Kossad's Forum Posts

  • Hey Nepeo!

    I did not try it until you mentioned it, but it seems like the error message expression doesn't contain anything. Just empty string.

    I would just like to make sure Nepeo I've done stuff correctly.

    - I followed that tutorial which was mentioned above to get the proper ID's

    - I exported signed APK build to Google Play

    - Made an internal release of the game

    - Installed game

    And I have no proof that the configuration is responding in any way. Like, nothing. I have a feeling that I'm making something very "basic" wrong here, but can't just figure it out.

    Thanks in advance!



  • Greetings Javanie!

    Thanks for pointing that out, I have though followed this tutorial like a bible. Unfortunately without success.

  • Greetings!

    I've been trying to get the Mobile Advert working on my project. I've done this multiple times on different projects, but this time for some reason, I can not get the ads running.

    I've tried debugging it for some time and it seems like the whole Mobile Advert does not configure successfully.

    So when I try to check "is Configured" for Mobile Advert, it never triggers.

    I've checked the IDs multiple times that everything should be correct. So I've added the following ID's to the project:

    - Android Application ID

    - Publisher ID

    - Privacy Policy URL

    So when trying to set an event "is Configured" and hide an object when that happens, it never triggers. So it seems that the Mobile Advert is not configured? I guess it is supposed to be in order to get it working?

    And yes, I've built signed APKs to google play and it does not help.

    Any suggestions from anyone what should I still try to get it working? I'm pretty much out of ideas and thats why I'm here asking for help.

    Thanks for everyone in advance!



  • This right here:

    If you have a day job and do not depend on this one game you want to make, I'd say go for PC since that is what you prefer and like. Even if it flops you still have a job and a game you made your way. With mobile games if they flop ( most likely scenario ) you will have a bunch of flops and ****** games even you do not like.

    I totally agree with this and might even the final reason for me to start making PC games. In the end, making ANY money from mobile is rather hard and time consuming. If you just keep creating two week projects for mobile and drop those to the store and hope for the best, you will end up having pile of ****** games you don't even like.

    By the way guys, would be lovely to continue chatting on Discord. If you happen to use it, hop into our channel: discord.gg/hdZXeMJ

  • We just recently had two interviews with game developers, you can listen the podcasts here:

    JC: Game Developer Interview #1 - Bart Mamzer (Powerlust)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    JC: Game Developer Interview #2 - Caleb Smith

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And also we had a interview which you can read from our blog:


    Hope you enjoy the interviews! Remember to drop down to our Discord channel and say hi. :) discord.gg/hdZXeMJ

  • Jestercraft first Game Jam is ending in less than ten hours! You still have plenty of time to make a game and submit it to the jam. <3

    Remember, don't aim for perfection. Aim to complete something!


  • Hey everyone!

    Wanted to inform here as well, as it seems there is not much Construct 3 streams happening, we made our own!

    Next livestream is: November 20th Time: 20:00 - 22:00 (UTC +2) twitch.tv/jestercraft_tv

    We will be making a game from scratch with Construct 3, follow our channel and hop in tomorrow!

    Also if you use Discord, hop into our channel here: discord.gg/hdZXeMJ

  • Hey blackhornet!

    Thanks for the suggestions, I'm going to try those asap and see if it works.

  • Greetings everyone!

    For past couple of years, I've been learning to use Construct 3 to understand programming logic and how a game should be structured (in code). So far so good, the learning process has come into a situation, that I could actually start creating something "real". For now, I've been working as part of big or small teams, but this time it's just me.

    I've been in the game industry for almost ten years now working as an artist, designer, project manager, and producer but never had a chance to do programming. Of course, I've been releasing games for mobile and PC and see the "both sides" of the industry. Now, when thinking what kind of a game should I personally make, I'm struggling to make the right decision. ... Why?

    Game industry today is focusing more and more to mobile game development since that's where the money is. Of course, mobile is much more casual friendly, which in most cases means that the players are not seeking for "deep experiences" from the gameplay, it's more of a "something I can do while waiting for a bus" - a type of experience. PC gamers are the opposite, who seek deep experiences from their games and something, in which they can put hundreds or maybe thousands of hours of game time.

    I personally fit into the latter "focus group" and I'm always trying to seek that "one game" which I could dedicate my time to. I don't even know anyone, who plays casual mobile games, I personally don't play them and I have no idea what kind of person does so. So how could I be able to create entertaining casual mobile games, if I don't know anything about them and don't understand their player?

    I've been trying a different kind of casual game mechanics, but end up being uninspired from them and keep on thinking of different PC games I could be creating. So the question is, should I just go with PC games and do what I'm personally interested, or try to follow "the money" to mobile?

