lucid's Forum Posts

  • strange indeed

    I created a new project from scratch to see if there was anything random that might have caused it

    but it does the same thing

    a shame, too

    I'm a big fan of the ik plugin

    if you'd like to pm me the code I'll take a look and see if I find anything

  • There's a thread in open topic, and this forum's displayed in the main page. Adding more forums to the main page is more clutter; I think a lot of people know about this by now.

    oh, open topic

    now that place is happenin

    where have I been?

  • sorry, no, it's awesome

    I meant it's bad in the sense that I didn't know it was happening until I was too late

  • you ask about my zombie game, thats a top secret project currently operating in stealth mode.

    what?1 how dare you?! tis' I who asks. lucid. was it not i who invented the idea of zombie games? was it not the thought of me that fueled your late night coding and thinking sessions?!

    there there, now be a good chap and post a cap as i have requested, lest you incur the awesome wrath of my scirra clout.

    i was totally joking, btw. and the zombie game sounds awesome. i actually have a few things im working on with vectors and procedural walking stuffs i can post a cap of if and when i get it all in working order. its nice to see someone else whos into this kinda thing. i love construct

  • The multiscrolling version is quite choppy for me. Only 10 fps. The first one however is fine.

    Also, seeing as how I've already gone through making starfields and got quite annoyed with it, I'm going to let you know that you're probably going to hit a wall with this current method.

    Larger layouts = more stars which takes a long time to create on startup and more resources used in general.

    I'll probably make a new version just barely larger than the screen later to keep the resources down.

    I wonder if there's an easy way to emulate a slower system, other than bogging down your system though, because I get the "that runs like crap on my system" thing alot with my caps for things that run silky smooth. I guess it's a good problem to have, as opposed to the other way around.


    Even though I have not learned much yet. It's still quite understandable. I'll look at the cap's later. I'm not at my computer.


    hope it runs well

  • this worked with that other thread so, let's give it ago...., I'm having this problem with this physics thing I was trying....

  • awesome stuff as usual quazi

    did you say there was a zombie game in the works?

  • this is almost as bad as the hidden 1hour competition subforum

    this should be a new forum thing

    seriously's awesome that a 1 hour competition is even possible in construct

    it's nuts when you think about it



    20 GOTO 10






  • cmon yall

    if you're gonna do coolness like this

    make it it's own forum

    I mean

    who goes to uploads anyway?

    it's definitely not where the happenin crowd be hangin

    this is like hosting the olympics in antarctica without announcing it first

  • oh, you rock, too, ashley... I just meant for actually responding to my thread though

  • thank you rich

    you rock

  • not to be a pain, but...uh

    is copying contents of canvas with image manipulator supposed to work or not?

  • new version with multiscrolling

    click here

    also, in the first version you see a whichstar variable with random on it to choose the star, and then it never gets checked, that was supposed to be the variable temp. it's fixed on this version...not that it made much of a difference in the first

    EDIT: Now with actual nasa photography...not joking this time (3 stars extracted from this photo ( ... _stars.jpg))

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  • Now you can increase your post count while on the toilet .

    I've made quite of few scirra posts from the toilet at my job

  • you can do procedural generation in construct, but you can't just make a module that does that, that'd be kinda like asking them to put premade sprites in construct. the procedures that generate stuff are going to be different in every game.

    that being said -

    here's a quick example with beautiful art collected from actual nasa photographs

    click here for example cap

    move mouse away from center of screen to scroll, center in screen to stop

    I'm not sure how much of construct you've learned, so this may or may not make sense. (i wrote this before I just changed my mind and decided to make it, took about as much time as it took to write it as to actually make it, cuz construct is cool like that) but a good start would be to make a few different basic star sprites, make them as large as the largest one you want and scale down from there. set them to not disappear when they leave the screen, and make an event at the start of layout that loops to a given number (you'll probably want to change this over and over until it looks good). for each iteration of the loop, have it create a star object, picked from the pool of stars (you can also set it so certain common looking stars have a greater chance of being picked), have it choose a random size to scale to, and make it create that star at a random location. with random brightness and angle.

    this isn't in the example, but if you really want to make it look awesome you make multiple layers and make them generate random stars that are smaller on slower scrolling layers so it looks 3d, if you need some help with that it'll have to be after the easter egg hunt.

    edit: as ashley said, you can save memory by creating stars as you're going along, not sure what type of game you're making and whether or not that'll ruin the effect you're going for