Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Instead of modifying the speed to negative or not, you should rather set the angle of motion for the bullet behavior.

    0 to go right, 180 to go left.

    Also in event 5 adding a "Else" condition to make sure you are not piling conditions/events in the same tick. They could happen so fast you wouldn't know it.

    At least with the "Else" you are making sure it is either event 4 OR event 5 that is executing when all the conditions are met and not both in a row.

  • To the event "Cursor is over object" also add a condition "Is not playing "click" animation".

  • See the screenshot attached it's a working example for the "maxiBoton" that you can replicate to all other buttons.

    When the mouse is not over the object you also want to make sure that the "click" animation is not playing, otherwise you are replacing it with the "Default" animation right away.

    Also, you might want to check out that you can set a speed per frame which would allow you to not have several time the same frame repeating itself in the animation.

    Why have twice the same frame when you can have a single frame and set its individual speed to twice as long ?

    Thanks for the mention of my nickname in your credits, not to be picky but please be sure to fix the order of the "i" and the "y"

    For the facebook issue, it doesn't ring a bell right now so be sure to use the search function in the Tutorials section and see if anything shows up.

    Perhaps check also the "how do I" forum in case some topics might already deal with the issue as well.

  • With the informations given, that sounds like some kind of bug.

    UID is supposed to be unique for each instance on purpose.

    Ashley is this something you might want to investigate or would have an explanation for ?

    If he doesn't see this notice you could possible post a bug report and provide the capx at least to Ash.

  • Thanks for the clarification ASHLEY. Good to know I had the wrong information.

  • For the issue in the event 17 probably add a system condition "Trigger once while true", this should allow to execute the event 17 only once while its conditions are true and should have your sound only playing once/your range of action only playing once.

    For Arlys' issue, harder to tell without a capx to look at.

    Please provide a capx with your "three stages" issue for us to look at.

    Cute game otherwise.

  • Actually, C2 is capped at 60 FPS rendered, no matter what the power of the CPU is and what the refresh rate of the client's monitor is.

    Moreover I'm afraid you don't have a definite access to the information "Monitor refresh rate" from the browser/HTML5.

  • If you have a smaller scale, then your object may not be overlapping. And as such the code wouldn't work.

    Why would you want to change the collision box's scale ? Prefer to modify its size directly.

  • Still you need either to replicate the issue in a new capx if you don't want to publish the current capx, or just go and post your capx so we can investigate it further.

    There is nothing wrong with the few lines of code you've shown so far and we can't guess how you made your project.

    If you fear people stealing your project, don't fear.

    It's not working as intended at the moment anyway, so there's nothing to steal.

  • There was such a program a few years ago and Scirra decided to remove it.

  • The mail address is .

    Buying the license you should have had a Scirra reference payment, or at worst, a payment mail from paypal.

    Send those informations as well as the email you gave when buying your license.

    Make also sure to check out your spam/junk folder in case the mail ended up in that folder.

  • Follow Scirra on Twitter/Facebook/Google + if they go on sale they announce it there.

    As far as announced, no sales are planned at the moment.

    Be sure to check the bundles in the store as well, in case you would a bundle worth of throwing extra bucks in.

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  • I have edited this topic to remove the offline discussion.

    The main person have been contacted by PM on the best way for them to act.

    UnitDTH, your first post is not very clear, it would be better if you could post a capx and a clear explanation of what you are wanting to achieve, what you are currently achieving and how it defers from what you are expecting to do.

    This will allow us to give a better and more appropriate answer.

  • IE doesn't support the user media object.

    Crosswalk is only for android, nothing to see with Windows Phone.

  • There is a third-part plugin named Magic Cam that already does that to a certain extent.

    Otherwise, apply the "ScrollTo" behavior to a sprite object that you can name "Camera" and set to invisible and place every tick through events, best applied to the specific game you are making.