jbr190's Forum Posts

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  • I'd fund it. Features>Graphics

  • First impression:




    -I think MAYBE the collision on the back of PLAYERS car should be a little more forgiving, at least starting out. Most of my deaths on my first few matches were from switching lanes when I thought I was safe, but the back of my car hits the front of the passing car. I thought I was safe, that's why I turned! I think new players will have the same problem on the first 3 games and get immediately frustrated. But after 2-3 games I got used to it and from then on, my next 10 games and losses were from legitimate crashes into vehicles. So yeah, maybe a slight modification, or perhaps it's not worth it.

    -The arrows on the title screen seem like they would do something, but they don't.

    -I think a switching lanes animation will take the game to the next level and have it on par with the quality of the UI. I imagine something like [on left= change angle 88, wait 0.05, change angle 86, wait 0.05, change angle 84, ect. ect. until you reach 70 or 75. You could also do increments of 5 for less smooth animation. but importantly at the end of that series adjust it back to strait up 90, but IT HAS TO BE at a faster rate. So as a result of all that, your car ends up with what can be described as a 'Swurve' or 'quick turn' animation. I'm still a noob, but that's how I would do it. It's just a quick smooth SUBTLE animation but it adds to the polish, and your game is no longer 'Press left to TELEPORT into the next lane' -Another subtle animation to trigger on either only the player car OR both the player car and the car that was wrecked into. I would simply take the sprite into photoshop and make 3 or more iterations. First slightly damaged, second more crunched, 3rd destroyed. So together it becomes a little animation. To have the crunching effect maybe you can add 'cracks' to the car at 50% translucency and skew and resize the front of the car to make it more and more 'flat' for each frame and the end frame your car is 60% of it's normal size since it's crunched up from crashing. So you make the animaton trigger in Construct, and just add 'wait 0.5' seconds before destroying both sprites and maybe another 'wait' before making the explosion happen. Anyway, cool game. I think we have something in common that we both have those clean UI skills before any game making even comes into play.

  • What's the most fun Construct2 game that you've ever played?

    Your own game doesn't count.

    Have you ever ran into an example file that turned out to be more fun than expected?

    Were you ever inspired by the content a full-release construct game?

    I have to elect the arcade game 'Heads will roll' by levelupjordan

    scirra.com/arcade/addicting- ... -will-roll

    I've been checking out C2 games for almost a year, but I got lost in how fun this one game is. It's like breakout mixed with a platformer. A little polish and I think it can be the next big game. Pure fun.

  • Wow, what a creative workaround for a random dungeon generator!!

    Thanks for taking the time to explain the concept so others can use the idea in their own games!

  • Wow, that's fantastic! I REALLY appreciate the time you took to explain it!

    Your effort won't go to waste, I will carry this information on all my projects

  • Congrats on finishing a pretty fun game!

  • Discmach,

    I'm interested in purchasing your game. Has it been released anywhere yet?

    I don't have enough rep to PM. Check my bio for my contact or leave a response on this topic & provide another way to contact you so we can talk about the pricing. The same goes for anyone else, I'll be watching this topic. Thankies!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Picture Below.

    Orange square is the player. Gray is a building and all 20 buildings are 1 sprite copied over and over. When the pink AI collides with the player, there are 2 different choices. One choice is supposed to turn a single random building green, the other turns a single random building red.

    Do I have to create 20 different sprites for the buildings, 20 for green, and 20 for red? Or is there a simpler way to do it? The game ends when there are no longer any gray buildings left, and ending message depends on the number of red and green buildings on the board, different message for different amounts. Do I create 60 seperate sprites or is there an easier way? Any tips are Much Appreciated!

  • Pretty fun game, and good art!

    It's solid.

    My only criticisms are:

    -The jump-down dash needs a cooldown. Accidentally double-dash-dying and losing 2 lives is frustrating.

    -Less jewels and more minimalist (Only with the the main collectables) and all different colors is off-putting and they are en-masse, I'm not sure with my brief playthrough if it's possible to collect them all.

    You can imagine a scenario where the player collects them all in a row but one. Well, I was perfect enough but my very slight direction made me miss that one out of fifteen that were on screen.

  • Here are my first impressions as a new player:

    -I have no problem with the Enter to skip cutscenes because the game tells me I can do it in huge letters

    -Start Screen is very plain.

    -At the start of the game, the instructions are helpful at the bottom.

    -The Main Character, Background, Ground, and UI look very good.

    -The first blocks that you have to jump over have completely different art and kind of feel out of place

    That's it for now, nice game!