jobel's Forum Posts

  • you can do

    if input = 123


    if input = 2414 then ....


    if input = 432 then ....


    do something

    each one will be nested.

  • actually, maybe you could make an empty object and just make a bunch of copies. then just place them on top of the arrow.. then do a For Each and if one is false then the player didn't trace it correctly.

  • never did anything like it.. but here's a guess...

    maybe you can split the arrow image (that the player will trace) in to separate sprites. then do a IsTouchingObject for each sprite..set an instance boolean to say it was touched. then on Touch End check if all the bools are true.. if not then the player didn't do it right else they did.

    since it's the whole object that's eligble to be touched (and not a hitbox).. the difficulty will be in how many pieces you break the arrow into...

  • I downloaded your latest NW.js but it still wasn't full screen... did you do Browser Object-> Request Fullscreen ?

    also it's still "windowed".. not sure if that will make a difference. I was able to maximize it, but technically that's not fullscreen.

  • use dt (delta time)... which is relative to each computer

  • oh also.. NW.js 10.5 FPS a constant 60, MEM USE never went over 16MBs which makes sense since your assets are so small.

    CPU stayed around 25/35 occasionally going to 40 for a second or so... I don't think you have anything to worry about performance-wise from what I've seen.

    you are targeting desktops right?

  • I played it for about 20 minutes..

    all the art and animation is super polished, so it's hard not to treat it like a finished game... usually at this stage there's mostly temp art!

    anyways.. I really love the game, seems really great. I got excellent performance on my modest desktop AMD 4GB ram, 2GB gpu. But I wasn't able to see the game fullscreen, currently it's I think that will be a different test when you are able to play it at fullscreen.

    for having a healthbar it seems you have a lot of insta-death situations: hopping on the floating bubbles, falling too far, floor flame and pits (although the last one makes more sense).

    I also didn't think the elevator controls weren't intuitive.. it took me a sec to realize I had to push down to descend. too bad you don't have an "action" button.

    it would be great if you implemented a "look" feature with the right analog stick, allowing you to move the camera down a little and see whats below you (an endless pit or a platform).

    I didn't get that far, I died too many times. I can try again though this weekend.

    good job so far..

  • it would be nice if sfx audio was only loaded into memory only if it is used in a particular layout and then upon ending the layout it was unloaded from memory. Although you should be able to make your audio global as well - in that case it would stay loaded the uptime of the entire game.

    to actually have a "free" or unload Action is probably more than most need...and would be a little out of place since there are currently no other memory management actions in C2.

  • (which doesn't always empty at the most opportune times).

    are you saying it does empty at some point? I thought all audio stayed loaded throughout the game.

  • hard to tell... check your events.. do you have any waits before you start your music?

    How big is the music file? shouldn't take more than a couple seconds to start streaming it.

    Confirm that the music in the 'Music' folder and not in the 'Sounds' folder.

  • well I wouldn't say equal to exactly "1"..since it's probably not returning a whole number..there are decimals places..

    so maybe do round(Audio.PlaybackTime("Historia") or rather >= (greater than or equal) to 1.

  • the Browser object might have some options.. other than that maybe there's a plug-in someone wrote to do it...

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  • when you start the audio are you giving it a tag?

  • 2048 seems like a lot of parts since that doesn't include background art (or does it?) I guess it depends on the overall size.

    the compression (PNG) is irrelevant as the images are uncompressed in memory for each Layout.

    Try to reuse sprites wherever possible is good practice.

    during your game print this to the screen to see how much memory you are using for images:

    Set Text to "MEM Usage:" & ImageMemoryUsage

  • do you mean like a menu system?

    you can do it, but you have to "fake" it. Meaning, not actually scroll the screen, but rather scroll the items.

    so if your window only can fit 5 items.. and you have 7 items.

    you start with:






    and if the player pushes the down direction once, you show:






    and pushes down again show:






    so you can just make empty box slots on your screen and On Start of Layout loop through them and put the level sprites on top of them depending on where the player is in the menu system.