Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Actually IE allowing you to drag/drop buttons is a fault on IE's part. DOM elements are not supposed to act that way and that's why it doesn't work in FF and Chrome/NW.JS.

    So in the end, what are you really looking for ?

    A way to add format to the text object ? From the sound of it all you'd need is a background color, right ? Add a Sprite underneath the Text object, possibly use the Pin behavior, you are set.

  • From what you described, your first bit of code should allow to determine the "max_affix" (what the hell is an "affix" ?).

    Unless you post your capx, I'm afraid no one will be able to help out and tell what is going wrong.

  • Unfortunately, this is part of the browser itself and sounds like a feature that would be out of the scope of the sandbox/canvas the game is executed in.

  • Use the Touch plugin and the search function of the forums.

  • Tom: Asteroids has some issues it seems.

    There are reported errors in the browser's console in Chrome and FF.

    Firefox seems to report more errors (possibly still an issue with the webfonts loaded directly from Google's WebFont site) where Chrome does execute a bit more displaying the regular Text object in the project that will allow the player to input his name but the execution doesn't seem to go further than that.

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  • You all say this should work, and I also thought so, and it did for a bit, then started slowly dropping characters one by one.

    So it is fair to assume that you just messed up your code.

    Since the examples of code that were provided in this topic do work as intended.

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  • Here is a capx that seems to do what Megatronx described in his post on top of that page.

    No bug as far as I can tell, everything is working as intended.

    And obviously, you can't "set a timer in a for each loop". "On timer" is a trigger. It will be the event triggered first. You can't run a "for each" loop every tick and have it recognize a trigger event inside it. That's not how events work, and it's not specific to the Timer behavior.

    And no need to add a for each loop under it either, C2 does it internally (proof in my capx when you see the three workers you've created on the same tick moving away at the same time).

    It all sounds as unproper events rather than actual bugs in C2 itself. Without a capx to look into though, no way to tell for sure.

    Also if you try something like different tag names relying on the UID of the objects, it is just bad design on your part I'm afraid.

    It obviously can't work, since, as mentioned, you would indeed need to loop through each instance to get its UID, and it can't work with the trigger system.

    It's also, not required.

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  • The CSS file is not everything that's required, right ? There need some access to some .ttf file and whatnot.

    This is something that dropbox won't provide, as it would require public links to those files as well.

    And that's why providing ALL the files directly with the project sounds like a better idea.

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    lennaert: What do you mean ?

  • You'd better post your complete capx for this to see exactly how and where you set the webfont to be loaded (ie: is it in a "On start of layout" ?)

    I'm also not sure that dropbox is the most appropriate for this usage.

    You'd rather probably try to make your css file a project file.

    Perhaps this tutorial might be of help too.

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  • Your platform behavior needs not to have the "Default control" property to yes.

    You need to have a keyboard plugin added to your project.

    You need to have a Timer behavior added to your main character.

    You need two groups of events that serve as "inputs". One regular where each key down does simulate the correct control, one "Invert" where controls are inverted.

    On collision with the Curse, you deactivate the regular input group, activates the invert group and run the timer for the amount of time you want the controls to be inverted.

    Then when the times runs up, you activate/deactivate the input groups accordingly and you are done.

    See this example capx made in r203.

  • I invite you to check this tutorial that deals with HUD cooldown bars but is pretty much the global mechanic of what you are looking to do normally.

    Otherwise in the tutorials you could search for the keyword "Health bar" that also seems to give back a lot of results about using a bar.

    If this is still not what you are looking for, you should try to explain further the specific mechanic that you are looking for, as obviously when you say "progress bar" it sounds like you are expecting something that is not expected from people who already made tutorials on the subject.

    I hope this helps out.