Hey, great plugin just a quick question/sugestion,
on the gridview - setting the json string, it does not support C3 arrays converted to json does it?
It seems to always fail because C3arrays are represented in JSON as ""{"c2array":true,"size":[1,3,1],"data":[[["kjsv8biod3a4mpxhko9"],["kjsv8bioe8ia557t2al"],["kjsv8bior7ue2770n"]]]}""
If the gridview to json could verify if the json has a "c2array" key and try to parse the json in "data", it would be great.
Also, when using a JSON plugin instance instead of a string, it does not seem that the path defined for the JSON object works, the path gets ignored and will try to parse root as far as I can tell - I could be doing something wrong.