Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Beaverlicious

    WAR OF THE MONSTERS! I loved that game so much, it was so different and was awesome to play with 2 players on!


    MapleStory! I am from the UK but still have a Global account since I made one before MapleEurope existed. So addicting. I actually set out to make a fangame of it in Construct 2 (Vid

    if you're interested) but gave up on it Not sure how I feel about the amount of jobs that have been added though lol

    Okok anyway, my list in no particular order...

    1. Team Fortress 2

    2. Left 4 Dead (and 2)

    3. Portal (and 2)

    4. Sonic series

    5. MapleStory

    6. GTA SA (Especially the multiplayer mod, SAMP)

    7. Ape Escape

    8. Jak 3

    9. StepMania

    10. PaRappa the Rapper

  • Hey there!

    I have been intensely trying to work with the limitations of the Physics behaviour's collision system and have come to a point where I'm certain I need a little bit of extra functionality. I am offering £10 (or hopefully a little bit more) via PayPal as a donation for helping me out. Not sure if it's considered fair for the work required or even much money. I'd have waited for the Scirra store business, but, well, perhaps this takes a while to develop and I could purchase it from the store when it gets released )

    [Below is a simplified hypothetical situation, not the actual situation I hope to use it for]

    Say we have "Item" which is a Sprite with Physics behaviour on it. We have "Ground" which is a immovable physics sprite, and we have "Hole" which is a simple square sprite that goes on the ground. Now, if Item is overlapping "Hole", I want it to disable collisions between Item and the ground.

    1st problem is a glitch that I have reported here and have been told that it can't be fixed. If the Physics object is close to a ground and becomes disabled to the ground, it won't take effect until the object moves a bit further. That's not the main problem though, I managed to create a strange workaround involving modifying the Physics behaviour's settings to allow assigning multiple Physics behaviour onto 1 Sprite. It works, but if this could be somehow worked around without needing a 2nd physics behaviour, that'd be awesome. ^^

    So say we have done my workaround, this means my item will correctly collide with the hole and fall through it (sometimes the physics behaviour will react first in this scenario and will bounce off the ground rather than detect the hole first, is this fixable? Making the Behaviour behave AFTER the event sheet?). Problem is, if I had multiple instances of the Item, and one is overlapping the hole whilst another is about to land on the ground, then there's a problem. Turns out that all instances share the same "Ignore Collisions" rules (Even amongst multiple physics behaviours within the sprite like I'm doing, meaning if you disable the ground collision for "Phys1" behaviour, it will also disable it for "Phys2" behaviour. Hope I'm making sense here.), rather than having their each individual rules. The absolute main thing I need, is to allow each instance of a physics object to have it's own "Disable/Enable Collisions" table within the behaviours code, without sharing it across all instances.

    Is this request unrealistic or unfeasible? Is this a possible thing but performance would be hit astronomically? I'd love to have any explainations and information. ^^

    Many thanks!

    • Post link icon

    The more I read about this, the more excited I get ^^

    Could there be a section on the forum or some other sort of system for people to request things? I have some plugins+effects I'd request but not sure where/who to ask

    • Post link icon

    This is awesome!

  • Dang, you clearly put a lot of effort into your project. Sad to see you retire on it. Very neatly organised btw! My events and groups look like a wreck.

    I'd be curious to see what was causing the problems for performance. If it's only the fact you have lots of sprites and animations, then hey, I feel your pain; I have a retired project and another project that I have paused on, both were RPG games with lots of different equipment and lots of frames, with the addition of having multiple players that could each have unique clothing equipped. This means you would have to load all the equipment frames into different sprites, which is bad because I'm pretty sure that all sprite images will be loaded into the RAM when you run the game (Sure, Layout by Layout loading exists, but that doesn't help this situation, because you'd need to load/unload different sprites on the go rather than always having every single sprite sitting in the RAM ready to be displayed).

    If you were to use Project Files to store all the sprite images, then the problem would be that once you use"Load image from URL" to get the sprite, it will replace ALL instances of the sprite (this does make sense why it happens but it makes this a problem), so you cannot have multiple characters with equipment unless you done some crazy workaround like have 100 empty frames in a sprite and then pair the frame number with an equipment (Goodluck having animated equipment).

    I've thought of a solution involving using the neat Paster plugin and Project Files, but I have currently shelved the RPG project so I haven't tried it out.

    The reason I mention these "Project Files" ideas is because afaik they do not get loaded into the RAM unless they are called. (If I'm wrong and they do get loaded into the RAM, then I'm stuck)

    But yeah, reading other things you've said, it's pretty clever that you prevented the need for a "helper" sprite and can just use the Dog sprite for the platformer behaviour and all, but I think that it would still have been a better choice to use a box helper sprite. You say it makes it complicated with the AI and that it works better handling multiple dogs if you are just using Dog sprites, but that kinda confuses me. If you did use helper sprites or just a dog sprite, in both scenarios, wouldn't you still be using "For each" meaning you'd not really have a problem handling multiple instances?

    I don't know what you already know, so sorry if this all simple stuff: If you were to store the UID of the Helper Sprite in an Instance Variable within the Dog sprite, you could then do something like "For each Helper" and do all the AI on it and within that foreach loop, you could do an event like "Is Dog Instance Variable "HelperUID"=Helper.UID" then Position dog onto the helper. You could always do an "On Helper created" or "On Dog created" and then create the opposite and store the instance variable so it's a lot more simple to add a new dog into the game, then volia! Multiple individually behaving doggies

    Sorry for massive post of nonsense, I am aware you've given up and moving onto a different software. Send me a link to this project though, really curious to check it out! Goodluck in the world of UE4

  • 6800 frames of animation? What are the dimensions of most of these frames?

