lamar's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Browser.QueryParam or Browser.QueryString is not available if game is embedded inside a web page. Can anyone please help.

    If Browser.Domain is used it returns the embedded game path, not the parent page web address.

    Eg: if my parent page is index.html?Name=Jhon&Age=29, and game is in an iframe with address game/mygame.html i want to get Name and Age from parent page.


    If you run in an I Frame I think it has to address files stored on that website. Are you storing that data on the same website where the I frame is used?

  • What do you want the ball to do on a rebound or high ball?

    You can adjust the physics behaviors in an event for a specific action if you want more elasticity etc.

  • > If the get returns nothing will it just put zero in the high score or do you need to check first if "highscore" has a value in it?


    I believe it will return 0 if there is nothing there, same as if you use the ItemValue outside of the On Get event.

    At least, that's how it seems to work in my game.

    Ok thanks I will give it a try.

    I think that is what kept it from working for me as I was checking the value and nothing there to check.

  • Thats a lot of work, especially when you consider the store.

    I asked and they will be keeping everything running on this old website until they get the new site ready to roll out.

    If they are building it using the old web files I see some real delays and hangups as there is some website coding in the old website full of bugs.

    If they can pull off just the data without those bugs it may work but cloud pointers do not transfer over well from server pointers so I would be surprised if it goes seamlessly and everything gets transferred.

  • Does facebook allow 3rd party ads in those games and is there a charge for the service?

    I stopped using FB a year ago so I may rejoin if they have a decent game system for promoting our games.

    Sorry looks like it is just for FB games and if someone knows how to submit games to FB please share?

    Yes I think instant gaming is going to replace app games as I have said many times so a downloadable game store front would work well for that if it doesn't take up much memory.

  • > I have been working with the "Template-AutoRunner", that comes with c2. I want to store the score locally to the device. I saw many tutorials about using the local storage , but non-of these worked with auto runner


    I'm working on an auto-runner and save the High Score locally using local storage.

    Add the LocalStorage object

    Add global variables Score=0 and HighScore=0

    Initialise your high score:

    System: On start of layout

    -> LocalStorage: Get item "HighScore"

    LocalStorage: On item "HighScore" get

    -> System: Set HighScore to int(LocalStorage.ItemValue)

    In your level end event (where you'd show the high score and have a restart button), add a sub-event:

    System: Compare Score > HighScore

    -> System: Set HighScore = Score

    -> LocalStorage: Set item "HighScore" to HighScore

    I have a question on that:

    If the get returns nothing will it just put zero in the high score or do you need to check first if "highscore" has a value in it?

  • Are you setting the reading to Floor, Round or Integer?

    It may be response time on the device.

  • If you are running it in a browser you can use save and load in the systems commands and that will save your score and where you stopped playing and that data can be used when you load the game for other purposes.

    If you are using an NW.js game then someone else will have to help you with local storage as that is not something I have played around with much?

  • What makes it feel a bit sluggish is not really the speed of the game i think, rather the speed of the background. Try and make it move faster -- even if you have to ad some extra-reglamentary lines.

    I will look at speeding it up but after that first touchdown the gladiators AI kicks in and it gets hard fast and remember it will be young kids that might want to play this so I can't make it too hard at first or they may give up playing.

    I will fiddle with the playfield speed which is independent of the gladiator and player speed and see if that looks better.

    It is also designed to replicate real football and you would not run a hundred yards very fast lol!

    I am also thinking of adding in a throwing event and maybe have the player have to tackle the opposing gladiators when they rush down the field with the ball.

    Still lots to do on this game but I think it is coming out pretty dang nice and I appreciate all the feedback!

  • You can do it either way by creating animations with the equipment or by using image points on your character and attaching equipment.

    If it is just a weapon that is used throughout the game I make an animation with the weapon as it gives a smoother animation in my opinion but if you are attaching lots of items to your character I would use image points.

    You may need more than one image point depending on the type of equipment and you may need to set whether the player or equipment is on top or behind in events.

  • Tom just announced a new website for Scirra Construct:

  • I'm a teacher by trade, and I've never had a problem with students going over the 100-event limit in the free version of Construct 2. 100 events is definitely enough to make something fun and playable In the limited amount of time we spend using the software (approximately 1 week of class time).

    The big draw of using Construct 2 is that I can tell my kids that they can go home and fiddle around with it for free as much as the like. If they ever want to do a larger project, they have to pay. Unlimited events is pretty much a useless feature for most of my students, and paying to spend a few hours tinkering is an absolute no-go for them. In the end, I can get kids interested precisely because there is no looming payment hanging over their (read: their parents') head. I can only imagine the angry phone calls I would get if I told parents that they have to pay to do an activity in my class...

    Good point and I think teaching people (kids) to use limited events makes their coding a lot less sloppy and they have to use logic to use events in a way that gets the most out of them instead of using a hundred events to just check sprites and do non essential tasks.

  • Add another subevent to check that variable

    On linea_movimiento = 2:

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just use an OR statement on the key pressed and add in the F key so both work the same control.

    Right click on event and set to OR.

  • Fun game, some comments, hope it does well.

    • Agree on speed, a bit faster would feel better.
    • Along with faster, would be interesting if you have AI respond appropriately to good juke moves (equivalent of head fake of using the controls)
    • How about a spin move to break a tackle
    • How about a power up of a blocker in front of you (which gets taken out by the first opponent they run into.)
    • On extra point, scale ball smaller as it flies away from (a little juice)

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I will look at the speed but after that first touch down the AI kicks in and it gets hard fast so speeding it up may make it impossible.

    I might be able to add in a spin.