    What are your thoughts on this? When answering, stop for a moment and think that if you're supposed to make the living out of making games, what would be the best option and why? It's always easy to say "follow your dreams" and so forth, but in the end, it's not that simple. Or is it?

    And hey, if you make games as well, join my game jam next weekend! It's 24th of this month and will last for 24 hours! itch.io/jam/jestercraft-game-jam-1 Hope to see you jamming, have a great week!

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to figure out how to use 'or' blocks or expression properly. Can someone assist me, how this should be created because I couldn't make it work. (Examples below)

    Thank you!

  • Hey!

    Just noticed there is a separate thread for C3 Runtime so decided to drop couple of "questions"

    - I guess the C3 runtime is still less or more "in development" and stuff may not work the way it is intended? Even though it was added as the "default runtime" for new projects?

    - Exporting to Android seems to have some issues such as: text objects disappear, 9-patch objects disappear, the game crashes after ~30 seconds from start, performance is way worse than c2 runtime. So is this just me, or already known issues?

    - Everything works smoothly on desktop and with c2 runtime (even on mobile) but when switching, these problems start to appear. Should I write bug reports of these, or are these known already?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Just edited the forum post a little and added another tutorial which I just recently created. Check it out, would be great to hear your feedback!

    And yeah, remember to drop down to our Discord channel and say hi. :) discord.gg/hdZXeMJ

  • Hey everyone!

    Our small but growing community (we're close to 100 members!) is arranging its first game jam at the end of this month!

    Join the jam here: itch.io/jam/jestercraft-game-jam-1

    The theme is: MIX OF THREE (read more below)

    We would love to see more Construct game developers in the jam and remember to hop into our Discord channel to find team members and/or to meet passionate game developers, streamers and gamers.



    Pick three features from already existing games (or from one single game) and throw those into a same cooking pot. Mix, blend, shake, test and form your own version, by fading away the original idea of those features. Remember to write those three features down somewhere, when you start working with the project. When submitting the game, remember to include the original features and games to the description!

    You have 24 hours in total to develop the game! Don't over do it, try to have a clear plan how you're going to finish the game. Focus on those three features and make those as good as possible. Also reserve time for "polishing" to make the game feel like it's a small part of a bigger game, or maybe a "teaser demo" of a big title? Focus on these three topics for the development:

    Make three as polished features as possible.

    Try to make them feel original, add a personal twist to the original idea.

    Polish the game as much as possible! Make it feel like part of something bigger.


    Remember to keep the design simple. The goal of the jam is to be able to complete a game and train yourself to be better for future jams and game development in general.

    Stay focused and don't give up! Even if you don't complete your game as you intended it, it is still desirable to submit your unfinished game. The idea is to watch your progress, and give you something to compare your future work to, as well as give others encouragement or ideas for a game.

    Ask for help if needed. (In our Discord for example: discord.gg/hdZXeMJ ) that would enjoy helping you if you're stuck. All you have to do is ask.

    And most importantly, have fun! Because in the end, the product you're working with is supposed to be fun and entertaining. How could you create something like that, by not actually enjoying it?


    - Reusing existing code and assets is allowed

    - Use common sense for the graphics & tongue in your game what is appropriate and what is not

    - Follow the theme

    - Have fun!


    Discord: discord.gg/hdZXeMJ

    Facebook: www-facebook.com/Jestercraft

    Twitter: twitter.com/Jestercrafted

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/27001013

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hey!

    So yeah, finally got this working. Before switching to C3 runtime (from C2 runtime) I deleted all the arrays I had and also the LocalStorage plugin.

    After that, I changed to C3 runtime and just for sure, rebooted the engine (open - close). Then, I created the arrays again and also the LocalStorage plugin. Then basically re-created everything (mostly copy paste the events & actions from C2 runtime project) and it seemed like it still does not work.

    After testing out multiple different things, I'm pretty sure the conclusion is that in my C2 runtime project, I used an action "Insert new element" for my arrays. It didn't work the same way on C3 runtime, since it didn't add totally new elements. After switching to C3 runtime, I had to change the action to "Push new element" to get it working.

    After this, it started behaving like it should. So yeah, it seems I'm finally able to continue using C3 runtime!

    Unfortunately, this was not any type of "ultimate fix for the problem". More of a "try out a lot of stuff, lose the sense of time and space and end up having stuff working, without knowing why".

    Just wanted to type it here, if for some reason, someone else finds it useful. Probably not though.

  • Thanks for the answer! So you basically deleted the Local Storage from your project, added it again and created all the events from scratch? Just want to make sure that I understood right. :)