KENYONB's Forum Posts

  • Thanks dop2000 I ended up using still frames in one animation, but I will try this in another project and see if it works.

  • Name + Number works perfectly. Thanks tarek2 for the quick reply and example CAPX.

  • On Next pressed
    -> Sprite: Set frame to (self.animationframe+1)%self.Animationframecount
    On Prev pressed
    -> Sprite: Set frame to self.animationframe = 0 ? self.Animationframecount-1 : self.frame-1

    The code above allows me to advance to the next animation frame and previous by frame number. But how can I do something like this, but advance to the next animation if all animations are numbered sequentially?

    I want to create a character select screen that cycles through characters with a button on left for PREVIOUS and button on right for NEXT, but if I use animation frames then the characters are static. If I can use animations, then they can be animated (obviously).

    Is this possible?

  • On Next pressed
    -> Sprite: Set frame to (self.frame+1)%self.Animationframecount
    On Prev pressed
    -> Sprite: Set frame to self.frame = 0 ? self.Animationframecount-1 : self.frame-1

    Should work fine

    Thanks. This helped me. But how can I do something like this, but advance to the next animation if all animations are numbered sequentially?

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  • I like the on hover effect of the Construct logo (upper left corner). The shrinking and slight pause during rotation is a nice touch. Just thought I'd say good job to whoever added the extra details.

  • excellent. thank you.

  • Sounds good Nepeo Looking forward to trying it out. Can you reply here after your add it to a beta version in car I miss it in the release notes?

  • Did everyone receive this email the other day?

    Do we know when it will be available and when it will be added to C3? The new user metrics sounds like a nice feature.


  • > let's spread the word for more votes!

    Yeah man Facebook, Twitter, youtube etc...hehe

    To be honest we should get some of the votes from the Pull that made 40+ that will be fair for us as it took one year almost to collect those 40+ votes we shouldn't have to start from the beginning but heee that's Life in it :)

    Agreed. They really should reopen that idea and unmerge from Tween and merge with the new idea.

  • Ashley fixed the Set Angle bug for bullet in r130

    So now it behaves just like C2 runtime as expected.

  • let's spread the word for more votes!

  • But don't take my word as 100% accurate as this is just me guessing I would love to hear the proper explanation of why from one of the Scirra Team

    I think it might be a bug. Events should override the set angle tick. but hopefully I get an answer from my bug report sometime this week. We'll see.

    Awesome Thank you mate,

    I also hope this Time they include it as the last Pull Voting for MoveTo if I remember correctly it riched up to 40+Votes, it's definitely very useful and I see very often people asking for it here around the Forums.

    Mee too and I remember! I requested the official Move To behavior before they merged it with Tween:

    I was disappointed when they merged it with Tween. Move To was just perfect for what it was. It cut the number of events in half in order to do the boomerang effect in my example file. We'll see what happens.

  • KENYONB You forgot to untick the Bullet properties >>>Set Angle

    If you untick that it should work on both C2/c3

    About MoveTo:

    -chadorireborn Ported to C3 Run Time it was just one feature missing the Target by UID

    -Swell if you are interested you can vote on here for MoveTo to be included on C3 as stand-alone Behaviour

    I dont why it keeps replacing the Link so I will posted normal

    tarek2 you're right. un-ticking Set Angle fixes it. THANK YOU.

    but why does my current setup work on C2 runtime and not C3 runtime?

    and yes, I agree Move To should be separate from Tween in C3 and added as its own standalone behavior. Rex's Move To was so useful and I miss it. I've voted. I hope the Construct crew will listen and add it.

    Thanks again for the quick help.

  • I filed a bug report for this, but maybe someone can have a look at my events and let me know if I am doing something wrong.

    I was using Rex's Move To plugin, but removed it and replaced with standard events since it was not going to be supported with the new C3 runtime.

    The series of events is working perfectly in C2 runtime, but when you enable C3 runtime, it doesn't work at all. Hopefully it is a bug that can be fixed, but if someone sees something funky with my events, let me know.

    Bug report on Github is here:

  • makes sense Laura_D thanks for the quick reply!