lennaert's Forum Posts

  • yoooowww :D tested it out in ff and ie :)

    didnt got to finish a level, it was taking a bit long hehe

    Anyway, I enjoyed it more on the webversion seeing as I got to see the whole view :D

    Its a good game, might want to look at the pace perhaps, as after two or three times I can imagine the more impatient people freaking out hehe

    Ads, I havent done ads for kongegate, but I have done ads in the embedded html index page which c2 creates.

    I signed up with life street, as they have 160x600 banners, which fit nicely on the side if you have a portrait type game.

    Also, they are on the side of the game, not over.

    The life street sdk thing was easy, just a link to a js script file in the header and a small piece of javascript in the div.

    I did had a couple goes with the native facebook object support ... got up to where my android was able to pop up a share link to post to wall, and webpages was a bit more easy ... the highscore system requires a bit more insight, you need to read a lot if you havent done it before -_-   , and would advised picking one of scirras more well defined tutorials, or youll be hopping countless of webpages with information going nuts ... at least I did whaha

    Good luck with the game, looking solid, and love the tunes ^_^

  • Thanks for the help from the c2 community <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    par a few who clicked ... thanks anyway :P

    I did however had more peeps testing and giving crucial feedback which lead to a day of freaking and adjusting hehe

    now .. a kewl result might intrest some, ...

    I used functions to call ajax post to a https php page (encrypted ssl), I eventually rigged the whole system to instantly do a new update request for data, executing a load of queries on php, where my ajax return data generally looks like:


    and bigger, as this batch has no notifications ...

    Anyway ... it might intrest some that all my requests got processed avereging ~210ms


  • For another game I am making, I need to test php connectivity, so I am doing some tests for some php performance with this dummy game to see if it can support my ideaof multiplayer gaming

    current online webvesion: Tankwars

    1 large map 5kx5k, unlimited players

    (though information says only 16, I would love to see it break :P)

    Embeded screen size 800x600

    Ajax posts to https php page with mysql back end with shared security tokens.

    Events should get updated around every second or so, depanding on user internet speed and web server performance.

    The tanks move a bit slow, but it helps sync :P

    Got some familair tanks *pokes scirra*, sadly only the 0,90,180,270 tank angle images are aligned with the shots, so with the other angles the shooting looks a bit crooked :

    Its for fun and tests, feedback appreciated.

  • I place all object which i dont need from the start on a sepperate layout without an eventsheet.   then when I need them on another layout, you can have any object spawn a new instance of that object on the current layout :)

    Its a great approach :)

    Having objects rendered and destroyed on layout start is a waste of load time.

  • Extend your php trigger, with $_GET[variable] for the time being.


    if($_POST[meh] == "some")


    if($_POST[meh] == "some" or $_GET[meh] == "some")

    From there you can stuff your variables in a url phppage.php that in a browser would result in the same results your ajax call receives, but then on screen.

    Also enable displaying errors

    error_reporting(E_ALL)   <- willl show lots of progamming errors.

    Also, after each mysql query type: echo mysl_error();

    if you then check the results page through a manual action, it shows whats wrong with the mysql, if any.

    Also, you could copy the mysql query, go to php myadmin, and perform a manual sql assignment. It could display errors in your query.

  • ah I see. if it's for prototyping etc then good luck!

    Exactly ^_^

    And from what I saw from other ragdolls, mine was already coming a long way haha

    i got a bunch of these experiments, got this 3d thing running to in, its in the other thread "virtual attempt", made a bit of code, and spun out of hand rofl

    something like this could obviously too :)

  • mindfaQ

    Great stuff :)   *assimilates*

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  • Haha :D   ok, a mouse ...

    Wasnt obvious at first; looked again and it worked :)

    Keep up the work, and if you want a pair of extra eyes on what you got, feel free to drop a pm :)

  • :)

    web example


    Manipulate magnitude from sine when needed ;)

  • this was not an effort to create an actuall game, but its freaking with physics hehe

    I'd like to test whats possible, and sometimes have an idea and go for it :)   if it doesnt work, it doesnt and on with the next show hehe, otherwise, it might be usefull ^_^

    I'm kinda of an anti-game-designer, I want something that works and looks kewl, then make some us for it =>

  • tnindie

    Sure, I'll have to recreate some for that, I had spent all day trying attempt with different ways, current top post capx file is all the leftovers reduced and stripped of near all the none satisfying attempt events (disableds) lol

    the problem I ran into at first was:

    I disable rotation on certain limbs temporarily, and instantly that muppet pops to the floor :(

    And I need to disable rotation in order to be allowed to rotate given parts, if not, my muppet becomes somewhat of an onorthodox athlete >_>

    or completely vanishes on me :

    I had some really wonky effects, one is, with the current web version, if you move all the way back and in the air a bit, one of the feet gets stuk in the layout border :\ god knows why lol

    the other is when I enable prevent rotation while stuff is moving, all the parts suddnly vanish xD weird

    I suspect my entire approach and desired goal is somewhat scaling the borders of delusional sanity :)

  • Thanks for the suggestion :)

    I've been trying some animation activity, but it doesnt mix well with physics, at least for what I tried. (angles and rotation)

  • Im liking the consitentie in the level and the overal theme a lot.

    The character didnt turn/rotate when walking around btw.

  • So I made an attempt at some ragdoll like thing which is suposed to fight.

    Its poor excuse for a fighter, with the arrow keys you can barely keep him standing, ..   spacebar executes a poor attempt at a kick.

    current web version


    Im fairly new to the whole physics movements, I get the gist of it, just not how to control it efficiently. I'm looking for ways and methods to do little controlled movements of the limbs with physics, mimicking human behaviour. (walking etc)

    I have tried lots of things alread and searched the forums, but nothing was really what I wanted or needed ... so I figured I ask here for some insight :)

  • rofl :P

    I missed half of the opening screen too, like the word adventure only showed half.

    I believe if you use that proposed scale, and make sure your background is like 10 or 20 % wider, then you wont get white or black sides, but youll see the rest of the background ;)

    Also, something that sprung to mind, there is no explenation apart from on google play itself. Might be an idea to include some info in game :) I had to go back to find out what I was suposed to do hehe :P

    the terrible rank was not due my fault, I didnt had enough time to click them bugs, as my playing field lacked a good percentage heheh :P

    With the scaling option and bigger background, it would have llooked the same as on your device I think :)