lucid's Forum Posts

  • I like the idea olf being able to pay for source code access. I believe the havok physics engine has a license like that, or maybe its physx that does.

    Especially since ashley said that a plugin should be able to modify any part of the ide due to their being javascript. Almost any of my c1 plugins would have benefitted from being able to alter the ide. I could easily imagine all sorts of things, an isometric movement plugin, with corresponding layout editor tweaks for level creation,

    I know I've mentioned it twice already, but id like to be more straightforward about it. The exporter thing. When I'm done with my current project, probably a year or so off, my next would have been to write an importer for c2 for the files this project exports. After that iwas going to focus on writing exporters for the mobile platforms, or if I'm incapable of doing it myself, I was planning to hire out the work. Id be willing to do the profit share thing with c2 if these exporters proved worthy, but its more to have these exporters than to profit from them.

    If construct doesn't have an android or iphone exporter by then, what sense would it make to not have that avenue open for other developers to contribute

    Also, a plugin store would be awesome if integrated with the site. You could sort by rating, or most downloaded, or search only free plugins, etc...

  • > Just want to point out there are other alternatives to selling a product.

    > Adds for example. Yeah I know boo / hiss, but let me ask this: Would you rather put up with a few adds, or pay for play?


    Ads won't amount to much though. If this were up to me, I would sell a commercial license WITH a small royalty. The software would be free and full-featured to use for non-commercial purposes, then a fee would be paid to use it commercially, with a small percentage of profits as well.

    Could then take it a step further and sell specific exporters as well, adding another supplemental income source, without locking out anyone from the main exporters (html5 and exe being what I would consider the main ones).

    a one time fee is better than small percentage of profits, no one wants to deal forever with a company just because they used a tool of theirs. I agree that ads aren't enough

    if you've ever tried to develop for android or iphone, you'll know what a godsend construct 2 will actually be. They'll be able to make plenty of money just selling the exporters. I still think the IDE should have a full preview feature if possible. better than a 30 day trial, someone might not really get going until after 30 days, then discover they NEED construct. give them that chance, just don't let them export to a permanent format. only previews


    yeah, as soon as you said some features disabled I started thinking about darkbasic

    darkphysics,darklights,darkAI. one of construct's initial draws for me before I realized it was god's gift to 2d game dev was that it had physics included.

  • I'm more in support of close sourcing the ide, watermarking the exports,

    I don't think there should be "pro" closed sourced plugins. A stable more powerful construct could beceome saturated with amazing plugins if all other plugins are opensource as a form advanced documentation. Add-on development should be absolutely embraced and encouraged, with the same liscense as c1, where community made plugins can be distributed freely, or commercially without interference from scirra.

    Also, programs that charge for advanced features always feel like ripoffs. Opening up a watermarked c2 as a new user, and being overwhelmed by all the available fx, behaviors, and objects is what'd make me reach for the wallet. Not struggling to extract fun out of a crippled version while staring longingly at screenshots.

    About the exporter thing though, it should be navigated with care. The liscense should prohibit the creation of exporters to platforms already done by scirra, but I wouldn't underestimate the eagerness or ability of c2's future community to create exporters. It could be a huge draw. People would kill for the ability to export to android and iphone from a program as easy as construct. There will be many who want to create such things. Holding back the community from creating exporters could close off a huge potential userbase. I think there should be at least one opensource exporter to learn from, the freedom to create exporters free or with a charge, but also a a clear path to partnership. Meaning I go to download the exporter sdk, and on that same page I learn that there are profit sharing opportunities for exporters to the major platforms.

    That way, when I consider making a free android exporter, I will consider the possibility of profit and

    Instead of my own selling ability offsite, my android exporters could be sold in the construct store, scirra gets a share, but now instead of lucid's random android exporter, its owned and maintained by scirra, and can be included in deals like the c2 super mobile exporter pack

    The very worst that can happen, is that scirra becomes the amazing tool notorious for having several free exporters to many different platforms, which means more copies of the main program sold.

    .as. far as compiling parts of the source code as a form of piracy, I think there are much easier ways to steal software

  • I've been trying to extract what I need from the sprite plugin, but nothing seems to work

    I tried something as simple as:


    renderer->Quad_xywh(50,50,100, 100);

    and that doesn't work

    I also tried copypasting renderdistorted(...)

    but using my own distortion values, and nothing I draw renders anything to screen at all

    let's say I just want to draw a triangle at 3 points(x,y,u,v),


    and I have TextureHandle image;

    what do I need to do? bare minimum to get a triangle on screen,

    any help would be appreciated

    if it matters for now, I'm getting image by :



  • pc:

    Motorola Droid[3g verizon]:

  • Yeah, should be good. Only thing you couldn't do is change the stepping method mid loop, or change the iterator upon a certain condition. Would it be possible to make loopindexes actual local variables ashley?

  • One way it could work, is 4 parameters

    Iterator name, initial value,

    Comparison combo box(greater than, less than, equal, not equal to, etc),

    And final value

    Then the iterator would be declared and behave as any local variable, to be manipulated through actions, and compared before each iteration

  • but if you're not making a particle apocalypse, it's easy to recreate particles with events

    from there you can change images however you wish along with anything else, like adding physics, or animations to particles

  • Exe window size is limited to desktop size. I couldn't find where this is specified, I wouldn't mind compiling a new runtime temporarily if that's the only way to fix it. But I couldn't figure out where the change was needed. I need to make a window larger than the current resolution so it goes offscreen

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Use png

    I. Be used very large pngs and scaled down with no ossue

  • hey loumu awesome plugin

    you haven't released the latest version though. I required the function to get a tile at x or y, and I downloaded the source code so I could add it, and it turned out it's already there, I just had to recompile to get it to Construct


    thanks for the plug

  • E.g. 0 XOR 0 = 1, 1 XOR 0 = 1

    0 xor 0 = 0

    0 xor 1 = 1

    1 xor 1= 0

    exclusive or is only true if one or the other is true, but not both

    [quote:2bq3b0j5]or more specifically, 1234 xor 3210 = 2136

    I'm not sure what you did there, but...

    [quote:2bq3b0j5]Is there an easy way to do this in Construct?

    ...if it was a bitwise or or xor, no construct does not have any bitwise operators

    here's a complete list of system expressions: ... xpressions

    if it was a simple exclusive or condition, you can do that by stacking comparison conditions

    if a

    ---if [inverted] b


    if b

    ---if [inverted] a

    ------------do something

  • that does look like it might be cool

    nice avatar btw

  • seriously impressive

  • If not epic, try episodic.

    yeah, that's the route I'm planning at the moment. on of my main passions lies in attempting to make stupendous game engines

    and I also like grand scale. the episodic route allows alot of flexibility

    you can release a single awesome level and call it a demo

    several more and make it the first release, pricing them according to the amount of content

    if you decide to go that route. you might want to focus on being extremely organized, and also, making your 'engine' as reusable as possible. anything that will be used again and again should be kept in either a template cap, or a level editor, if you have the skillset to create such a thing

    it's discouraging to work on the same things over and over again spending more time on boilerplate code and tedium than you do on your wonderous content