igalencar's Forum Posts

  • Im trying to make the joystick tutorial for my game in c3.

    But the example has the function object so i need to translate for c3 , on a fuction called Scalex i have a setretunr value of "CanvasToLayerX("HUD", touch.AbsoluteXForID(Function.Param(0)), touch.AbsoluteYForID(Function.Param(0)) )"

    How to make this on the new function format???

  • Im having tons of issues on my game.

    It is for the web and i will use PWA as a installer.

    But i nee to clear cache on a event in game, because the game will get more levels as i develop them.

    SO how do i force a clear cache.

    I have tryed to clear all local storage (add the locla storage object), but still no result.

    Also is anyone having issues on beta and gama orientation on ios devices???

  • I have a BIG array 2x1478

    they have names and emails, on my project i have only a universal password, but i need to check that the email is on the array, and also get the name and store on a variable.

    My problem is how to search the array, and get the adjacent name to store.


  • ok i see but there is a small pop up asking if it whant to install and my exports do not do that.

    • Post link icon

    I need that my project could be instaled on devices like pwa games.

    here is a good example:


  • This is a good example:


  • It is possible to add a construct game to mobile home screen?

    PWA syle

  • that workedperfectly

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  • I have a game that a boss has severals shield parts, so i need to destroy a specific shield, but they are all on a container, so when i destroy it all the container objects get destroyed, is there a way to destroy a specific container obj?

  • My game is using spriter for the characters, but i cannot export the char .. since spriter does not have anymore the export spritesheet.

    Now it only has the texturepack option.

  • You already have Areas family. To start using it you need to move all variables from sprites to the family level. Check out this tutorial:


    But it may be even easier just to use one sprite Area with 9 instances. (delete all other area sprites).

    I meant for the percentages

  • (0.02/100) is not 2%, that's 0.02%. So if the isolation is 40-50, you are adding only 0.02%, but if the isolation is 10-10, you are adding 3.02%, which is 150 times more! Maybe that's why you are seeing such a big difference in numbers sometimes.

    Other than that I think your formulas are working correctly.

    But your code is extremely inefficient. Are you planning to duplicate events 23-57 for other 8 areas? This is a terribly wrong approach, don't do this!!

    Use a single sprite object for all 9 areas (make 9 instances of it). Or add all 9 areas into a family. Use the family in all events and you will be able to optimize your code by 80-90%!

    Can you give me a example of the code?

  • Which of these variables are absolute values, and which are relative (percentages)? What is the value of infection_rate?

    all of them are absolute numbers, the only percentages are infection_rate and recovery rate.

    as i mentioned on the expression i also put a 0.02 value simulating a 2% for areas with isolation below 50.

    Isolation are values from 0 to 100

  • if you are updating those variables every tick, then that will be happening 60 times a second.

    Your math looks fine, so it is probably running more times than you expect. We would have to see your code to be able to help more.

    is not for every tick this heapens on a buton click that i run the logic as a function