joelmayer's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys thanks for all the replies!

    I think i found a solution using Arrays, seems i was kinda stupid plus even though i used Construct intensely for a while now, still learning ;) Will definitely keep an eye on JSON to learn further down the line but i think i found a way of doing it with Arrays. Now if only there was a way to import my CSV to the Array editor :D

    EDIT: Actually, this is slightly off-topic, but i got another question regarding the Array Editor:

    Since i'm having all my dialogue proofread and everything, to send it to an external translator it would of course be much more convenient to be able to export this JSON as a CSV, so, same story again :D Anyone having any experience with a good tool to convert the Array JSON to CSV and back?

  • Hi there!

    I'm currently in the process of deprecating some 3rd party plugins from my game so i can move over to the new C3 runtime. One of which is rex's CSV addon, which served me greatly in the past to call DialogueLines for Cutscenes in my game.

    Why not just use an array?

    Now, people often suggest i should just use an array and the array editor but here's the problem:

    I tried that but i can only call upon data based on an Index value whereas with the CSV Addon i can call upon date based on their column- and row-names. So let's say i have Dialogue_Line_1 through 8. I just call upon a variable that determines the dialogue name and add a "_1" to it. So it always starts the right one. Each dialogue line then calls a function when the user presses space. That can either be advancing to the next line or ending the dialogue or whatever function you might want (i.e. the character moving around the screen after a dialogue has ended etc.).

    Now let's assume i've written 300 lines of dialogue (which is what i about have by now) and want to add a line to the Dialogue_1 row. I just insert a row, renumber the cells in the csv and everything still works, because it calls upon the Cell Name and not an index. If i would do this in an array, it would obviously screw up the index numbers of all following lines of dialogues and i would have to go through the entire game and renumber the index which is being called upon. This, of course, is very unfeasable. So CSV worked really great for me thus far.

    Now to the actual Question:

    I've seen some CSV to JSON converters online. Is there a way, with which i could use the new JSON addon to call upon individual "cells" of the csv (now in JSON) form? In that case, i wouldn't need the CSV addon anymore. Unfortunately, i have zero experience with any JSON addon from Construct and the documentation for it doesn't seem to be available by now.

    Hope this makes sense and i'd be glad to elaborate if something's unclear. Kind of a difficult problem to explain but maybe someone can just give me a crash rundown on how to use the JSON addon (calling upon data (i think i would need the Get Path or something?)etc.) and i might be able to figure it out myself :)

    Thank you in advance!

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  • Really looking forward to the timeline feature!

  • Oooh phew, then it's no worry :D Sorry for the panic!

  • One more thing Joel Purgatory looks cool. Are you making it with c3, c2 or some other engine?

    Hey thanks! It's all C3 :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • And therein lies the issue as to why devs and businesses cannot rely on C3 as a serious tool.

    I'm a dev and it works totally fine for me. Again, it all comes down to where your priorities and personal experiences or wishes for improvements etc. lie.

    Which goes back to the obvious answer to the question whether a subscription is worth it to you or not: only you can decide that for yourself and if you feel like it is not, then by all means, look for a tool that better suits your need or where you feel you'll have a happier experience.

    Also: when you're a business that has the financial turnover to rent offices and employ people, you're probably in a position where you'd want to move on from C3 anyway, since you're going to hire programmers and will use the tools that they're most familiar with. That's why i think it's so hard comparing one to the other because they all serve different purposes and different demographics.

    But yea, i'll leave it at that now ;)

  • Also, Scirra supporters keep harping back to the subscription model allowing for faster updates and implementation of new features. If so, could you please explain why we have been waiting MONTHS for implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) functionality so that we can list our apps on the Apple market?

    Can't tell you about the inner workings of the company as i not partake in it. Maybe because there are like 30 different threads on this forum about 30 different things to implement all with the same urgency?

    And i just wanted to add, i find it quite counterproductive to split up a community in apologists and more critical consumer-freedom movements. As if i never had any concerns to voice, which i do. This paints like the light as if users who are positive about the software somehow are conspiring of keeping others from their well-deserved features.

    Really sorry about your subscription ticking away.


  • Well if you want to hear people's opinions, then let me say, i absolutely support the subscription and can understand why it was installed in the first place.

    People really do need to start kinda understanding how businesses operate and that you basically can't run a business with products where you pay once for years of support and free updates anymore especially since software nowadays isn't just the program itself anymore but, especially in case of web based applications, has ongoing costs like server fees etc.

    So on the one hand there's a high demand in the community for frequent updates, new features, better support etc. on the other hand people really don't want to pay much for it. This is by the way the EXACT same problem the game industry faces right now. People don't value digital products very much even though just as many man hours went into the creation often times as with any consumer good.

