lucid's Forum Posts

  • thank you david

    godspeed on this one

    if you had it before the hotfix

    you'd be the shiznizzle

  • >

    > >

    > > Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450�1516)

    > >

    > What kind of videogame art is that?


    I think Lucid is following the "baddass art in general" proposition.

    actually, I was just directing you to the original inspiration for the art you posted caspis :

    <img src="">

  • yeah, easiest way would be with families, if you dont want 'countless' vars to keep track of. if you're familiar with c++, making a custom behavior to do this would be nice and easy

  • he's saying he wants to know if anyone knows of an app that will automatically combine a list of images into one tilesheet image. im not at home, but i think if you googled "combine images into tilesheet free download" there's a good chance youd find something, or search for "combine images"...something like that.

  • <img src="">

    Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1450�1516)

  • ugh

    I guess microsoft won

    or not quite

    I'll buy a crappy generic 360 controller that'll stop working in a week

    it's not like I didn't realize how greedy they were after seeing that people with 360's actually pay to play online. like toyota charging me to drive on toll roads, on top of the regular toll, just because I bought one of their corollas, but I digress

    point is, in this instance. they're actually crippling windows for the sake of turning a profit on their controllers. the whole point of directx is to make it possible for every manufacturer to be able to make a dx device, and every game to support dx devices, and that would mean that everything works with everything. they messed all that up with this garbage. there's no reason they can't release a temporary xinput direct input upgrade. and why the hell would the limit be 4 controllers?

    anyway, it seems their game division is even greedier than the company normally is

    thanks for the help, but damn that's a pain

  • I use firefox and it works fine

    as does the irc version with the chatzlla extension

  • other gamepads work ok with xbox360pad emulator

    tested with PS2 and PC twin shock, btw u need to tweak it, if u use ps2 controller...

    my tweaked config

    cant get them to work

    got my ps3 working through usb port using new(or maybe not so new) motioninjoy 64 bit ps3 drivers. works great for directinput games, but still doesnt detect as 360 controller even with registry hack. using windows 7 64 bit. i copied the files to windows system 32 and wow64 folders, and the 360test program picks it up, but nothing else, any ideas anyone, or notice something i might have done wrong?

    also, david said something in chat about wanting to implement configurable keys at some point, so chances are, there will be no update will come for the custom keys plugin

  • add event: system: For loop

    from 0 - 100

    subevent Mouse Keyboard: On Key Released,

    instead of choosing a key, right click just above where you would choose a key

    and click use expression

    for the expression type in "loopindex"

    <img src="">

    and there's already an "on any key pressed" one

    but I think that's what you meant

  • I could be wrong, so don't cast judgement on the guy or his art

    but I think he left, because I thought the first step in collaborating was to

    "show me some of your art"

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  • heh

    thought you might find this interesting:

    unfortunately, the examples only work in construct v 98.9

    and also, you can't look at every version along the way, because I kept saving over the same file, and the only one that isn't a save over doesn't work very well at all (katama2)

    eventually we agreed I would code the game if he made the art

    but then he disappeared and never returned to the boards again

    you'll notice the guys get blurrier and blurrier the more you stick on

    there's a way around that, but I stopped working on it after he left

  • in the meantime, you can just put more than one bumpmap on the same object

  • I think this may help linkman

    left and right arrow aim

    mouse moves arrow

    left mouse button fires ball

    the only event that matters for your purposes is the "on collision" one

    I believe that is correct normal based reflection though

    basically :

    <img src="">

    normal = angle(object1.x,object1.y,object2.x,object2.y)

    angle r = normal - object1.angle (the angle it was moving)

    the normal is the angle between the centers of the two objects upon collision

    I have to minus 180 in my example so it's facing back outward

    then you just subtract angle r from the normal to get angle i

    I just noticed as I was typing this though, that your problem might have become complex because of the multiple balls being reflected and not stationary...but I think the same basic rules should apply

  • I've owned and subsequently broke a pair of 3d lcd shutter glasses at one point, before nvidia really started pushing the support for it and released their own nvidia 3d glasses.

    the feeling of immersion was incredible. it was like being in a game in a way that's difficult to describe. the 3d is perfect, and at the time it worked on pretty much any game that didn't use the doom3 engine, and even with that, only certain things didn't work, like looking through glass, was 2d.

    there's a product called the novint falcon,

    , that provides haptic feedback, and there are different attachments (so you can hold a gun, for instance, instead of youtube if you're curious for more) and greater 1st party support for more games now, but this video gives an idea of what it does.

    obviously the xbox 360 project natal will be a pc peripheral eventually, as well

    can you imagine a vr headset, where you don't use a monitor (old and probably obsolete example: where each eye is given it's own image so you see in true 3d, plus headtracking so you just look around with your head to look around, plus this novint falcon thing,

    and if you can squeeze some kind of natal stuff in there for your other hand, even better

    If you've never tried even crappy vr, with crappy graphics (tried it at a local arcade once) where you wear a headset, and when you move your head, you actually look around

    it's so amazing. it's like being in another world, and even if it's a blocky polygonal world, it's still unlike anything else.

    I'm so glad to see more and more technology move in this direction for consumer consumption. I can't wait until full immersion like this is fully supported by everything, because it's already possible to have a pretty awesome experience with what's out now. speaking of which, if my tax return is what it was last year, I think I'm gonna be buying most of the aforementioned.

  • It is Box2D.

    yeah, that's what I meant by "I don't think it's box2d"