lennaert's Forum Posts

  • some "thoughts"

    player variable:


    iex player.y - 100 offset indicating first level

    either use the 100, or a dedicated variable to determine level

    z=0 set active level 0

    z =100, set activelevel 1

    z=200, set activelevel 2


    cupboards, doors, walls, spiders enemies, players etc etc, all belong the family allobjects, and have instance var, activelevel, and set them during development.


    allobjects on collision with player

    player.activelevel = allobjects.activelevel


    do some bumpage

    Level appearance and interaction mechanic, perform on peer and host


    player.peerid = multiplayermyid

    for each allobjects


    player.activelevel = allobjects.activelevel


    allobjects opactiy 100%

    allobjects collisions enabled


    allobjects opacity 50%

    allobjects collisions disabled

    just sync peer's activelevel instance variable determined by the peer going up/down stairs

    The peer will appear on other peers and host set by activelevel.

    It can deduce the Z from the given active level, requiring less synching overhead

  • That was fun.

    Suggestion: Would be nice if the tank turned on key pressed and hold, but still turning in increments.

    Noted ^_^

    Was good play indeed, it seemed very smooth


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  • Lots of updates done already, check the newer version here.

    Try it here

    updated 15-feb-2015


    Keyboard, arrows (or aswd) and spacebar to shoot.


    death matches.

    8 players per match max.

    3 tanks with slightly different attributes as speed, life and attack damage and different attack weapons (strength, firing speed)

    The rockets are able to shoot an arch and hit targets on higher floors.

    Small radar indicating players around you.

    Killed/death tracking system while in game.

    Custom name through main menu before game starts.

    Looking for some general feedback on game play relating to kills, deaths, timing of events et


    Improved game mechanics

    -New floor leveling with collision system, improving bumpage

    -Various new audio

    -Destroy-able terrain

    -Audio controle

    -New audio fx


    -Stats overview

    -Advanced reconnection: peers take over when host leaves

    Improved multiplayer options

    -Region choices

    -create or join private games

    Improved Hud


    -Tank speed gauge

    -Button interfaces

    -Game messages

    Improved player control

    -Improved speed control

    -Acceleration and deceleration

    -Firing recoil


    -Firing lag compensation was implemented, but the host keeps getting 0,0 for the x,y compensates :-Advanced camera movement


    -Ammo refill / Ammo add 10

    -Titan (COD like hellfire missile)+

    -Support missile (Fighter jet strafe run)

    -Homing missile

    -Armor repair

    -Shield, 20 seconds indestructible shield

    Still working on various updates, better speed manipulation, new touch screen controls, joystick, social logins, and stats keeping offline.

    If you run into bugs, try a reconnect or exit and try again.

    Web RTC can be iffy

  • I made some progress with the game.

    I have it in the google store, you can find it here: Finger neurosis in the google play store.

    I am not fond of the way google game services needs to login.

    The high scores work, I should look into more fancy leaderboards, though.

    Been wrestling with some of those achievements, but that is for a later update.

    I used intel xdk with the cordova material.

    I wanted to try the ios export, sadly my developer license expired, lol, should look into renewing.

    I got an win8 app working too, just need a license for the windows store too ... should also not take too long

    There is a banner at the bottom.

    I had been pondering making it a paid version, but I'll see ...

    I am sure the audio and the styling could do with some improvement, but I wanted to get things going.

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  • In the tutorial section, search for:

    Arrays for beginners


    Project files

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  • Perhaps it is not the time of collision you are looking for.

    2 overlap checks in 1 event.


    player a is overlapping Finish

    player b is overlapping Finish


    go to layout

    for time tracking purposes, you could give each player its own variable: starttime, endtime

    and respectively set them at each event, after which you can use them in all sorts of calculations.

  • something like:

    set bat.Y to clamp(touch.Y, ViewportBottom(0), ViewportTop(0))

    perhaps ?

    Assuming your borders are outside the layout.

    check the clamp() expression for limiting number usage. (which can be x or y )

  • Read from dictionary and append text.

  • For the use of repetitive formulas/events I would use functions.

  • Wow Lennaert, that's really cool. I would play that. Haven't seen you around for a while, good to see you back. I'm still working on the same game... lol

    Hey Burvey, thanks, it is good to be busy again

    And you are still on the same game, must have gotten quite far already

    It works on any length lines. It just relies on the lines being created in order. Also don't have any other lines off screen. I think I swapped some variable names so it's confusing. You can eliminate the need for variables if you add a imagepoint to the right-center of the line object and do this:

    For each Sprite
    For each line
        | compare: line.y>sprite.y != line.ImagePointY(1)>sprite.y
        | sprite: x < (line.ImagePointX(1)-line.x) * (sprite.y-line.y) / (line.ImagePointY(1)-line.y) + line.x
            + Sprite: set animation frame to 1-Sprite.AnimationFrame[/code:1a0q17d6]

    That is perfect with the above code it worked out of the box.

    I had an issue where the destruction of the lines occurred too quick, and I did not notice the last line extending to 0,0 , fixed that.

    But it still had the issue where it also selected the sphere to its bottom left if it was really close to the line, I changed to your code above and it seems to work instantly.

    Very much appreciated, R0j0hound !


  • Been tinkering with it

    It appears as the formula relies on short tiny lines. Where I use single big ones for each connection. As it works now, when I start with the first connection at the top of the screen, and a red is outside the circle of connections, but close to a line (bottom, left, to be precise, but close then the bottom left of a line, it also counts them as 'in'.

    I havent uploaded it yet, as I was giving it a day to ponder about it: coming to the conclusion I should just create tiny invisible lines under the bigger ones.

    Hope that made some sense, on mobile at work atm.

    Elliott, saw the pm, will get on it when I get home.