Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Happens here too!

  • Candescence It's easier than you'd think to make multiplayer. You could have as many different players as you desire using only one set of sensors (each player would have their own "Player" sensor, but all the slopes, walls, ceiling censors). In the most simplist way, it would literally require a "ForEach" loop that sends a function that does all the movement events, with a function parameter of the Player's UID. Sure there might be a hickup or two, but trust me, it's very straight forwards (a lot more straightforward than optimisation stuff!).

    Listen to tulamide! Don't abandon this, you've managed to get very far already, it's further than I ever got in my few attempts of making a "Sonic" engine in C2 (I have tried a few times and only end up making a ball that can walk up slopes and stick to them using trig, then I gave up lol). If you're stuck, just keep asking questions on here, people here love to help others :P

  • I remember using Sonic Worlds a lot when I used to use MMF2!

    Looking at this capx reminds me EXACTLY of the layout of the events from the MMF2 Sonic Worlds.

    Not that I'm exactly genius on all of this, but I can see a lot of events that are very badly optimised (the same things jayderyu picked up on).

    Mostly avoid repeated Collision checks. I know it's difficult to sparse collisions, but some checks aren't necessary, such as, whilst Sonic is moving right (XSpeed>0), it's not really needed to check the "Left" sensor if it's overlapping a wall (Sure, it could create problems such as if a moving wall was coming towards sonic whilst he's moving right slowly, it may not push him, but I'm thinking "Basic" Sonic engine :P )

    "Every Tick" with lots of math involving Sin and Cos, probably is a bit overly taxing on the CPU (Even general calculators lag for seconds when you do multiple sin calculations in one go), I guess to avoid that though is a bit complicated, as Sonic needs to detect stuff constantly as he's running.

    I haven't got time to analyse or write any more right now :( but I hope I gave some sort of useful insight!

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  • Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing this!

  • It would be a simple fix I reckon. Add a new event sheet called "Player Control", put your group in there, then wherever you need your "Player Control" group pasted, just include the event sheet instead of pasting the group. Don't you ever find yourself editing each group when you decide to update the Player Control events? Doing this method causes you to only have to edit the events once :P

    I used to come from a similar background of copypasting stuff like that, but trust me, once you adapt to this, you'll never want to go back!

  • Before the action "Set time scale to 1.0", put a "Wait 0" action. :)

  • Well, say for example you're using the animation "Attack", in which, you have events prepared for damaging, such as;

    On Collisions Player + Enemy

    +Is "Attack" animation playing

    +Is Frame 5 playing

    • Do damage

    Then making "Cancelling" would be a breeze! Simply detect the jump ("Has Space key been pressed?", "On Jump" in platform behaviour), set animation to "Jump", thus cancelling the rest of the Attack animation!

  • The "bumped off construct server" thing happens a lot around here, I've grown used to it :P

    And well, you don't need to install any software for Dropbox, googledrive, ect. Signing up for one and using their web services, you can upload a file and get a link. (I use dropbox, you could sign up for that, login on their website, go into your "Public" folder, upload a file, then right click the file to get a "Public link".) :)

  • Maybe it's the web browser you are previewing in, trying to create the right-click menu. Try previewing in a different browser :P

  • Oh, I see what the problem is now! I tried the Alt code (Alt+013) for newline directly in the editor but that didn't work. I don't think this will really be rectifiable.

    If I had to give a piece of advice when working with large amounts of text, it would be to write it all in a .txt and load it into the "Files" section of your project and call on it when you need to read text (I haven't really done this before, but Ashley has advised it on people before when handling text)

    Either that, or have a ' Start Of Layout> Set Variable 1 to "firstline"&newline&"secondline" '.

    Hope I was of help!

  • I'm not sure what outcome you are getting, but looking at the first post, Variable2 would be correct. If you're outcome is that you are only seeing "first line" with no second line, then you should try resizing your Text objects' height in the layout editor or in an event!

  • Do it via numbers! All layers automatically get assigned a number. (Create on layer 0 for the topmost i think) :)

  • mindfaQ

    Very true! Though having Youtube makes pretty much everything available to listen to for free :P


    Nice playlist! I recognise a lot of the music you have in it, nice variety of different genres too! I grinned when I saw "The Beach - All Saints - Pure Shores" amongst all of the other music, I like the song, but it feels out of place with all the other music <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Your channels recent activity mentions Dan Bull. Not sure if you listen to him as much, but I'm a fan of him myself! I don't find myself listening to his music whilst developing though, I feel that rap music makes it more difficult to concentrate with short-term memory stuff, but hey that's just me :P

  • mindfaQ

    Haha I listen to Portal 2 soundtrack aswell! Very satisfying to listen to when trying to concentrate :P


    I like NOFX and Pennywise too! Do you listen to "Social Distortion" or "Bad Religion"? I discovered NOFX and Pennywise through them :P

  • Huzzah! <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />