lucid's Forum Posts

  • did you redownload the plugin after i last updated?

    if so, ill have to check when i got home

    its very possible i uploaded the wrong one

    as far as quotes....hmm...i dont know if construct has escape sequences like backslash and then quotes would be like having just quotes, but it wouldnt end your string

    if that doesnt work, you can either choose a different unused character, and set that character to the frame that has quotes like

    "@hello,@ said the cat"

    or i could make a .qt expression, so it can be nice and short

    let me know which one youre more likely to use

    thx for the input and help in debugging this thing

  • after cubic, i think u'r wasting computing power

    you can create any shape by combining cubics

  • Working on New Custom Controls Plugin

    to work automatically with built in behaviors, and also to work through built in control system with no Add Controls action

    and also, to work with xbox360 controllers

    going to add "set control sprite"

    and "create control sprite" to allow you to display set controls with icons instead of just words (like showing an image of the 360 buttons to indicate whhich one is set

    also considering adding options for deadzones,

    and a deadzone controller behavior(for the game developer to test with, not for the player)

    should be out by the end of Aug

  • Try Construct 3

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  • First, you'll notice that the labels for Set Control State action dialog are wrong, they don't make sense, nor does the way it is displayed in the event sheet editor

    also, you'll notice that the Player number for Set Control state is zero based

    you can confirm that you are indeed setting player1's "Move Left" control by holding the mouse button, as it works in the Set Text to 'MouseKeyboard.ControlState("Move Left", 1)'

    if you press the built in Move Left control (left arrow) it has the same effect on the text object

    however, pressing the left mouse button does not actually cause the sprite to move left. it doesn't work on behaviors? has anyone gotten this to work?

  • sorry bout that

    I'm not sure what you mean about the zordering not appearing

    when I right click, it has order there for the spritefont

    is there another zorder control for other objects?

    as far as multiline crashing, I couldn't reproduce that either:

  • there are ways to do something like this

    how were you planning to define the path though?

  • thx guys


    for any object, when you're in the layout editor, you can right click an object and go to "Order"

    to adjust the order of objects

    under the sprite object, it's the options at the bottom of the actions

    <img src="">

    there is also a "get z index" expression for sprites

    for this object in particular

    you can check the option in the properties panel

    <img src="">

    and you can also change it with the Set Z-Order to object action

    <img src="">

    like I said before though, if you'd prefer to change the zorder according to other things to make letters weave in and out of pillars or something while they scroll, you can do a For Each Letter condition, and do whatever you want to the sprites

  • still can't get it to work

    can anyone with vista or 7 confirm if this works?



    added: Set ZOrder of Text to SpriteFont : option to make text obey ZOrder of SpriteFont object

  • i was just about to reply when i saw your update uberlou. so that fixed the blurry pixel thing, too?

    either way, im glad you brought it up. having to set the layer was an unecesary and unintuitive step anyway.

    konjak. i didnt give much thought to zordering to be honest, but thats a good point. i think what i'll do is try(havent messed with zorders stuff yet so i dont know how involved it is) to add an option to position the letters just above the fontsprite object. i say option, in case someone wants to have some fancy zordering instead of having it behave in the normal way

    for now though, you should be able to use the "for each letter" condition and do any zordering you need to your sprite

    the fontsprite object keeps track of all the sprites it creates, so if you call a for each letter/word condition you can do actions to the sprite you chose, and it wont affect sprites from a different fontsprite object, even if you're using the same sprite for both.

    i think my phrasing just there was a little confusing,but my break is about to end at work, so just reply back if that made no sense.

  • thx newt. what OS are you using?

  • I guess it's a UAC thing, because I look in my c: drive

    and there is nothing there, even if I save the cap, and then run as administrator

    also, do you know specifically what issues there are with the non power of 2 textures?

  • yeah it's fixed already newt thanks. I realized just after I asked, it doesn't make sense to have to set it manually :

    99.1 changes

    No longer necessary to set layer manually. sprite font draws the sprites on it's own layer

    scroll values are floats now...forreal this time

    font page has current link, too, but:


    davi, uber, I answered your posts back on page 4

  • omg omg OMG!

    thanks for adding the set characters by string feature. Also, does the plugin work with 98.9

    no prob. I believe it does work with 98.9. although I haven't tested it with 98.9

    this is built with the 98.9 sdk

    Wow this plugin works REALLY well. One problem I've come across there any way to make sure the font draws at a rounded number position? Sometimes my font looks nice and crisp, other times its really blurry and I'm guessing its because its drawing at like (50.3, 70.1). Thanks!

    edit: Found another bug. The bitmap font scrolls with the screen even when put on layers that have the Scroll Rate turned off.

    thank you lou. could you show me a cap with the bluriness?,I wasn't able to reproduce it

    I tried setting scroll to +0.5 pixels every 500 milliseconds, to make sure it was drawing not perfectly on a pixel, but if I looked closely I could still see each pixel crisply

    as far as the scrolling goes, when you choose font sprite, it asks you which layer to draw the sprite font on, so thats where you choose which layer it should be on

    EDIT: new version is up. you no longer have to set the layer manually