lucid's Forum Posts

  • So, you are creating some kind of customisable "struct", like in C? (or object in c++) So that the members of the structure can be other data types or objects of construct?


    also adding arrays of objects

    and the ability(like structs)

    to use these containers to hold other containers

    That would be awesome! It would be ideal to also have a pairer plugin, well, a simpler one than Object Pairer. Imagine if you could link sprites and data containers like that into a relationship, organizing a parent-child hierarchy!

    yeah thats the idea too

    something very simple

    like 'remember' picked "charsprite"s in "mymem"

    'remember' "20" as "bullets left" in "mymem"

    and then later - 'recall' "mymem"

    and 'forget' "mymem"

    a completely flexible object pairer

    with backward lookup ability

  • basically everything you described is what i was trying to describe, but without saying lifo and fifo,

    i was giving situations is can be used in, but yes, the plugin would focus on giving you as much control as possible over the creation and management of customizable containers, with the ability to index by any member, one of which could be a name string, or by actual numerical index.

    i would prefer to have it be flexible, so you can use fifo,lifo, or regular array and chyange at any time

  • please post any issues you've had where either you had no way to pick something the way you wanted to, or where you needed to use the object/family hack or the double family hack. this can include situations where the solution included creating a new private variable just for the sake of helping you pick, where the private variable served no other purpose.

    when i've made a reasonable amount of headway on my game project, and updated custom controls, i will be making a new multipurpose plugin.

    so this is also the place to post suggestions

    im on break at work, so ill try to explain briefly.

    first, wherever i say arrays, that means arrays, stacks or queues.

    it will provide:(if it all works out)

    strings and numbers(separate from private and global variables, this will make sense in a minute)

    a way to create arrays of objects, that can be picked by index.

    and create families and containers which contain any combination of objects strings, numbers, arrays, and other families

    objects in arrays can be accessed by index, or by traditional picking means of course...anywho:

    EDIT: what I had here before very confusing, so I will post my more rational example from later in this thread:

    [quote:2jymb8fn]the idea of the family and the arrays are separate

    you can add several things to a family, and they aren't thought of in any particular order

    they are just together

    like a regular family or container

    you can also have an array

    this is ordered, you can add stuff to the top or bottom, remove stuff from the top or bottom

    you will probably be able to do this to the middle as well, but I need to test the efficiency

    you can put arrays inside families, and you can have arrays of families

    you could create a family called 'item'


    sprite object of item

    string object's name

    number for the repair level of the object

    you can access it all as if it were one thing, the commands will be different than with private variables, but you will be able to access the name as if it were part of the item

    if item sprite collides blah blah blah

    and item name is "sword"

    -1 from item repair level

    you could make an array of 'item's called 'inventory'

    and then access them by 'name' inside 'item'

    by an index in the array

    and you can pop or push them to the bottom or top of a stack

    then you can make another family called 'character'


    string for name

    number for hit points

    inventory (the array of items)

    then you can create an array of 'characters' called 'party'

    as I said before, you'd be able to create a random group of objects and put together families randomly for one time use

    like remembering a group of objects a character encountered,

    or a list of coordinates

    but this is an example of how it could be used more powerfully through organization

    and solidly defined containers

    using the stacks and queues are like arrays that you only about the top or bottom of

    a queue is like a line at a grocery store

    the person who got there first, will leave first, and they are gone, no longer part of the line

    a stack is like a stack of books, the book you placed last on top, is the first one you will remove, then no longer part of the stack

    I'd like to make this fully flexible, where all arrays can be used as stacks, queues, or arrays at any time, and you don't need to think about the terminology, just add, or remove, or get, or pick from front or back.

    but examples of uses can be:

    having an AI character go to one location at a time, or attack one character at a time, and move on to the next when the last one is done,

    have a list of functions (Strings), and then call the functions in the order they were received, if a new high priority function comes along, it can be added to the bottom of the array (used as a queue). when a function is done, it is removed, and with no loops or commands, the next function is ready to be called with no separate command to do so.

    a third use would be a multiple targeting system, where pressing a key locks on to the next thing

    this is already possible, but could be much simpler with something like this

    remember also, that this isn't just for stable organized objects

    you can create a random list of random objects to save in a group to remember at any time for later use

    the idea here is to fill in any remaining gaps that the normal family/container/pairer/picking built into construct can't do, or could be easier. combined with the stuff that's already there

