lennaert's Forum Posts

  • The images go in to RAM and also in to VRAM (graphics card memory) if the rendering is hardware accelerated, which it usually is these days.

    They get decompressed to the same size as the image saved as a 32-bit bitmap, so yes, a 1000x1000 pixel image will always take about 4mb of memory alone. This isn't much when both your computer and graphics card have gigabytes of memory, but bear in mind 4mb is still a lot for a single image on mobile.

    The various compressed formats just package the data in to a smaller filesize. Compressed images cannot be drawn though, so it's normal to decompress the images in to memory whenever they are loaded.

    We have plans for a feature to load textures layout by layout (like Classic can) somewhere on the todo list, to save memory with very large projects.

  • The source images from your project are loaded into memory at start up.

  • yes, I thought about the frame solution, but then every item on the screen will have the 200 frames and I am not sure, if this will affect performance.

    Thanks for your helping to think things out.

    If anyone feels like writing a plugin to clone and create objects based on the clicked object: I'd be happy to pay for that.

    It will not effect performance any different.

    The image needed for the frames are only loaded once

  • I fear that is what it will come down to.

    You would only have to do it once though.

    You could do it in another way, have all the image for the objects, in 1 object, and refer to the frame/animation.

  • Why not add a variable to the family, ie "name"

    Have the click handler handle the family, and have it check the name, then you just get a list of subevents for creating individual members.



    family.name = car

    action create car


    family.name = dog

    action create dog


    family set position to touch.x touch.y

  • say your bar is at maximum 200 pixels wide, maximum achievement points = 500, and you currently have 5 points.

    bar.maxwidth = 200

    bar.maxpoints = 500

    bar.currentpoints = 5

    bar set bar.width = bar.maxwidth * (bar.currentpoints/bar.maxpoints)

    would get you a 2 pixels wide bar.

    bar.currentpoints = 300

    would get you a 120 pixels wide bar.

  • Sounds great

    Looking forward to the results.

  • The only way to know anything accurate ... is to try.

    From my experience so far, not having 60 fps in a browser on PC/mobile, generally means worse on mobile as wrapped package.

  • It does not evaluate to true, it gives you the feedback of the ajax call, which you can use for true or false analysis.


    Ajax request http://somesite/index.php?update=addDBthingy tag "updating"

    On your server, when the php script has run, it might echo back the result of the adding, for instance echo "success";

    Then, in C2, when you have


    On request complete "updating"


    compare 2 variables

    Ajax.LastData = "Success"

    action set some boolean = true


    action set some boolean = false

  • Could you make it so, that while a button is pressed and held, it records ? and when button released start the encoding ? (with the length of button pressed time)

    Also, is this the lowest quality for the microphone available ? (perhaps for size reduction)

    Also, getting access to the blob file would be nice. (is that smaller then the base64 ?)

    I tried implementing it into my video chat, ... but the x second stop and start thing makes it really troublesome to have something useful recorded. I got it working, but its bugly atm

    PS try naming the options normally

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  • The links asks me to log in ....

    What your looking for, I think ... is with what I previously said, and add a reduction in the layout scale. like set layoutScale = 0.7

  • update:

    Tweaked some settings

    Nicer main menu

    Added controls to set the update interval and packet sizes for transmission

    -When the peer sets, it works just for him

    -When the host sets, it will override the peers too

    talking to myself >.<

  • set arrow.bullet.angleofmotion to angle(arrow.X,arrow.Y,target.X,target.Y)

    And the bullet behavior need to have rotate object on

  • I have been working on a video communication chat app, with scirra's multiplayer plugin, and made some nice progress.

    -Set a name and room to log in in the main menu.

    -When in a room, simply start typing to type a public message.

    -Click on the little cloud to send as a thought/status.

    Click on another users image to send that person a private message or thought.

    Video chat demo

    There is an issue, the memory usage just keeps increasing.

    If something goes wrong or you been online long, you can just restart the app.

    I am looking for some performance feedback.

    Currently the images update every second or so.

  • Can you find the "share dropbox link" links ?

    In the list of options they have the little blue box in front of them ...

    If you cant find it, I suggest you google for you it.