lucid's Forum Posts

  • hey link

    havent tried the plugin yet

    but if you have trouble fixing the shaky cam while transitioning between moving targets, i did alot of moving target interpolating stuff with the bone animator. pm me if you get stuck

    this sounds awesome though...

    could save alot of work, when i start my game

  • for practical purposes though

    if you want to place something at the hotspot of a sprite, get its screen coordinates or rotate it, it has a position within the enlarged pixel

  • I've figured out a way to include features to fix the picking aspect of python, so python commands would act upon objects selected through events, which seems to be the main thing "broken" about python.

    i haven't tested it, but I'm almost positive it will work.

    please only respond to this saying you would use it if you really would.

    it's not worth taking the time if no one's going to use it anyway.

  • thanks link

    I had even tried that, but I downloaded the 64 bit one first

    that didn't fix it

    now it works

    btw, does this mean, someone just running an exe of a game made with python would have to do the same?

  • I also tried just running a "" script with the run script command and I get the same error


    just so I don't have to ask later

    if you do know how to make it work, please post a cap, of something simple like rotating a sprite 45 degrees

    or moving a sprite 6 pixels to the right

    so I can figure out what I'm doing wrong please

  • I mean like...can it do nothing but crash?

    not sarcasm here. I'm really asking if it's broken to the point where it just immediately crashes, or gives error messages?

    I tried this:

    <img src="">

    and all I get is this:

    <img src="">

  • Haven't tried your custom controls thing yet, Lucid.

    The idea is just that we should be able to easily control characters in cutscenes - if I just use X Velocity, the player moves, but the animations will be off, cause the velocity and the animation loop doesn't sync properly - or I'll have to precisely time it, which breaks in cases where a cutscene starts and the player could stand anywhere on the screen, but now has to go to X.

    That's the whole issue. It'd have to be like a script, remote controlling the players movement.

    If Cutscene 01 is '1', simulate player move to X.

    Which means that the player would move to X and the exact settings that I set-up in the platform behavior would still apply. Doing it over X Velocity won't ever work in those cases.

    I think you misunderstand me

    with the custom controls (or the built in mouse/keyboard, if they fixed that feature)

    you can use Set Control State to simulate a control press

    using setcontrolstate will make the character behave exactly as they do when you use the keyboard or a controller

    it's doing the same exact thing, you're basically using events as the controller instead of mouse keyboard or 360 pad

    so it does exactly what you're asking for, it simulates controller presses

    so if you wanted it to move like you're pressing a little bit to the right, you can say

    Set Control State ("Move Right", 0.3)

    or if you want it to be like you just pressed the jump button

    you can say Set Control State ("Jump",1)

    of course you have to set up extra events to know when a character gets somewhere to stop setting the control state and stop running

    btw, if the mousekeyboard one isn't working

    you can use the one in my plugin, without setting up all the custom control stuff, you could just use it for the SetControlState action to do that one thing, without worrying about setting up the control system in any other way

  • lord, sorry, I uploaded the wrong thing

    that supersprite was something else

    I'll fix it tomorrow, sorry about that

  • also, if they are multiple instances of the same spritefont object

    how are you picking the individual ones

    is it by private variable in the spritefont?


    hmmm...not getting it to happen for me:

    left click changes one of the texts, right click changes the other, middle click destroys the two one by one

    also, link on first page has slightly updated version of plugin

    fixes a small bug or two

  • when did it stop working?

    when you updated spritefont to a new version?

    or when construct changed to a new version?

    also, are you setting the letters with Set By String, or Set Range?

  • interesting konjak

    I was just working on a project yesterday

    something to help people memorize stuff for my job

    but it involved text coming from arrays as well

    and it works totally fine, and then I'd add a text object, or add an item to the array

    and then it would crash, and even if I changed it back it would crash

    I'll look into this anyway, but maybe there's some problem with text and arrays in general

  • ill respond and update when i have a little more time,

    but dataflash, you can do that either by:

    to get the difference between 5 and thatvar


    or more simply:




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  • > +Pick BlueFamily in vector
    -Destroy Sprite

    this would work no matter what, since family and object picking are separate, so the plugin isn't doing anything


                if ((*i) == begin)
                      pRuntime->SelectF((*i), (*i)->pType);
    each time you call SelectAll((i*)->pType), if that type was already selected before, you're basically undoing the selection and starting over, so in the end, only the very last of each type that was picked in this manner would be picked
     I think you need to use the isFamily and GetFamilyTypes functions
    [code:2bops2pj]	if(objType->IsFamily)
    		pRuntime->GetFamilyTypes(objType,Types,count) ;
    		//loop through Types with iterator i;
    		for (i is less than size of types)
    			getInstances of i;
    			selectall of i;
    			for (each instance of i)	
    				if (instance is in vector)
    					select instance;
    		get instances of objType
    		for (each instance)
    			if (instance is in vector)
    				select instance;
  • with some math you could add dampening by adding angular force in the opposite direction each tick depending on the current angular speed

  • Don't wanna hijack this thread but it'd also be great to have:

    1) Simulate events.

    If global('Cutscene01') is on, Player walks to X, Y, etc.

    If Cutscene 01 is on and player is at X, Y, play animation blabla.

    It'd be freaking great being able to simulate the platform behavior for Cutscenes.

    with the custom controls object (I think the mouse/keyboard one might work now, too, it might still be broken) you can simulate controls by using the SetControlState actions


    -Set Control State ("jump",1)

    would be like the player pressed the jump button