justifun's Forum Posts

  • Yeah being able to save and load the state would be awesome. Can't wait to show you what I have made so far with the plug in. It's been a lot of fun.

  • the MyVar& is your number variable that you are combining with the "name of player"

    so simply make it.

    set text . text = nameofplayer

  • you need to remove the extra quotes and & you have around your text strings

    wrong:set text.text= "&myvar&"&nameofplayer&"

    right:set text.text= myvar&nameofplayer

  • On ball collision with square

    (sub event) compare 2 values ball.x > square.x -> destroy ball 3

    (sub event) compare 2 values ball.x < square.x -> destroy ball 1

  • If all of your objects are in a family, you can do this

    on touched "FamilyOfObjects"

    (second condition) Pick Top Instance -> FamilyOfObjects - set opacity to 50

    it will only pick the highest object in the stack that was touched.

    Pick top/bottom instance is found in the very bottom right of the event actions btw.

  • i suggest you try the beginner tutorials out first to get a better understanding of everything though.

    but to make the dinosaur do something when he gets within a certain distance of the player

    compare 2 values - > distance(dinosaur.x, dinosaur.y, player.x, player.y) < 100 -> (action) insert whatever you want the dinosaur to do here once the distance of the dinosaur is less then 100 units in this case

  • D key is down - > set animation to walk

    D key is released -> set animation to idle

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  • By looking it up i used the search function and searched for "converting gamepad axis to 360 degrees and someone had posted that math equation. I suck at math so i dont know why it works, but it does

  • Ok i looked it up, the fancy math way is

    Every tick set text.text to (angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1)) % 360 + 360) % 360

    that gives you a value of the gamepad thumbstick axis between 0-360

    but the rectangle method as described above is easier to wrap your head around probably

  • angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1)) is the angle of the left thumbstick

    so you can set and invisible sprite object to that angle every tick

    every tick - set sprite angle to angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1))

    then if you check the angle of that sprite eg: it will give you a value between 0 and 360 degrees

    you can then divide that angle by 12 or however many slices as you need

    The easiest way for a GTA type circle weapon picking thing would be to create a invisible rectangle with a pivot point at one end. Place it in the center of your selection ring.

    then use

    every tick set rectangle angle to angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1))

    on button press if rectangle is overlapping circle piece, then select that weapon.

    use it as a cursor of sorts to pick which slice is selected.

    this way you dont have to deal with any math either.. (i'm sure there's a fancier mathematical way to do this)

  • mneilly - can you post the capx of the modified autorunner template plz?

  • Here's the links

    Firebase plugin:https://www.scirra.com/forum/plugin-firebase_t121776?&hilit=%5Bplugin%5Dfirebase

    and specifically the parse authentication plugin

    http://c2rexplugins.weebly.com/rex_pars ... ation.html

  • Check out [plugin] firebase by rex. using the parse functionality in the plugin its pretty easy to set that up, i did it in like an hour

    there's a "Parse Authentication" example that basically sets it all up for you.

  • I still dont quite understand how this is working.

    Here's a version of what i posted that DOES work as desired.

    If i modify disable either of the "Set IsAnyGroupActive to 0" then it all breaks

    In my head here's how i think its working.

    The game starts off picking a random wave value (1 2 or 3)

    eg: 1

    Event 4 checks if wave = 1 AND if isAnyGroupActive is 0 and starts processing those actions

    We now set isAnyGroupActive to 1 so that it wont process wave 1 the time it loops through the event sheet again (and theoretically stay processing whatever is going on in wave 1

    but then we have it setting isAnyGroupActive immediately to zero again

    so im confused.

    they way i thought it should be setup was that you would only need to change isAnyGroupActive to 1 once. Then the logic would stay processing in wave 1 until you changed it back to zero at a later point (perhaps after a keypress or something)

    But how / why does making it a value of 1 then 0 immediately make this work?

    thx CJK

  • you can have an event that re positions it on every tick. make an invisible sprite called "center" then it will always remain in the center if you use the the position code as stated above, and you can align other objects to it as necessary.