Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation.

  • This is possibly a bug with the JSON object.

    If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation.

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  • The SDK for this seems to be based on C and LUA, and relies on proprietary tools/not meant to allow you to use external tools like Construct.

    They will likely answer that to get your game on their console, you will have to redo it from scratch with their set of tools when available.

    I personally find the price to be pretty expensive for a "gadget" portable console.

    This reminds me of other previous indy consoles projects that never took-off.

  • If you run in to a bug or issue in Construct 3, please post it to the GitHub issue tracker here:

    You must follow the bug report guidelines or your issue will be closed without investigation

  • As indicated in my previous message, and as events work :

    Have an event with the common feature condition that checks the value of an instance variable :

    Enemy_Sprite -> Compare instance variable -> Variable 'VariableName' is equal to "Canon_IV"

    This event will have selected any instance of "Enemy_Sprite" that has its instance variable value set to "Canon_IV".

    Next have an event with the system special condition "Else" and this event will only execute if the previous event has not executed, that is to say that no instances were picked, since no instance apparently had its instance variable value set to "Canon_IV".

  • Your description is pretty confusing.

    Do you mean the value of an instance variable for the object type can be "Canon_IV", "HP_IV", "Samsung_IV"... ?

    If so, simply check for the value of this instance variable, it will select only the instances that have this value in their instance variable.

    Add another event with an "Else" special condition, that will only execute if the prior event wasn't executed.

    Consider posting your project if you are further struggling.

  • From the screenshots, you do not appear to be running the free edition, but the complete edition.

    I'm afraid your .c3p file contains 6 events, and that's it.

    From the look of it, everything "is fine" so far.

    You perhaps attempted to save your file when you were in free edition, going over the number of events the free edition allows, and so the file was not saved.

    It sounds like a "I thought I had saved my file" issue.

    It is a good time to learn to backup regularly and possibly set the backup options.

    If those were already set, perhaps you can try and check if you do not have a .backup file existing on your hard-drive that you can recover your project from.

  • There is no implemented way to do so and Diego could not find a workable way to implement it so far.

  • That is not a supported feature at the moment.

  • Are you exporting in Android Studio or using our Build server ?

    Are you sure you are using the correct keystore to sign your APK ? The message could suggest otherwise.

  • 50 events, for all the features you are willing to implement is too few.

    If you are willing to make a fully developed RPG, you are going to need a subscription to lift all technical limitations, such as the number of events limitation.

    Construct packs an example of an RPG in the start page :

    Laura has made multiple articles about the feature she implemented in her RPG :

    • Post link icon

    You deactivate the group "TreeGeneration" and "Start" from your Scene1_Event event sheet and do not reactivate them in your "On Start of layout" event.

    So the second time you come to this layout, no trees are generated and you cannot Start the layout.

    Moreover, be sure to reset the global variables before you direct back to the Scene1 layout (directly in the Scene2_Event and Scene3_Event event sheets before the "Go to Scene1" action).

    Moderation note: please refrain from posting the same post over multiple forums in the future.

  • Disclaimer: this is a personal opinion/view of mine as an individual.

    This does not involve, represents or reflects Scirra's perspective in any way.

    But I truly am concerned with this NFT trend and the huge impact calculations of digital stuff/crypto can have on actual earth's resources.

    Despite loving art, I do not believe that any piece of art should cost so much in terms of natural resources.

    NFT is an energy-consuming bane.

    Please be very considerate before producing and investing in crypto-stuff.

  • There are several exporters now to get your game on desktop computers.

    The main one is still NW.JS :

    There is also the Windows Wrapper :

    For iOS, unfortunately, I believe that what you are asking is akin to have jailbroke phones, and is not supported by Apple.

    The solution could be to upload to the apple store as a beta, but it does require a paid-developer account.

    That's Apple.

    In that case, having the game hosted on a webserver and providing a link that is going to be executed on the default browser of the device where it is executed sounds pretty reasonable.

    I believe allows you to set such kind of "private" links.

    Otherwise be sure to check this topic with alternatives to DropBox when it used to act as an html server as well with private link.

  • In your event sheet "LevelSelect", events 4,5 and 6 you have an action that sets your array "starsEarned" to 0 for the "currentLayout".

    This is likely those actions that sets back the already unlocked levels stars to 0, making them display "empty" in the level select menu.