Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Event 2 remove the "trigger once" condition and add an action "set Other = 1" and you're set.

  • That's how events work.

    First of all, your link doesn't work.

    Then, events will trigger and their action will apply EVERY TIME their condition is true.

    If you check if the value of a global variable is 0, it will check it every tick. And every tick its condition is true, its action will be applied.

    In that case, use this variable only for this case (don't change its value anywhere else in the code) and simply make the first action of the event to modify the value from 0 to 1.

    This way, it will not execute again.

    Also beware if you reset global variable, then this event will trigger again.

  • AngelEyes: You can, no issue there.

    Just be sure to manage the shortcuts appropriately for you.

  • jayderyu: actually, your statement about the PC market not being robust for fighting games has to be tempered by the fact that there aren't so many fighting games available for PCs.

    For the longest time, the main "viable" one was MUGEN which wasn't really legal ^^

    Growing up I often regretted that not more fighting games were available on PCs, and with the recent arrival of SF4 (yeah I still consider it as recent), DiveKick, SkullGirls, the platform is developing for fighting games. (I let aside blaze blue "voluntary" I haven't played/checked it out and from what I understand it's a more ********** fighting game, pretty much the kind I couldn't get into as it would require too much involvement before being able to truly appreciate it/be good at).

    I'm not sure C2, ATM, is the best platform to develop one though (the previous network issues mentioned will require some strong technical work, I'm also not sure you can plug an arcade stick atm (at least mine doesn't seem to work last time I checked a few months ago) which will be kind of a barrier for FGC).

    Spriter is definitely a tool I would use to make such a game though, allowing to gain time on developing/implementing the characters, allowing to "move away" from rectangle hitbox from games like SF for example and provide something new. Nevertheless, like C2 and HTML5, Spriter is also a work in progress. The good news is that the development of the game could go along the one of C2/HTML5/Spriter and all could evolve nicely together.

    To get back to the game itself, there is still a big lack of informations to see if it is a viable project, yet I'm looking forward the next posts to see how it goes.

  • Having had a slow connexion for a long time, I understand the issue with the download size.

    As much as it true that since my access to a better bandwidth made me go and download bigger games (gigabytes yes) without a real issue, I understand how 60 megs for a tetris is a bit too much.

    Well, that's a technical obstacle there you have to cope with, and in the end you CAN'T please every one anyway.

    People with low bandwidth will pass on that Tetris. Be prepared to it, there's not much you can do about it, except maybe using another programming kit.

    And still you'll have some people having some other kind of issues.

  • NorrinRadd: No need to apologize, we're just discussing point of views.

    I'm a bit "jaded" since I've been using C2 for so long, some of its discovery joy burst have passed, but I concur on acknowledging its power and what it allows us to make.

  • ahr Ech: Nevermind, reading again what you wrote, it's obvious now that's what you were saying. It was "late", I got things messed up and misunderstood it, my bad.

  • AngelEyes: I can't remember exactly when this was introduced, but normally cloning an object type should not reset its properties/instance variables anymore.

    I can confirm in r143, cloning an object keeps the values you modified at least for its behaviors.

  • CocoonJS condition "Keyboard - On Input OK" ?

  • Please visit this should attribute the missing badges.

    If there is still an issue, post here with the most details possible so that Tom can investigate in need.

    Thanks <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Go check this should attribute the missing badges.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • elNighthawk: Maybe the 7z file was corrupted in which case you might want to try and download it again.

    Also, where do you try to unzip it ? Perhaps you don't have the rights to create new files in the very folder you're trying to unzip the archive.

  • Why would you want another way ?

  • ahr Ech: If I understand correctly you have event sheets with specificities according to each layout, and all those event sheets are included in a single main event sheet, right ?

    Why not do the opposite ?

    Have all the common mechanics in a "Common" event sheet and then have One event sheet per layout in which you can put the specifics but also include the "Common" event sheet ?

  • I've just tested and had a test in preview over lan, touch.x is supported without any issue in the cocoon launcher.

    Also, multitouch non-support is in the browser IIRC, it was a long time ago and possibly it now is supported.

    You probably should post your capx to see if the issue doesn't come from somewhere else.

    Here's my simple capx for the test.