Use 'Simulate Control' on the platform behaviour to make it walk automatically to the right, you could do this for a few seconds on a timer then stop and give control to the player.
You'll have to make your own buttons from sprites, I think this is normal for the html elements
When you get it from local storage it will be the name of the item so a string
Add a text object and set text to coins variable. You can add that to a typical UI layer, one that is potentially global and exists between layouts/levels.
You get an item called "highscore" but set a different item called "highscoretext" that seems odd to begin with. Also your event if score = highscore then set highscore to score seems redundant, maybe you tried to do something else there.
What kind of bugs? Usually the betas are solid. Did you report them?
What did you mean by 'stuck in landing position but moves as well' ?
Ya so it's the text display you were using to confirm, the actual values look fine.
Alright at this point you'll have to share the project
Ah I see the problem, maybe. You're confirming this from the text object? That's only going to show the stats for one instance. If you look in the debug viewer you'll probably see variables are correct.
The events look fine to me. Tree_ID changes, that's fine. Tree_UID you never use that variable so I wouldn't expect that to change.
If those are the only events I don't see how it can go wrong
Alright send it to
You can make use of layers and lock certain layers so those objects won't be selected
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There's a Stop action under the Audio object, use this when the player collides with the enemy.