    I would be careful about trying to use the Construct 2 version where this thing didn't exist, iirc that was a while ago and there could be changes that would break your project if you tried to open your project in an old version. But you can try (Backup your project though!) by opening the .capproj with notepad or something (I forgot).

  • Would most certainly use this feature a lot.

  • Hey Ashley, hope you are well!

    Problem Description

    So I've been compulsively checking my code to figure out why something is going a bit wrong with my physics events, but I've managed to nail down whats going wrong (Pretty severe problem in my scenario <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> )

    If you have a 2 physics sprites which are the floor and a box, if the box lands on the floor and you disable physics collisions, the box will not fall through. So I thought, Maybe the box is "sleeping"? So I apply a small amount of Impulse upwards to 'wake' it up, but if the impulse is small enough, the box will still collide with the floor. It seems that you need to get the box far away from the floor before it will disable collisions.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... litch.capx

    Description of Capx

    So here is what I explained above. The box is getting Impulsed upwards slightly, every 0.5 seconds. Not much to explain really except the steps to reproduce.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • 1. Run the capx
    • 2. Wait for the box to land on the floor before doing anything.
    • 3. When the box is on the floor, notice that it is bumping upwards every 0.5 seconds. This is good, goes up, back down, collides with ground.
    • 4. Click "Disable Collisions", and you'll notice that nothing seems to happen, even though the object is not asleep or anything. It should be falling through the floor.
    • 5. Click "Higher Jump" and now you'll see the box fall through the floor.

    Observed Result

    Box doesn't disable collisions when called.

    Expected Result

    Box shouldn't collide with floor as soon as it is called.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r173, haven't got round to updating just yet but it'd be funny if this wasn't even in r174. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Thanks for checking this out!

  • I wish I saw this thread sooner before you reset your counters D:

    You don't need to reset your counter in order to gain another badge (at least for the 100 days one). I have come on for 400+ days so far and have got 4x Fanatic badges.

    But still, nice going! I don't think I've ever posted once a day for a period of time.

  • Problem Description

    After using "Apply to whole animation" in the Origin Point menu, it does not appear in the Undo history.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... doBug.capx

    Description of Capx

    A Capx containing a sprite. No need to run it, just gotta open up the animation editor.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1. Open Capx. 2. Open up the Animation Editor for the Sprite. 3. Notice how the origin point for frame 0 is at the bottom of the image. 4. Notice how the rest of the frames origin points are at the center. 5. Make sure you are on Frame 0, and go into the Origin Point options and click "Apply to whole animation". 6. Works fine, all frames now have the same Origin Point. 7. Close the Animation editor. 8. Click Undo. 9. Notice how it doesn't actually undo the "Apply to whole animation" process. (I think it doesn't popup in the Undo history either)

    Observed Result

    Can't undo "Apply to whole animation".

    Expected Result

    Should be able to undo <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Problem Description

    A reproducable visual bug that involves events getting selected even though you visually wouldn't think they are.

    I can guess this isn't "by design", but it definately makes sense why this happens, but I thought I'd report because I confused myself like crazy over this since I ended up disabling a lot of events without realising.

    Probably isn't a bug but it affected me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... leBug.capx

    Description of Capx

    No need to run the Capx, this happens within the editor itself when using the "Search" in the event sheet editor.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1. Open Capx (wowreally?) 2. Go to the event sheet within the Capx 3. Use the search to search for "HiAshley". You should now see two events from the results. 4. Click the first event from the results, hold SHIFT, and click the 2nd result. 5. Press D to disable. 6. Clear the search and realise that all the "Every Tick" events have been disabled, even though you would think that the only selected events were the two results in the search.

    Observed Result

    All the events between the search results get selected when using Shift+click

    Expected Result

    Only the shown events would get selected.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • helena Yeah I was so young those days, my older bro used to teach me special techniques, he taught me how to make scrolling which was really complicated but possible, and also there were no "Global Variables" but there was "Score" and "Lives" variables which were limited to 4 each. Also I remember all the pre-rendered sprites like the barbarian and kung-fu guy, and the pre-made demo games like Romeo and Juilet and Gradius(?). Good times ^^

    Sorry for derailing the topic. In light of the actual Path movement idea, I'm personally not too fussed for it since there's events to move sprites towards other sprites so you can make your own paths very easily, even for beginners. But as for ultra-beginners that don't even know what a variable is, it could be useful.

  • helena I used to use Klik&Play too Ahh nostalgia.

  • I'm not really aware of any fangames being made in C2. Candescence began porting a fangame that was originally in MMF2 into C2, (Sonic Worlds), but then he gave up due to optimisation issues.

    I made 1 fangame in C2 but then gave up on it. It was based on the game MapleStory, and I called it

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  • This seems kinda cool, but I can see a problem if there were multiple "Sprite" objects. If there was 2 Sprite objects (at the same distance) trying to collide with Sprite, it would only detect 1 of them, right?

    Or what if one of the Sprite's was stretched a bit, the distance is still the same but could be touching Sprite2, but then a 2nd Sprite that isn't stretched could be closer but not touching Sprite2.

    Pretty interesting nonetheless! I reckon this could be use in certain ways