(which shouldn't happen since they are position pinned to this bottom sprite)
That is one of the side effect of pinned instances.
As I said, there is a delay between the "main" object moving (that is moved thanks to the 8Direction behavior) and the moment the pinned instances are moved.
So basically, sprite 3 is moved "outside" of the layout, the pinned instances are moved along, and sprite 3 is repositioned by the "BoundToLayout" behavior.
Nevertheless, the wheel instances already have been moved, giving this strange impression.
It is a kind of bug, but it's also due to the way Construct works and the order in which operations happen.
You may fill a bug report for it to get a confirmation from
Ashley I guess.
For Construct 3, were you running the C3 or C2 runtime in your version built from scratch ?
If it is C3 runtime, it would make sense since it's been a complete rewrite and possibly Ash did "correct" (or make it more solid) the pinned behavior.