Jase00's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    Ah I see.

    Well I'm getting crashes due to the garbage collection not running I presume. If I'm working on C2 with the preview project sort of floating in the background, after a few minutes, I will get a windows message warning me about low RAM (I have 6gb), and if I leave it for about 20 more seconds, my computer crashes to black. I monitored this a few times, the only thing happening is Chrome/NW just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    Could there be a "Force garbage collection" action? I wouldn't mind eating CPU at certain intervals to prevent crashing my PC whilst working!

    EDIT: I'm realising how dumb my situation sounds due to this capx. The actual reason it's affecting my main project is particle related stuff, objects getting created and destroyed frequently. Ramps up my RAM whilst I'm working.

  • Thanks everyone. It's great seeing feedback!


    Yeah, well, not LAYERscale, but LAYOUTscale.

  • Hello Ashley,

    I have been having bad problems with C2 in my project. I have been having crashes on my computer from lack of RAM due to this, and on 3 occasions I have lost work (Not too bad though, I make backups like crazy). I have replicated something that I hope you can resolve!

    Problem Description

    If you create many objects and delete them, the RAM usage of Node-webkit/Chrome, does not go back down.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... yLeak.capx

    Description of Capx

    In this Capx, run it. You will see a blue box moving, that's there just to keep the engine flowing I guess, not too important.

    If you tap space bar, it will toggle a value and cause about 9 sprites per tick to create. Tap space again to stop creating sprites and instantly delete them all.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run project
    • Open Task Manager and sort by Name to stop the processes from moving around and keep all processes staying together
    • Look at the RAM values on Task Manager. Rather low and nice.
    • On the project, tap Space to start spawning a lot of sprites, KEEP an eye on the RAM of the processes on Task Manager.
    • Let the RAM build up a few extra 10's, maybe til the one that is rising reaches about 60 or 70 MB (Around 20000 sprites).
    • Tap Space again to delete all the sprites and stop them creating.
    • Look at the RAM. It does not go back down and remains at 60/70MB or whatever you tapped space at.

    Observed Result

    RAM usage stays high

    Expected Result

    RAM should go back down I think

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r206, but I know its happening on 207. I had to uninstall 207 as it broke something with the Paster plugin I was using and also created a weird smear effect when going fullscreen. I need to replicate the smear thing but it wasn't as urgent as this RAM bug.

    I hope you can help. Thank you for your time, much appreciated!

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone! It's very nice to hear such a positive response I had the idea that people would think this stuff was dumb because it's based on already existing ideas, mechanics, and assets, which just seems lazy and somewhat uncreative. Very relieving to hear responses like this!


    Your game looks awesome! Looks very polished and refined, and I really like the portal-inspired mechanics and feel of the game. That rope physics reminds me of the game Worms with the Ninja rope

    Thanks for the positive suggestion about removing the whole link to "Portal" and "Sonic". It's a great idea and it makes a lot of sense, but as of now, I honestly want to keep this project as a free fangame. I'm very curious about seeing people's opinions on how I implement an idea with something more familiar, rather than trying to attract people into a new game with a totally different character set and lore. I have many other ideas to try and execute in the future, but this project is a lil experiment to see what I can do.


    It's pretty tricky if you are not familiar with trigonometry, but definitely interesting to learn. I'd personally not like to hand-out the capx for the time being because I haven't really gone anywhere with this and it's been months of work, but I'm happy to help walk you through how to make it or point you to material that could help you understand how it can be done. There was someone that was making a behaviour that you can put onto a sprite that instantly grants you a practically perfect Sonic movement (better than what I've done in events), but the forums that contained this are currently down. The forums are located at this website, although I'm not sure when they will be back up:


    Thanks! Yeah it's been hard to figure out how to setup the scenery, I want to keep the Sonic assets, but they are so bright and colourful that you cannot see portals too well. Darkening it has been a decent temporary fix in order to raise the visibility of the portals, but you are right, I should reconsider the colour scheme.

