Isomoar's Forum Posts

  • Hi there, I was wondering if it was possible in C3 to make a line reveal animation similar to this?

    Basically I have a bunch of lines connecting nodes in my world map and as you complete one node I want the next to be revealed with the line being drawn from the current node to the next.

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  • Ah! Excellent, thanks for the additional info 😊

  • Ah yes! I thought it might be something like this. I really need to brush up on my math skills.

    Thanks for your help!

  • So I am experimenting with the idea of randomly generating vines or branches. The idea would be that I generate a random length tiled background object then on the end of that create another one at a random angle at the x & y of the end point. Is there a way to code this? I've done BBoxRight to get the X but can't see how to get the Y position.

    Anyway here's the link to what I have so far.


  • Okay solved it, I just needed to make 3 variables as numbers instead of the whole thing as a string.

    Hope this helps.

  • So I have a tilemap that I want to set the colour of with the variable for such on the tilemap itself.

    But I can't get it working because it doesn't use strings.

    Here's the response I get.

  • You can store all the room layouts in an array yes but you'll come across a problem that the exits don't sync up if you're creating it in advance. Not sure how people would solve that problem. I made something similar when on exiting a room it created a random room during runtime.

    Hmm yeah good point, I've just gone for all the exits & entrances are the same size so line up naturally, but I guess you could take the position of the empty tiles in the first column of the next tilemap & erase the end tiles on the previous to match up? This is for the way I am using the tilemaps, all in a row left to right, no idea for randomly placed ones. Perhaps lining them up based on imagepoints or something.

  • Yeah I just tested what I suggested & it seems to work no problems, thanks for helping me understand tilemaps & arrays a little better :)

  • Well my thinking was I want to randomly generate one large long level a little bit like the way the Binding of Isaac puts random rooms together. So I'd take each room that I've designed & downloaded then put it in an array the size of each room (30x17) then put that into a larger 'level array' one next to each other how ever many times to make the one long level.

    I guess I could always just create multiple tilemaps & use the former method of loading for each room though now that I think about it.

    I'm probably trying to overengineer it & make things way more difficult for myself that need be, my speciality :)

  • So I'm imagining it puts the tilemap data in the array & each element of the array corresponds to a tile in the tilemap when you load it, or does it not work like that?

    *edit ah I see, is there anyway to do something similar to what I am thinking?

  • Hmm I get an empty array when I try & load it in :/

  • Ah yes that works! Thanks!

    Any idea how to do the same but with the array?

  • Hi, Ideally I want to populate an array with the json data then load from the array into the tilemap. However I can't even get the normal set tilemap from json string working for some reason. I feel like I am missing something very obvious here.

    Here's what I've got so far.

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