<font size="4">Please tell us about Spriter Beta</font>
Hello everyone, we're looking for feedback from anyone who's tried Spriter beta(the beta download link is directly under the video at kickstartspriter.com). This is an early beta, so bugs and missing features are normal(please direct all tech support questions and bug reports to Brashmonkey.com/forum). We want feedback on the workflow so far, basic design, and whether it's enjoyable to use. Please share your experience testing Spriter Beta with me at lucidefn@brashmonkey.com. If you like what you've tried so far and would like to help us spread the word, please also include in your email a short statement granting us permission to quote you on our kickstarter page. "I give you permission to quote me" will suffice. If you'd like to add a quick blurb about yourself to appear along with your name under the quote, we'd appreciate it, but it's not required. Industry professionals, we'd appreciate studio-names or game titles, but only include them in the email if you want them to appear with the quote on our kickstarter page.
<font size="4">Big names tweeting about us! Thank you!</font>
Thank you to everyone who's been helping by pledging and/or spreading the word. 64% halfway through day 4 of 30! Word is spreading fast, thanks to everyone who's helped by talking about us, and now some big names have been tweeting about us as well! John Tobias(co-creator of Mortal Kombat), Kyle Pulver(currently working on the highly anticipated SnapShot(http://kpulv.com/), Derek Yu(developer of Spelunky and Aquaria), Mike Kasprzak(runs LudumDare), Ashley and Tom Gullen(heads of Scirra), JunkBoy and Daniel Kaplan(members of mojang(Minecraft)), Branimir Karad?i?(Fat Princess), and many more, not to mention countless awesome scirrans I saw tweeting about us, and hundreds of awesome people I've never even heard of, who were kind enough to spread the word. So thanks again to everyone. Just wanted to share the awesome news with my fellow Scirrans!