  • If this writes at a speed , can there please be an output which is triggered whenever it "types" so we can have some sort of typewriter sound added in

    excellent question:)

    there are several conditions for this purpose

    there is

    "on character written", which you can choose to activate on any character or a specific character,

    "non-white space character written" which triggers when anything except return or space

    "on newline written" so you could add a separate sound of the carraige return on the typewriter as well

    "on last character written"is triggered at the end of the writing

    and "is writing" is true as long as writing has not completed

  • the object pairer can do stuff like this

    if I'm understanding you correctly

    i'm about to leave for work

    but if you search the forums you can see some examples of how it works

  • thanks ashy

    I was noticing crashing on exits, too

    there's probably a way to fix it, now that I know it works if you clear and unset text

    so yeah, thanks, that was very helpful

    btw, the last post in this thread shows a few tricks you might find useful:

  • k ashy

    I looked into this for a long time

    and honestly

    it doesn't make any sense why it's not working

    one thing I realized however,

    is that it doesn't happen if you set characters by range, instead of by string

    I apologize for the inconvenience

    but this is a weird problem that will require lots of debugging and maybe a conversation with the devs

    in other could take a while.

    as I said fine if you don't use set character by string

    also, I tried making the object global, and changing layouts, and you don't have to set it again on the next layout

    it works as is.

  • here's a youtube link for those who couldn't view the other file

  • oh yeah

    update on this

    I'm pretty sure I figured this out

    it doesn't erase or corrupt your cap

    it just messes up the view

    if you go to the project bar, and double click on your event sheet

    things should go back to normal

    sorry if I caused a panic

    seriously though....the sky is falling

  • nice find mad

    how easy is it?

    I mean...can I not make a fontsplitter tool now?

  • > i could also add a "automatically set y offsets to hotspot function.


    That would be awesome. It would be a bit time consuming to set the offset for each letter.

    ok, done


    it's under the Set YOffset

    there's an option to set to the hotspot now

    I'm using a global SpriteFont, and a global sprite for it.

    The SpriteFont becomes invisible/disappears if I do like so:...Removed it, and no more crashes.

    I'm a little confused as to what you meant in the first part

    as for the second part, if possible pm me a link to the still crashing cap

    I'd definitely change [Scrolling Destroying/recreating Sprites], seems unneccesary. If you're storing pointers to all the letters then you can just move them and update their position.

    OK this is fixed

    with one exception

    when Confine Text To Box is on, it destroys and recreates the sprites

    this is because it chooses whether to create them in the first place based on whether they are going to be in the bounding box or not.

    [programmer talk]I think removing and adding pointers from the center of the vector along with destroying and creating certain objects might have been just as inefficient anyway. plus, it would have involved a significant amount of rewriting stuff I'm just not up to at this point in my other project[/programmer talk]

  • thanks mad,

    this is just my personal game engine for now sorry

    but yes, it will have the interpolation methods you speak of

  • I'm heavily into my other deal right now, so I'll be addressing all these one at a time, in order, first

    Creating multiple of the same SpriteFont and they aren't Always set to a text still makes old ones stop showing text.

    k konjak, this may have been a picking issue in your cap

    I suppose the best method to separate each one would be private variables

    here's a cap to demonstrate multiple instances not canceling eachother out

    left click the mouse to set one fontsprite

    right click to set the other

  • k, this is very early

    this is the beginnings of the editor to my engine

    this video shows the timeline and keyframe editor

    setting up a few bones and keyframes, and then scrubbing through the animation

    it will be used to create interactive boned animations

    that can be mixed and altered changed on the fly depending on in game conditions

    such as a character's emotional state, or a character getting hit by an object

    getting ahead of myself though

    finally got something on the screen

    doesn't play correctly in browser

    so please download and play

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  • This is more of a construct2 type request or a pipedream, but it'd be really cool to get a temporary isometric side view like winvista

    <img src="">

    but yeah, if I'm stacking objects like you just mentioned mipey, I usually pick them from the object bar, and set their location either manually, with properties panel, or through events in start of layout