Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Positionne l'"origin point" du sprite à gauche dans l'éditeur de sprite.

    Il va falloir ruser un peu à partir de là. Ajoute une "instance variable" de type boolean. Sa valeur par défaut "false".

    Dans le code, mets la condition "sprite.tavariableboolean est vraie" et en action Sprite.width = la largeur que tu veux atteindre * dt

    En sub-event vérifie que la largeur du sprite soit plus grande ou égale à la largeur que tu veux atteindre.

    En action de ce sub event Valeur de la variable boolean = false.

    Maintenant quand le joueur ajoute le sprite dans ton jeu au départ, fais en sorte que:

    * La largeur du sprite soit 0

    * La variable boolean du sprite soit mise à true.

    Et ça devrait faire l'effet escompté.

    Maintenant un mot de modération, ce forum est en Anglais. Si jamais tu ne sais pas le parler, mets quand même une traduction "Google translate" avec ton message.

    Et si tu sais vraiment pas parler Anglais, préfère alors aller sur le site de la communauté francophone de Construct.

    Merci d'avance


    Position the origin point to the left in the image editor.

    It will be a bit tricky from there. Add a boolean instance variable default value false.

    In the code, have an event with the condition "Sprite.BoolVar = true" and action Sprite.Width = Width to reach * dt

    As sub event check Sprite.Width >= Width to reach

    As action of that sub event Set Sprite width to desired width and set the boolean variable to false

    Finally, when the player spawns the sprite, sets its width to 0 and the boolean variable valyue to true.

    That should do the trick.

    A moderation word, these forums are in English. Always provide a translation with your messages in another language.

    If you don't know how to speak English and are fluent in French, consider checking French-speaking community's website.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Again, what you are referencing is a picking issue.

    The object type does exists in the project and is accessible. But on your actual layout there is no actual instance.

    Best way to understand it, add a "Wait 0 action" and copy the create action under it.

    Now you have two instances of Sprite in your layout and the second instance is positioned where you expect it.

    Because the second "Create" action DOES have an instance to reference (which the first does not).

    You are talking about clearer documentation, yet, and reread my previous messages that's what I've said all along, you're not using the correct vocabulary.

    You are talking about object (in C2's vocabulary object type) when it's all about instances.

    I'll amend the fact that indeed, the initial instance in the whole project is not "used", you need to have an instance in the current layout to reference it the way you are wanting to.

    But again, and in regards to how picking works, it's only logical.

  • Well according to your title and what I've understood from the first few posts, yes you can update a variable value according to an object count every tick.

    But your previous to last post started to describe a situation I'm not sure to understand and that seems to depend on the code you are using itself.

    To make a hair-stretched analogy: Is a car engine supposed to ignite when you throw gazoline through its designed circuit, yes.

    What does happen when you modify the circuit ? Well, it depends on the modification and the circuit itself, doesn't it ?

    Hence why you'd get a more definite answer and precise help displaying precisely the issue with the code you used.

  • It would just been easier if you would post the actual capx with a precise explanation of where the issue is instead of "let's say I'm using sheep"...

    With a precise issue and precise code that causes the issue it will be easier to give precise answers.

  • There has always been a "live chat" that is held on IRC in in the room #construct.

    At some point there was a chat applet on the website directly but it was taken down after a while along several modifications of the website and was never put back up since.

    The live chat still exists though, and most people connecting for the first time there are just doing so to ask their "how do I" question and "play my game".

    At least it was so when I used to idle there

  • Still prefer to post in the how do I to get confirmation first and providing your capx to just making sure you are having a correct and efficient implementation.

    From the description you just did, I did not understand what you are trying to achieve and what you are actually doing, it is easier to see an actual project and preview it for those kind of things.

  • What is the release number you are using ?

    Have you added the platform behavior to your object ?

  • zenox98: It doesn't, this is a third-part plugin, as such there is no official support for it, only its author's.

    Apparently the author's last connected 9 days ago, perhaps he's on holiday or something (there are some people on summer vacation in Europe currently).

    Keep us informed vuanhvan, perhaps it is just a delay (apparently looking at other posts in the topic, it seems to happen on a regular basis).

  • No capx/following the guidelines, no review of the issue.

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  • As mentioned, please provide a translation with any posts as the forums are international but still relying on English for a better moderation/comprehension.

    What staff are you referring to ? Certainly not Scirra, and as far as I'm aware, this is not sanctioned nor officially supported.

    Will it be easy to get the translation over several releases or will have users to stay on a specific release because it is the only one translated ?

    If the latter, than although I understand and appreciate the effort, it is in vain and will cause a lot of issues in the long run (bugs not fixed, features not available, etc...).

    If the translation can be version independent, perhaps it could be a good idea, although in the long run, the official documentation is still in English too.

    Warning, for anyone commenting further in this topic and not talking in or providing an English translation, your messages will simply be deleted.

  • The object must need to exist on the layout in question, not merely in the project.

    Still not exactly true and pretty confusing.

    An object type exists throughout the whole project.

    You can use the create action to create an instance of it in any layout, even in a layout that is different from the layout containing its initial instance.

    If what you mean is that you are having a blank layout (that currently contains no instances of any object type), but your project contains a SpriteA object type and a SpriteB object type that both have initial instances on another layout and in your blank layout you are using the create action to make a new instance of the SpriteA object type for example, and directly setting its width to be equal to SpriteB's width, obviously this won't work, since your layout does not contain any instances of the SpriteB. This is pretty normal related to how picking works though.

    The vocabulary you are using talking about object instead of instances is what makes your annotations confusing and slightly untrue.

  • Create Object: At the time of object creation, it doesn't have a height or width.

    That's absolutely untrue. It uses the height and width of the first instance created in your project.

    EDIT: The object type does have a width and height and creating an instance of that object type on any layout does create the instance with the expected width and height.

    The initial instance of the project does not actually play into effect in this.

    Using a sprite's size is not effective when creating it relative to other objects.

    You are trying to create several object types in the same tick and are facing the fact that actual instances are only created on the next tick.

  • Edelplastic: Make sure to put all string text between quotes ( "" ).

    In your first screenshot you need to check for the value "en-US" not en-US.

    Also, instead of "Compare two values: Browser.Language = Browser.language" you can have the action in a "On start of layout" system condition instead.

    Comparing if 0 is 0 every frame is not a good habit to take honestly. See how events work.

  • Use the "Load image from URL" action of the sprite object.

    The URL is the URL of the file itself and is the URL to any file you've hosted online for this purpose.

    If you don't know what an URL is I'd suggest you to first have a web search engine look at the meaning of this acronym in your language, this might help you.

  • Less than 24 hours bumps on topics are not a correct way to act in these forums. That is bad in this way.

    As zenox said, be patient and do some search on your own as well.

    Also simply asking the same question over and over again is not the best way to get answers. If you did not get some in the original topic, perhaps you are just asking the wrong question.

    1. You don't give enough informations. According to your other previous topics on the subject you were already answered on the subject, and still are asking the very same thing.

    Either post a project with a detailed and precise explanation of what you are doing, what you expect the code to be doing and what you are actually experiencing.

    As far as I can tell, using the "On end of layout" and "On start of layout" events should do the trick. If not, post the capx of your project so it can be reviewed, don't just create duplicate threads of the very same "question".

    2. You should actually ask this question directly in the topic for this plugin.

    3. This blog article contains links to tutorials on how to export using the actually supported method with Construct 2. Be sure to also implement and respect the performance and memory usage tips on your application.

    In preview you should also be able to check for errors in your browser which will give directions and clues on what is going wrong.