lennaert's Forum Posts

  • There is an error here


    You missed an & there

  • mysql_query("UPDATE members   SET score = '".$score."'  WHERE id = '".$uid."' ");
    change to
    	$sql = "UPDATE members   SET score = $score  WHERE id = $uid ";
    		$result = mysql_query($sql);
    		if (!$result) {
    		echo mysql_error();
    Now, if you get an error with your php, it shows in the Ajax.LastData
  • And is one of the Scorekeepers for the peer increasing ?

    If so, its something in your logic or setup causing there to be 2 scorekeepers.

    If you have a scorekeeper on the layout by default, make sure to destroy that one for the peer on start of layout, the hosts Scorekeeper should get synched and created on the peer side.

  • If you post/pm a capx I wouldnt mind taking a look

    Thanks, took a look and it looked like it was working, your object was just synching on the buttons layer

    Here is a suggested solution:

  • Is it not updating for the host either ?

    I mean, when you check the debugger, on the host, is the Scorekeeper's MonsterKills variable increasing ?

  • If you post/pm a capx I wouldnt mind taking a look

  • Sounds like an error in your php.

    If you paste the bits involved, I can perhaps assist.

  • remove the tags for marinekills and monsterkills on the synch variable action and remove setting their input state on the peers action.

    If the host sets the variables, they should get synched.

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  • If you select a new project based on a template, they set the project window size for you, depending on how you want your game to work, the project window size could be considered as a relative full screen.

    ie having something that covers half of the project window (the dotted lines in the layout, your project window size aka viewport) , will very likely cover half off the screen in full screen mode.

  • It appears they are outside the Host group level.

    Peers are also creating new ones then it seems.

    Move those three events to be below (in) the host group and try again.

  • js mcrypt (compatible with php's mcrypt)

  • That is odd, the synching should work both ways.

    Can you post a pic of your events where the NPCs gets destroyed ?

  • FTP capabilities

  • I'm preparing for next weeks rant for a native exporter.

    I am waiting for the release of "Ghost Elephant Rider"

    ... pulling a wheely 350 km/h on a hayabusa while manouvering through the forum crowd

  • Did you add Sprite (red square) and Skele1 to the synch family ? (so the objects actually get synched)

    If not, you would need add them.

    I generally do not use families to synch objects (not sure that works effectively), I always use the objects themselves.