Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • By "naming" (in quotes) I meant type their name directly as expression in the action window. (impossible in C2 atm, you can't right click the dropdown to change it to a text input)

    And yes, I meant layout (I'm not mixing the notions, just went to fast in writing it :P)

    Thanks for the noticing, I edited my previous post.

  • Indeed, you can't directly type a layout name, you have to choose it from the dropdown.

    Then do a little workaround.

    Randomize a number and test it.

    Global variable rd as number (= 0 default)
    System->Start of layout - Action System-Global & local Variable - Set value
    Variable: rd - Value: round(random(your_number_of_layouts)+1) (round() will give an integer) (+1 to prevent obtaining 0 as result of the random())
    ..SubEvent System-Compare Variable
    ..Variable: rd - = Equal to - Value:1
    ...Action: System - Go to Layout, pick your layout 1
    ..SubEvent System-Compare Variable
    ..Variable: rd - = Equal to - Value:2
    ...Action: System - Go to Layout, pick your layout 2
  • There's a .capx in the folder of socket-io and socket-websocket. Check it out ;)

  • I'd suggest to you to first read The beginner's guide to Construct2 which will give you some basics as of C2's use in general.

    The touch movement isn't covered in this tutorial, but plugins all work the same way (more or less).

    Once you added it to your project, you can check its actions, conditions and expressions in the various windows of C2. (Inline help)

    There's nothing written specificly for the touch movement as of now, so you'll have to figure most of it thanks to inline help.

  • Gimp is pretty scary indeed.

    And as any software, once you dived into it and got used to working with it, it is a blast. It takes time (but I remark a certain pattern that games I play and software I use have generaly large learning curve (there's much to learn, and every day brings it's pack of novelties or new way of arriving to "make things")

    As long as you are at ease with your soft, whatever it is, and get to make art that you are satisfied with, then you have the correct tool for you.

    I've tried for a few hours, and finaly got back to gimp (matter of habits and workflow), but I'd recommand it for beginners and non-geeky people.

    It is more user-friendly (and loaded of "useless"/precise features like gimp or PS) and yet can allow to render nice art. So I guess it is a nice tool to start with.

    And nothing provides you from "upgrading" to one of the other two mastodons once you feel the need for it.

  • I've managed in finaly downloading the plugins.

    I only have firefox 5.0 on my computer, and so the plugins won't work.

    But I took a look into the code.

    here is no way to tell if the plugin received more than one message during one tick. Storing them in an array is pointless, since you can process them punctually as they arrive. This is a kind of things that needs to be done internally.

    Whenever there's data incoming, "on data received" will be shot.

    Internaly to the plugin, the processing will be the same, and still revolve on a trigger.

    This is the way the API is designed.

    This mean that each tick, the socket listen to see if it receives any message.

    .. If true trigger "On data received"

    Collecting to an array in C2 or within the plugin is equivalent.

    It will be better/more user-friendly once embedded in the plugin, but my "hack" should work at equal as an embedded version for now. (there only gonna be one set of data received per tick when there is data to be received)

    Anyway the support of websocket from a browser to another is random. When there will be a common support (understand firefox6 for me), i'll worry about stacking received datas. ^^

  • This is the purpose of the array stuff as there isn't a receiving stack (or pool) within the websocket plugin.

    Any message received in the websocket is directly transfered to the array and later processed by the parsing process instead of being processed on reception with the risks of string change during processing.

    Nevertheless adding a reception stack to the websocket plugin itself is indeed a good idea and hopefully will be considered by Zack0.

  • "Set the cell size to <i>{0}X{0}px</i>"

    {0} is the cell side size (which gives the height and width of the cell).

    And I'd really rather avoid to ask again for the same value to the user as a {1}.

    Looks like there is no workaround this one though other than changing the description and reversing it to a "Set the cell side size to {0}" which is maybe not as visual/immediate compared to the "vXv" format.

  • Everything was working fine, untill i realised that Aces are 1 or 11 !!!

    Hehehe, you might have gone for a red dog rather than a blackjack. ;)

    Rules seem easier to implement to me, and the game is still fun.

    Nice graphics/render.

  • Your 'id:' should be "demo" or your folder's name should be "Demo".

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  • The answer was in the quote and on wikipedia.

    Html5 audio support is a mess and html5 video support is even worse.

  • In fact, your question 1 is resolved by the context of your question 2. ^^

    As you are making a plugin, there will soon be a parsing system if you distribute it (post it on this forum for the community) once it is done.

    Events can take parameters. Check out other plugins' edittime.js at the "section" Conditions. Each condition, before the AddCondition() function has several lines to add parameters (check text plugin for example, or mouse).

    The "multiple messages reception" part could be resolved by a reception pool.

    Theory would be (I can't download the plugin now, the link seems dead/off):

    Add an array to your project

    Add a global variable "step"

    Socket=>"on reception" (something like that, I can't have the plugin under my eyes)

    ..array. Set at X (where X is global step), value Socket.LastDataReceived

    ..array. Set size to X=step+1 ,Y=0,Z=0

    ..step. Add 1 to step

    Then you wouldn't get the datas to parse from Socket.LastDataReceived but from your array (array.get(x)).

    Once parsing is done, you'd remove the data from the array and substract 1 to step.

    Again, that's the theory.

  • I'd like, in the 5th parameter (Displayed action text in the event sheet) of AddAction(), to repeat twice the only param I'm asking for.

    I have put my text to


    Unfortunately after having set the param to 12, the display in construct is:


    What am I, or is there something, missing ?

  • And if you've read about how messy the situation is in HTML5 audio format support, it's even worse for video. So I don't think video is likely to be supported in C2 soon.

  • Take a fresh formated and reinstalled windows seven.

    It has HTML5 in Internet Explorer 9.

    Flash isn't supposed to be there, and the plugin needs to be downloaded and installed to be effective.

    Moreover one of the things that many people (including Scirra's members) expect that HTML5 will get rid of flash. (take over it in the mid to long term)

    Making a core/official plugin relying on flash defeats this purpose.