lucid's Forum Posts

  • the temporary workaround would be to make everything invisible

    make 2 halfscreen canvases

    then 'always'

    move camera to pointA, paste everything to canvas1

    move camera to pointB,paste everything to canvas 2

  • oh yeah

    forgot to mention in my post

    to fix the bounding box problem all you need to do is make the sprite larger so there is some black space outside the image

  • I can't find the thread where I suggested this to someone

    as a method to load tilebased animations at runtime

    if you find this thread whoever you were

    please reply

    and I'll make the example

  • it looks good for linear stuff.

    2 things though


    the blur only effects the bounding box of the sprite

    so if you look closely at the example cap, there's is a boxy edge to the blur when you move around

    second even if it takes extra events (or a tiny behavior I'm willing to write for this)

    it should blur based on actual movement

    like if your sprite moved down right then down the blur should be curved

    it just doesn't look right for curving motion

    is that possible to give it a list of previous coordinates and have the blur go around a curve? (like I said I can make a plugin or behavior to go along with it to make it work automatically)

    or would that be too many commands, or run too slowly?

  • btw, thomas

    i thought it was supposed to be played one player

    thats how i did it. it wasnt hard

    i didnt even think about what youu had said about 2 controllers

    it should definitely at least be an option

    maybe left and right triggers as jumps, too

  • a feature request

    most languages dont't let directly access variables by name using a string like that, though this isn't a language exactly

    you should try a hastable though, its not really jumping thru hoops. just as easy as using private vars really

    its made for this kinda thing

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  • i dont think you can do that, but if you can, it's without the quotes

    enemy(animname), not enemy('animname')

    if that doesnt work, you can use a hashtable

    they are accessed with regular strings i believe

    work out a system where you can use only one hashtable for everything if possible, because picking a hashtable without groups is nearly impossible if i remember correctly

  • can add menus with a resource editor?

    ok, they dont work. is there anything else you can do to the window, or add?

  • can someone please explain how the layout object worksI'm not at home to try it

    but how would you make it popup

    and whats the tool thing?

  • pretty neat

    it crashed right after I got that red thing though

  • I take it you can't go in that door without a 360 controller?

  • the whole point of most plugins is to avoid complicated eventing

  • isn't it more difficult to keep track of event numbers than just to use function names?

  • no

  • If you're dead set on using the particle object, you could also paste the particles into a canvas each frame, update the collision mask, then test for collisions with the canvas.

    You think the overhead of a full screen canvas with a particle object (along with the pasting of particles, and mask updating) be more efficient than collision checks, movement, and general runtime clogging of say, 5000 sprites? I'm thinking micro shump with thousands of bullets, where the sheer number of sprites would clog the runtime.

    Will particle pasting Defeat massive sprite spawning in terms of performance?

    it would take up more vram and you would only gain one collision mask for all particles with no ability to have a particle be able to be picked or react, so you could tell a particle hit a wall

    but not where, or which particle, and could do nothing with that particle afterward

    my rig is faster than slow, but I'm able to put 50 times as much particles as I have there without it slowing down, so I could have 50 of those particle generators with no fps drop. I'm not sure how many full screen canvases I can have, but it's probably not 50

    know what I mean?

    anyway, if anyone missed it:

    sprite particles example (98.9)