Jase00's Forum Posts

  • > and paste the textinputs

    I'm pretty sure it's not possible to paste a textinput on drawing canvas..

    Yeah probably not, which leaves me with no other workarounds aside from using spritefonts. Or maybe switching out the TextInput for a SpriteFont when the TextInput is not focused.

    ...or just use SpriteFonts overall, probably easiest!

  • There's a use for everything!

    More often I use textinput, but I can see a potential issue arising with floating DOM elements, where my project might have a 9-patch menu with a few textinputs and buttons, then when clicking "Done" on this menu, I would like to have a popup menu asking "Are you sure you wish to save changes?", but this popup may overlap the textinput and buttons below, causing them to appear above the "are you sure" popup - sooo I could either attempt to use drawing canvas and paste the textinputs so that I can keep the correct Z order, or I make a custom textinput with SpriteFont (Which I do see as a sacrifice, as I like the ability for users to use highlighting with mouse or shift+arrows, right-clicking for extra options, CTRL+A then CTRL+X for a quick cut, etc.)

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  • Perhaps construct could display information about filesize of the saved file on each save, in a non-intrusive popup (e.g. appears just below the layout and events tabs). Not a popup that must be clicked (as this would be annoying every save), but something like a floating notification that can be closed, so the user must acknowledge it at some point, but doesn't interrupt their work flow.

    Also, if the save process finishes and reads the file and detects 0MB filesize, then display popup error, since a project should never be 0MB. Wouldn't work with project folders tho, as other files could be manually added in.

    dazedangels , your corrupt backup files, what file size are they?

    I remember back in Construct 2, my C: drive was where my project was, and I had a tiny SSD in, and at one point I saved, it was successful, but little did I know, my C: drive was at 0 free space, and my project actually did not save successfully, it was 0MB in size! Save failed due to disk space, but Construct didn't hint this. Is it down to Construct to help? Not exactly,but I wish it could have just checked that the save file is not 0MB.

    I learned the hard way to backup stuff. Which reminds me, I should check my automated backups are actually working...

    It's up to you what you choose to do, but I want to point out: Bugs always get fixed once reported. It ***** that more bugs appear sometimes, and it ***** if there's a large number of bugs specifically in the animation editor, but surely you can understand as a game dev that bugs sometimes appear in very unexpected ways.

    Have you posted bug reports but Scirra haven't resolved them?

  • I think Construct Animate would greatly benefit from animated SVG, and drawing tools that would allow you to draw vector images directly onto the layout whilst in the layout view. Also tweening SVG images would be an amazing feature!

    Tween animation is great within Constuct, but it should definitely consider the type of animators that hand-draw.

    I don't have any suggestions, but I do compare Construct Animate to Flash, and I understand that many animators loved Flash since you just simply "draw, then keyboard shortcut for a new frame" repeat these 2 steps over and over, maybe drawing on a separate layer here and there. Quick and easy. Construct doesn't work like this, so it's more about adding sprites and positioning them and tweening, rather than painting a picture with some drawing tools and then adding a new frame and continuing to draw.

    Another way to think of it: Sprite's are like Symbols in Flash. Some animators didn't use Symbols, as the animator simply drew their animation using only layers and frames.

    So yeah, I would imagine some animators would feel it is too methodical to do ALL of the drawing as separate sprite objects. And too long-winded to have to import your drawings from another software. Other software would offer direct drawing capabilities. I think Krita is free and offers animation along with brilliant drawing tools, but it's only raster animation.

    I think Construct Animate has the potential to be something really powerful!

  • Out of interest, is there a video or test file for Phasers performance similar to alextro 's test?

  • It might be the "create object on layer 0" that is the problem.

    Do you have multiple layers in your project?

    Layer 0 would be the furthest layer usually for backgrounds and such. If layer 0 has any scrolling settings changed, then this would explain why your bullet moves at different speeds depending on how far the screen scrolls.

    Either create the bullet on a different layer (instead of layer 0, you could do it on player.layernumber) or you might need to click on layer 0 on the layers window, and change the scrolling settings back to 100% x 100%

    I'm taking a guess from the info we have so far, so I may be incorrect!

  • Hmm. Sounds like something is up with the spawning code. Could you post a link to a screenshot of your code where you spawn the bullet?

  • But the host I got for free gave me a domain that is http.

    Hey I am not as familiar with all of this, but you may be able to get a free SSL certificate (Google: let's encrypt) and apply this to your website to get https.

  • At 34, your body isn't banged up permanently (unless there's any illness/disabilities, that's more complicated). As long as you mildly keep up with fitness and healthy eating and intake adequate water, your mind will thank you for that, and you'll have an easier time coding, thinking through anxiety-inducing situations, etc. It's not a cure-all and it's not exactly easy to do if depressed or anxious or if your personality causes you to avoid healthy lifestyles, but it's surprisingly effective if you're able to form this healthy habit. I'm guilty of failing this myself, it's not easy, but keep at it, try again and again, just like we do with our unfinished projects, just keep trying your best!

    I have been using drag n drop software for around 20 years, since I was younger than a teenager (I started with Klick n Play), yet I've never released anything. I'm 27 now and I WILL complete a project and release it, nothing will stop me. No zero days, always work on something in your project for even 10 minutes. BUT also be mindful of your own mental wellbeing, don't pressure yourself and take a "zero day" if life gets overwhelming, as it often does.

  • I agree, there's a chance this bug affects only Android exports, but judging by the other dev's comment about jank on his modern macbook, it may even affect desktop exports, so it must be in everyone's interest to star this!

  • I do something similar to the 2nd method you mentioned - On browser resize, set canvas size to PlatformInfo.WindowInnerWidth and height. I then do "wait 0 seconds" twice, and then I copy & paste the same "set canvas size" event below this (seems to help make this work more reliably). Then I use anchor behaviour on objects, or position/size things with events.

    I don't know if there's a bad reason to do this, but it helps give me the exact control that I need to support portrait, landscape, and even ultra-wide screen monitors.

  • I just read one of the comments from the Chrome devs:

    > For the record, the above test case drops frames in Chrome even on a recent M1 MacBook Pro with high-end CPU.

    I saw this too, this gives me hope it fixes my issue on desktop with jitter when vsync is enabled! I have starred it too.

  • > but at 60fps the sprites will "jump" 40pixels every tick, if they move from one side to the other in a second, it cannot be "silky smooth" movement?

    Front 'janky' plants move like this:

    lerp(self.X, Self.X-(train_speed*(Self.speed_adjust)), dt)

    Omg wait read this, just remembered after realising you use lerp. Try the formula below "Perfect Accuracy".


  • Whenever I get desperate, I take a copy of my project and slowly tear it apart, like delete sections of it (maybe whatever event sheet groups that use the most CPU in the debugger preview), and test each time, to see when the stuttering stops. You might find some specific feature is causing the jank.

    Recently, I tried my project on a 4k monitor, and I noticed that even tho I had solid 60fps or 1000fps when vsync off, it was still jittering badly. Turns out it was me "pasting" on drawing canvas every tick, it didn't like that I was doing it every tick on a 4k sized drawing canvas. Obvious now that I see it, but I wonder why was my fps was seemingly fine.