It's not a word, Challenger?
Don't use IID. Use an instance variable on the enemiround object. IID can change as you destroy one so that's not helpful.
So directly under the spawn missile action, you set missile.ID to enemiround.ID
Then when enemiround destroyed, you say system pick by evaluate : missile object, missile.ID=enemiround.ID, destroy missile.
You're pushing counter into the array which is 2, but its position is 1. counter,1 counter,2 etc don't exist, you need counter-1,1 counter-1,2 i guess. Other than that you had the right idea.
If you do the logic in the correct order it should be fine :
Box : spawn crystal. set cystal.variable to box.variable
On box destroyed : pick all crystals where crystal.variable=box.variable, destroy crystal
Main problem is event 21, which is pretty much always true and sets the animation to stand which is going to interfere with other animations.
Take out the key press. If it's a system that must be switched on with Q but then lock on constantly, toggle a boolean on and off with Q. Then use a condition if bool=true for the lock on logic.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Post a screen of the events or share the C3 file
You give the box an instance variable, some kind of ID number. Then when it spawns the crystal you assign this ID to the crystal also as an instance variable. So box.ID=crystal.ID, they will be the same number. Then when box dies, you say pick all crystal where crystal.ID=box.ID and destroy crystal.
Checkbox button 'is checked' : set start button enabled
What's the area limit? It's set position to random(low,high), random(low,high) for x,y.
Give the monsters and items Persist behaviour, more here :
Your UI and Game layers are the wrong way round in Layers bar. Drag them so UI is 1 and not 0.
oh! so it was Angle of Motion?
hmm, see first response on the thread...
The bullet does not get destroyed unless you tell it to be destroyed, so it's fine?