lennaert's Forum Posts

  • lennaert E Bear - did you guys try out the SVN yet? The rest of us and getting into gear now.

    thanks for the heads up, gettig on it now :D

  • Just create a new event sheet called "audio", with a "audio" group on it. Now import that event sheet into wherever you want, and disable the group whenever you want.

    Using groups with the same name in different layouts is bad pratice. You can easily make a group global by adding it to an event sheet, and referencing that event sheet everywhere else though.

    would require extra event sheets .... or globals.

    The suggestion was for a new special group, just for this purpose.

    Or perhaps a tick option in the group edit, 'class group' or something.

    It would be far easier then tinkering around with extra sheets..

    this way you could simply ref the group from any layout...

    Also families would help, don?t they?

    not quite

    Another solution is to have a function call on a common event sheet. The function can either turn off sounds itself, or turn off groups in the active event sheet. Whatever you want really!

    woudl require functions etc etc

    With a simple few subs below a group you can really manage grouping activity very effectiely ... and simple

    How can you disable Groups? Last time I looked there was only an activate Group command. Did I miss it? <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    select actioon -> activate group .. and edit the action to "disabled"

  • Busy with some events and groups when I realised that a group like class would rock !!!

    I mean, like, have a special group, and use that kind of group in your application with the same name. And when you disable that group ... ALL groups get disabled having that name.

    Just imagine having lots of groups like "audio" over various sheets and layouts... applied in all sorts of sub events ...

    Then in the main menu you disable group audio .. and boom ..everywhere audio is disabled.

    This functionality kinda resembles css classes ... and would totally rock cs2 usability in sense of ease of disabeling an element on the fly throughout your project.


  • Are you still in need of music?

    Yep sure :)

    Music, audio, fx.


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  • Sounds good :)

    If you'll have me, I'll join hehe.

    Whats needed for the SVN ?

  • Sounds interresting.

    Kind of an anti game designer myself.

    I consider myself good at out of the box thinking when it concerns methods of application and problem solving.

    How does this work with ludum dare, you join as a group or something ?

    Perhaps outline a scenario, i'm sure more would like to know.


  • Sorry, I had overlooked some differences between the first spawn and despawn

    condition 1: pick all baubbles

    condition 2: compare variable

    This made some difference for me when wanting to select actions from multi picks

  • Place the "trigger once" conditions in their respective subs and add the actions there.

    else the condition checks get done only once ;)

  • Tobye

    I have seen so many people go apenuts over something as simple as setting up a client ...

    when I look in the "how to" section, ... and see some request about certain minor problems .... I can imagine the ranting newbs will do with their hands in their hair throwing fits cos they dont understand :)

    For instance, an issue I ran into when direting iterns for a company I worked for as head IT, was that manuals I created to instruct them became outdated pretty fast. (program updates etc etc) and the level of easyness from a tutorial/guide was suddenly undone, untill the documents got updated.

    Here is why I think having an integrated something will help out greatly, as it would be part of the tool, with its own continously updating manual.   :)

    Ah well, so many options ....

    On a side note:

    Recently with the updated group naming system, when I need to copy something from on project version to another version, I benefit greatly how it adds numbers to the group names.

    Since I place near everything in a group, I can simply copy an entire group right below the other, and simply move parts from the copied/imported group to the other, eventually deleting the added group.

    Been working great the last few days :)

  • lennaert - why not just use an SVN?

    For me personally, I dont need it.

    But in general to the topic at hand:

    Its not "from" construct 2, and ltos of indies with look at it with terrified eyes not udnerstanding what it is and what it can do ...

    svn is just the server element of it, it requires configured clients with network conectivity etc etc etc ...

    For some, a piece of cake ... for the vast majority using construct 2, abracadabra.

    Having something like an importer exporter included in your tool will make it far more accisble and a lower bar to cross when starting out with it.

    There are so many options for svn like methods, but being able to select 1 or multiple events, sheets, or objects or layouts from you familair tool, exported to a single file on your desktop which can just as easily be imported or emailed or placed in a dropbox, that would add to the freindly user interface/usage construct 2 has already been offering.

  • Still thanks for this hehe, license aqcuired :)

  • Would be great if you could simply export an eventsheet(s) or export layout(s) (automatically taking the resources such as variables and or objects along)

    And upon import have it check the differences like with svn.

    A side by side coomparision of differences in codes and objects.

    And with a click of a button import parts (events or objects) or with another click have it accept all the changes.

    That would greatly aid working together/collaberation.

  • Any scirrians with some unity creation experience and want to aid in a little experiment for 2d level design ?

    I got textures, materials characters, if you can create a single level map, I can create a 2d sprite background from it. I might chop it up in large chunks for some z-ordering. It will likely end up in something 5000x5000 layout.

    I got various themes: sewers, medieval towns, sci fi.

    For what I'm building atm I could do with a medieval thing, or sewers.

    If the results are very good it might get implemented in the game and we could discuss terms if profit comes of it.

    Here is a demo for what it will be used for:

    demo knight

    I removed the water effect from the text and I think that solved some issues with stating up.

  • A big thumbs up for Arteria3d !!!

    Purchased myself the lifetime mebership license (awesome deal), and with the aid of the artist himself been able to create some very nice 3d models into sprites.

    He has an amazing collection and lots of his characters have some most awesome animations.

    Here is an isometric example with the crusader

    Use the mouse to guide the crusader

    Here is a platform example with the archer

    Use arrows to move and spce to aim arrow (not shooting yet)

  • hi there,

    I snatched your circular saw and used it in a demo.

