can you create the shapes on the fly with events? or do you actually load svg files? also, in the future might it be possible to texture the shapes?

  • before I read the above replies, I was going to say the head movement needs to be more pronounced, and maybe the hind movement less pronounced, but it might look fine with more head movement. Also, the tail, I would just copy from a slowmo vid of a wolf or a dog running, or attach a physics tail that you bend with sprite distortion in construct.

    Seems something's a little off in the timing in the front legs.   I'm assuming this is on the todo list, but use the bone tweening on the legs aside from the frame flipping so the entire body is moving at the smoother frame rate.   

    Overall, though, you're definitely on the right track.

    this is a good reference:


    also, just searching youtube for "slomo wolf running" or "slomo dog running" has alot of other good ones. or maybe replace "running" with "gait" to get other options for speed

    edit: although I wouldn't use the tail on that vid. not sure if wolves' tails (don't) move like that as well, but if they do, you should use some artistic license and embellish it

  • CC is an open source project that has been discontinued, too bad in my opinion, I really like it but I hope C2 gets even better than it

    its not discontinued. Its still open source, and there is another version releasing soon.

  • AXavierB, no, the stability issues haven't been touched upon in this build. There may have been a plugin stability problem or two fixed.   Most of the instability problems are with the construct classic ide itself. There aren't alot of problems with the exe's construct creates. As long as you save often, and to incrementing filenames at least sometimes (ie myproject.cap, myproject2.cap, myproject3.cap, etc) you should be fine. Its very fast and powerful. Just a few quirks to deal with here and there

    Edit: ash beat me to it. oh well. Already typed it

  • Repsajo

    I think there's at least one simple solution

    just give it an extra parameter that contains an extra string parameter, to be set to "x" "y" or "z"    position("z")

    also, I haven't made a plugin yet with c2, but if it has all the options construct classic does you should be able to create undefined expressions that don't require the name be explicitly specified in the code, allowing the ide to accept anything as an expression name. This way positiony or positionz can be handled through there by analyzing the name manually,

    in construct classic sdk it'd be something like

    long ExtObject::ReturnUndefinedExpression(CString& expName, LPVAL theParams, ExpReturn& ret)





    case "positiony"

       return ret=MyYPositionVariable;

    case "positionz"

       return ret=MYZPositionVariable;


    return ret = 0;


    but handle positionx the normal way, then name the category something like "MyExpressions - also works with Y and Z".

    this way right there in the category they see that there are alternate version of the expressions, but they still have the full list of the x versions, so they know what their choices are

    The first way is probably less trouble (with the strings : position("x")) to implement,

    and though the second method(undefined expression) is more natural in that you can just type PositionY like a normal expression, it would have the disadvantage that it would allow things like PosixionnY, which could make it difficult for a user to track down if a typo got through.

  • I second the suggestion about using For Each Object instead of always

  • yeah, that's pretty awesome and fun. cute lizard animation too

  • the On Function condition, like most conditions that begin with the word On, is a triggered condition. this means it is not executed or evaluated based on it's location in the event sheet. Only when triggered conditions are triggered are they evaluated. Triggered conditions are marked in the event sheet with a green arrow before the condition name

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