  • Heeey,

    I thought I'd share my project a lil' bit. It's a fangame project that combines the two games Sonic the Hedgehog and Portal. Basically Sonic with a Portal gun. ).

    The only plugins I have used as far as I remember is "Paster" (for portal crop effects) and "Nickname" (for making spawning stuff/level editor stuff in-game a lot easier), and the "Light" plugin (for raycasting, for some reason everything I tried in the event sheet would give a terrible FPS drop, but this plugin works amazingly). Everything else is all vanilla Construct 2, including the item physics (built-in physics behaviour), Sonic's movement (handmade by me using the Event system), and the portal physics.

    There's a lot more features to show and to create, but I hope to try and get something playable out soon, rather than just showing footage over and over.

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    What are your thoughts? Seem like something you would play? You a fan of Sonic or Portal and think this seems nicely executed? Let me know any feedback, it is much appreciated

  • Bump. I had events in my game that used to work, but then it sort of just "happened" to randomly stop working.

  • Hello Ashley, hope you are well.

    Problem Description

    When you use the "Seek to" action, that particular tag will no longer be detected when using the "Is tag playing?" condition.

    Attach a Capx

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/776 ... ekBug.capx

    Description of Capx

    This demonstrates that "Is tag playing?" works, but only if you DO NOT use seek. It also shows there is no workarounds such as using "Wait" for any period of time, using "Seek to" always makes the "Is tag playing?" condition fail.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • 1. Run the project
    • 2. Click the "Play Sound" button. Notice the text changes to "PLAYING". Wait for the sound to end.
    • 3. Click the "Play sound and seek half way instantly" button. Notice the text does NOT change to "PLAYING". Wait for the sound to end aswell.
    • 4. Click the "Play sound, wait, then seek" button. Again, notice the text does NOT change to "PLAYING".

    Observed Result

    The text doesn't change when using the "Seek to" buttons.

    Expected Result

    The text should always be displaying "PLAYING" whilst the sound is audible, even after seeking.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 64-bit

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • TheWyrm Hahaha

  • I wonder how the asm.js "Disable Collisions" thing is coming along. I vaguely remember why it wasn't implemented, remember that it wasn't Scirra's fault, it was a bug or oversight or something from the developers of asm.js. Who knows.

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    > Chill


    I am merely trying to speak to you like a human being who has feelings, and not "just an online person", despite your behavior.

    The fact is, even though I was the one asking a question, your answer was less informative than the question.

    This is not the first topic I have made like this and had it get invaded by useless responses in the same exact way.

    Rather than me chill, I think your feelings need to become more warm.

    And, I had just got done posting this:

    Despite your behavior not being Scirra's fault, at all, it is the threat of this type of invasion that makes me afraid to come here. And yet, I keep coming anyway. And hey, are you the same person who invaded my last topic, and also said mean things to me regarding mental problems? As someone who actually has mental problems, and attempts to cope with them to the best of my ability, despite being constantly harassed online, what you said then was very hurtful. Do not act as if you are trying to be helpful when you are clearly not.

    Oh, and so admin/others know, here's the topic:

    Second post down on page 2, after I had been constantly trying to talk to him respectfully like a human being, despite feeling emotionally abused already. Bear in mind, my post immidiately before that was legit frustration which I could understand if it seemed rude.... but like I said, what is one expected to do if they are constantly feeling emotionally abused online? It should not have ever had to come to that.

    Sorry, but this frustrates me. You post a link stating that codah has made you feel emotionally abused and whatnot, but in the same link on page 1, codah was spending his own time to try to help you. And reading through that thread, he's not giving useless or random info, he was trying to help you understand something and you were in panic and confusion and thus couldn't comprehend what he was explaining.

