— thank you very much for this! Definitely gonna buy Spriter Pro
Psychokiller1888 sent you something via pm a while ago. Did you get it?
TELLES0808 nope i don't but shall check it out. Thank you
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Animations for sure :/ currently working on a fighting game
— didn't get a PM from you :/
Nice game i participated in the the beta of it and i also love Bad Pad from the demo i played! Keep it up fellow dev
cjbruce Thank you for the insight i'm working on on submitting for the 2017 version and this will greatly help me
Heyy i am actually looking for some voice-over for my fighting game however i'd email you by next week
— thank you very much
*entering again*
Psychokiller1888 I got it working thank you so much for your help . Greatly appreciated
Hey Psychokiller1888 or anyone else here. i'm using the platform behaviour for a simple left right simulation however the issue i'm having is if i tap the left or right button on the controller and it would go straight to the end without stopping. What i'm trying to do is that if the person is not holding down left or right that the player would stop. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated
*crosses fingers* I'm entering
Psychokiller1888 Thank you! Just wanted to clarify and greatly appreciate the help
Psychokiller1888 I got it working. Thank you very much for your help One last question is it possible for when the player joins that i can use css to change the background color of the controller. eg. player 1 being red player 2 blue etc.? I know it's most likely using the send data but not sure how to transverse from there.