EdosXD please note this is an English language forum so you should be posting in English. Using a translator is fine.
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There is a tutorial for collaborating on GitHub with C3.
gurca please remember this is an English language forum so your posts need to be in English.
Sofa_King if you need help with multiplayer, please make your own thread in the How Do I forum - this thread is from someone showing what they've created.
gamecre please note that the Translations forum is for topics about translating Construct 3, not for general help.
Moved to the Construct 3 How do I forum.
Moved to the Construct 2 How do I forum.
Kibajbjn please don't create multiple topics for the same question.
Locking as a duplicate.
Moved to the more appropriate Job Offers and Team Requests section.
As this is a Construct 3 question, this thread has been moved to the C3 How do I forum.
Dailon61 - please bear in mind, this is an English language forum so please post in English. Using tools like Google Translate is fine.
Kittensroar11 please don't create multiple identical topics. I've removed about four duplicate threads from you this morning.
If you need to make changes to an existing post, either use the Edit button or reply to it.
Canipharitt please bear in mind this is an English-language forum, your posts should be in English.
Also if you're wanting help, you'll need to include a lot more information. Have a look at this thread for tips on asking for help.
— please don't make duplicate topics for the same question. This is also the Construct 2 forum, so you won't get C3 help here.
lorne999 please don't post duplicate topics for the same question.
— while we appreciate you trying to help another forum member, please remember this is an English language forum so your posts should be in English.