    It frustrates me that he attempted to help you several times in a polite manner in another thread and now you're making him sound malicious for his vague comments. His comment on Page 2 is very vague but you can't assume he was attacking mental issues, and even if he was or anyone was, come on, it's just a random guy on the internet! The mods will probably clock on to him and he will be gone. It'd be a lot worse if a group or the whole community, including the mods, was abusing 1 person. Don't get me wrong, you seem cool and it's cool you are emotionally-fueled and making detailed posts and that other thread showing your appreciation to Scirra is awesome and heartwarming to read! But come on, the guy wasn't a troll or anything, he was trying to help. (Plus this thread, he listed a few things including and you respond with "How do you know I don't use families?"...well, how is he supposed to know? We don't have your capx or anything )

    Relevant to the thread:

    You'll come to learn what sorts of events really take a toll on performance. Luckily your only target is Windows so it's not as big of a deal. I'd say one of the worst things is collisions with more than 4 collision points, it could severely impact performance if there's too many going on at once. Try and make as much stuff only have 4 points in their collision polygon.

  • Hey guys! Thought I'd share my own ideas <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    So lets say I am a thief. Rawr. *steals wallet*

    I decide to steal your game from the arcade and upload it to my own website. I run it and notice I get redirected to Scirra.com all the time, or the game's objects all destroy, or whatever outcome you picked to happen to your game if run on a different website.

    I would instantly think that there is some protection in place. I would think it's something website related and then I'd open the games files up. I would find "Data.JS" and see all this strange obfuscated code because you ticked Minify like a good developer. Now I may give up at this point, but I decide to do a quick CTRL+F search and type "www." just incase I could find a website reference.

    Bam. I found the website address it is trying to detect. I then modify this address to my own address. Done. I win. Mwahahhaha

    In all seriousness, that is the case. Check out this screenshot of the data.js of a minified HTMl5 export of the event "Browser.URL = http://www.scirra.com":

    FEAR NOT! I thought of an idea that I haven't physically tested if it 100% works but here it goes:

    Instead of having the event plainly detecting the whole string "http://www.scirra.com", you could split parts of it up using Local Variables so that it's not as obvious! Here's a screenshot of splitting 1 piece of the URL to get an idea of what I mean (Not sure why the action is to vibrate but yeah):

    I guess the more effort and time you put into splitting the URL up, the more effective it will be.

    Now as a thief, I would need to spend much more time figuring this out.

    Hope this was useful!

  • I currently use Bandicam like KFC mentioned. It works great and isn't limited to DirectX games or anything, you can select a region or window or whatever you like (not to do with crashing or lack of disk space, literally just randomly corrupted after an hour of constant recording).

    I've never heard of "Action!" but it sounds great, I might check it out next time I need to record stuff

  • I had this happen to me too a while back I found an alternative though, but I still would much prefer FRAPS. Not sure why this happens.

  • Animmaniac

    Woah!! That is exactly what I was trying to get all along!!! Ah it makes much more sense, I was so confused with the weird semi-transparent result from my own experiments Thank you very much!

    I only need to figure out 2 more things and that's it . I reckon I might find some info to study from looking at other shader files but if you have any pointers considering you seem to know your way around this sort of thing, I'd be very grateful!

    The first being, how would I be able to set the value according to number of pixels from the side? So if I set R to 7, it would trim 7 pixels off of the right side of the Sprite.

    The second being, how would I incorporate Angles into this shader? If I had another variable called "AngleOfCrop" which is set to like 15 and "R" is set to 9, it would trim the right side 9 pixels, but at a 15degree angle. Below is a picture to explain (The Red part is the part that will be invisible from the crop) [EDIT: I realised that this little diagram might not be correct. I need to rethink the theory behind what I'm trying to explain.]

    I think this part is going to be harder to do than the original non-angled crop. It doesn't help that I barely know how shaders work but it's something I'm interested in and am picking up on information from reading documenation, looking at other existing shaders, and reading your replies. Thank you for your time!

  • Thank you for the info! It instantly made me figure out how to solve my HUD issue.