    So back when C2 was made it was basically Ashley and his brother doing all the work and the one-off fee was enough to sustain them. Now with C3 they seek to expand plus it has advanced to a web app so there are more cost evolved PLUS the company has grown and it's not just two people anymore. Last time i checked, talented programmers in this world wouldn't work for free.

    As of the question of hobbyists etc.: well i see it like this: if you're part of a soccer club, you can expect to probably pay more than 90 bucks of member fees to the club each year. Or have you ever subscribed to a gym? That's Construct 3 ten times over for a year. Wanna play online games on the Playstation? There you go, PS+ account. Going to Design school like myself and need Adobe's software packages? Subscription. And so on and so on...

    Not every hobby is for free either and i really think that it's not like people get their dreams crushed because of C3 going subscription based, it is as Tom said, all a matter of you own personal view. IF you really just want to tinker around with game making from time to time well, gee, luckily there are TONS of choices out there and even a lot of free ones. From GDevelop to Godot, it all has you covered.

    So sorry if this might come off as being harsh, but i feel like if people would spend the time they took to complain about pricing of a product to just use something different and actually MAKE games, they would probably get much closer to where they want to be.

    So C3 is what it is. With all its benefits and all its shortcomings. And the price is 90 dollars a year. For me personally, that's totally worth it. I have a fulltime job next to part time school, so i can afford it but i want to make game making my career and it's only natural that with any "business venture" you start, you better plan for some investments.

    But ask 100 different people and you'll probably get 100 different opinions, i just find it pretty amazing that this topic still shows up after having been discussed in several threads already and the reasons why Scirra went that route are pretty clear. I also find it kind of interesting, that many assume that this is like a bad business decision on their part when in reality they were able to hire more people because of it and we get faster development cycles on the App, the web services and the website now. There are enough users who think it's worth it to them and for anyone else the only other option is another service that seems fairer to them. It's kinda that simple.

    Peace and love!

  • If it happens with the C3 runtime, that's hardly beta yet so i wouldn't be surprised if there are still a few kinks to iron out ;) For anything else, i'm sure there will be a fix for it soon.

  • This is extremely bad news for people doing adventure games since there are a lot of layout changes and a lot of instances where there might be a cutscene at a beginning of a layout where no input action is required by the user. Adding a press to continue or whatever to every new layout pretty much makes for an annoying user experience.

    Also i noticed atm when using a Gamepad instead of Keyboard Input, Music will basically never start playing at all unless you click or use the keyboard. This is unfortunate, but maybe something Google can do something about?

    Really too bad i was hoping to maybe make a browser version of my game as well...

    EDIT: Just to make sure i understand correctly, are we talking about touching the screen ONCE for a game or of touching the screen each time a new layout is loaded? Because the former is already the case in NW.js and that i can live with.

    Referring to this (admittedly old) thread where Alex Francois had a similiar problem with users having to touch the screen in every layout before any streamed audio started playing:

  • Is this for mobile browsers only? We have the limitation in nw.js as well but you only have to touch once for the whole game. Is this still the case? Or do you have to touch for each new layout?

  • I had a convention a few months ago and had the game running on Mac and Linux without any problem so should work fine on Steam. I can't really talk mobile since i have no experience but heard there were some difficulties for some developers. However, there's the new runtime coming very soon that brings significant performance boosts as well as running in a web worker to avoid any glitches coming from the chrome browser. Check out the recent blog posts for more infos.

    So Construct is a HTML5 engine with all its pro's and cons and as with any engine you have to be aware to optimize where you can. BUT of all HTML5 engines it's surely the fastest and most advanced one so give it a go and see how it works for you. Personally, i totally love it and it enabled me to make my game (in progress) and am still in awe how many things that are quite complicated i'm able to do that would've probably been impossible for me as a non-coder in that short amount of time in any other engine.

    I will release my game on Steam once its finished and am pretty confident it will all work out well. I'm from the adventure game scene so i really only know games from that area but there's "The Slaughter" and "Tokyo Dark", both of which are available on Steam. I think the Slaughter has a mobile version as well.

    I won't lie though i have heard some things that make me uncomfortable as well such as Streamers having trouble with nw.js showing up correctly with various video capturing software. Since my game is probably around a year off i hope that such things get gradually less. So yeah you win some you lose some but for me i think the positives outweigh the negatives, at least for this particular project. There is no perfect engine and i would evaluate them depending on each project. If you're a beginner, then i would suggest making small, gamejam style games at first anyway and for that Construct is more than perfect :)

  • Very cool, thanks for posting! I think Scirra/ Ashley should definitely state their case as a technology company, when the pitching sessions start. We're at almost 500 signatures on the petition ^^

  • Nice idea! Here's mine: