lamar's Forum Posts

  • >

    > > Hey there! ^_^

    > > So my big question here is; How could Final Fantasy 7, Castlevania, Breath of Fire etc, have endless inventory spaces?

    > > U can store up so ridicously many items, how does that not lag the game?

    > > Alsow hen u open inventory in these RPG games, is it counted as a new Layout?

    > >

    > > How can these old games on these old systems handle it?

    > >


    > There are a couple of ways to do inventory:


    > You can use an array which is a little complicated to set up and you need to study the array tutorials but works well and can store massive amounts of items.


    > OR you can use a separate layer or layout and use sprite place holders for items stored.


    > I have used both and prefer the sprite inventory for most games because I can see the items as I create them and place them as needed on the inventory screen but both work well.


    > You also want to study families to keep items organized.


    > As for lag, once the game is loaded there should not be a lag with inventory but you probably remember some of those old games had a long load time. That was a result of large inventories and music . Today's systems operate much faster so the lag time is negligible and there are a few tricks to reduce lag time on loading using streaming music and loading images only as used.


    Hey! Thanks for the answer, but if ''pin to object'' is used for items, when pick up to pin them to the inventory space, wont the game lag if there are 100 items running around in the background, all pinned to spaces and slots?

    You can use pin but it isn't necessary and you create an icon sprite in your inventory and only create the inventory item as used so it does not exist at all until created in the game and causes no lag.

  • You can use scrolling inventory or use different layers.

    When they click a MORE... button make one layer invisible and open the next layer.

  • I would use line of sight and the path finding behavior together.

    When they reach station one reset to station two and so on. Clear obstacles and get line of sight every second or less in your events.

    There is a pretty good path finding example included in C2.

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  • Hey there! ^_^

    So my big question here is; How could Final Fantasy 7, Castlevania, Breath of Fire etc, have endless inventory spaces?

    U can store up so ridicously many items, how does that not lag the game?

    Alsow hen u open inventory in these RPG games, is it counted as a new Layout?

    How can these old games on these old systems handle it?

    There are a couple of ways to do inventory:

    You can use an array which is a little complicated to set up and you need to study the array tutorials but works well and can store massive amounts of items.

    OR you can use a separate layer or layout and use sprite place holders for items stored.

    I have used both and prefer the sprite inventory for most games because I can see the items as I create them and place them as needed on the inventory screen but both work well.

    You also want to study families to keep items organized.

    As for lag, once the game is loaded there should not be a lag with inventory but you probably remember some of those old games had a long load time. That was a result of large inventories and music . Today's systems operate much faster so the lag time is negligible and there are a few tricks to reduce lag time on loading using streaming music and loading images only as used.

  • R0J0hound


    Hey, thanks for your answers guys. Im a noob at physics and will need some time to dig all this

    I'm not really aiming for any kind of realism either, so i'd be inclined to take the simplest easiest path available. Unfortunately it may be a bit more complex still: what about two cars (yeah forget about the wall) moving in the same direction but at different speeds that eventually collide...? Shite I'm not even sure if i'm asking the proper questions. Hold on.

    This is what I'm working on. I'd like the cars to receive damaged whenever they hit each other (or them kegs) with certain violence -- not like blowing into pieces each time they get a bit scraped. Cars would also break by sections (not many: snout and **** around a base frame), so it's important to determine which areas are affected by the impact: thus, if you crash against the car in front of you, your snout section and the other car's **** section would be affected.

    The plan was, create an invisible sprite wherever the collision takes place and assign it a variable with the strength of the impact, and check which sections are overlapping. If that approach is fine, I guess the question would be: which value should i assign to said variable.

    Some thing easy! If i understood R0J0 properly (which I may or may not), the proper thing would be to calculate an impact force for each car? No wait twas acceleration rate for each car... Well if i can summarize it all in one value that makes sense that would be great. Maybe some difference between velocities or something...?

    Thanks again for your patience

    You change the whole scenario with two moving objects. Then at point of impact you need both objects velocity and Rojo suggestion would work best.

    For a wall or non moving object the sprite trigger to get velocity would work.

    Just thinking out loud and you could pin a blank sprite to the front and rear bumpers and use that as a trigger to measure velocity at time of impact. Not exact but close enough I doubt anyone would notice.

  • I am looking for the effect that pin has on construct but with it actually working, it is well known that pin and physics don't work together at all and just send objects that come in contact with the pined physics object flying across the layout. I worked with the physics behavior on construct 2 for 4 years and can not replicate the pin behavior on construct 2 with working/non-buggy physics no matter what I do.

    They only go flying off the screen if you pin a physics object to another physics object.

    You can pin non-physics objects to physics objects and in your example those games use a combination of both.


    Those yellow sprites are non physics objects pinned to a physics objects and go ahead and whack them with the physics bat and try to get them to come apart.

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  • If I make a project to sell it to a business does that business need to buy construct 2?

    The project itself won't be monitized, but since the business makes money on it's own that may count to the $5000.

    So when I pitch the project to the business I need to say that they will pay me X and $429.99 to Scirra?

    Are you selling them modifiable code like the event sheet and layout or just a completed game or project?

    If it is a completed project they don't need a copy of C2 to use it or a license from Scirra and you have your license.

  • Unless you are doing that for a science project where you need exact measurements for damage I would just put a blank sprite in front of the wall and measure velocity when it collides with the sprite and adjust your damage according to that.

  • Wouldn't it just be based on speed at the time of impact?

    Other factors might be angle of impact and acceleration but I think speed is the main factor.

    That would be measured as velocity in physics.

  • Just a little feedback: I'm not getting logged out all the time since I changed my password.

    Edit: Nope, just happened right after I posted this.

    Website has been down off and on all day today!

  • I seen the event sheet and I think I understood this


    Now replace the catapult arm with a tank sprite and the pig with your bullet sprite and create a mountain sprite to shoot over and you have a good start on your game.

    When you get that far come on back and we can look at ways to improve it so it looks like that game.

  • Okay, but can you give me the link where I can study it?

    Do you have the free version of C2?

    If not get one.

    Click on New Game and scroll down to Catapult example.

    Open that and run it so you can see how it works and then start looking at the event sheet so you see the controls used.

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  • So can you help me how to do it? I would appreciate that

    You first need to go study the catapult example in C2 because that is using physics.

    I can't teach you how to set up physics in a game if you don't have the basics of how physics works.

    The example uses a pig and a pivot arm to project the pig at a castle of blocks with the physics behavior.

    That is the same as launching a missile or cannonball over the mountain at your opponent. If you understand what makes the pig fly and fall then you can make that game you posted.