hrisnz's Forum Posts

  • Ive seen this topic is super old. But couldnt find another way yet. I understand the reason behind avoiding "set position" when using the physics behavior due to lateUpdate and so. My situation is the following:

    Im building an infinite top down game, camera following the player, player can move in all directions. To make it possible to generate new level parts and "forget" old ones, i created a 9 square grid. Whenever the player overlaps with the next tile e.g. up: step one - the bottom row of the level squares positions above the other and then step two - the whole grid is shifted to the original position.

    player is on 5, entering square 2:

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9


    7 8 9

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    and the whole grid shifts down by one row.

    This way you can walk in every direction like on an escalator.

    The problem appears now in the second step, when repositioning the grid / everything, the level, assets etc. I also need to reposition the player, that is controlled by physics force.

    How can I get such an effect?

    Its not possible to position "Layers", also having everything that needs to do the level shift in a "Family" doesnt do any good. Containers dont help. And setting the position of the player naturally sets his velocity to 0.

    Any ideas or other approaches? I built a linear endless runner before. Theres tons of tutorials on that. Also on generating levels randomly "beforhand". But not live in all 4 directions.

    Would love to hear from anybody. Any help is much appreciated.



  • Any new thoughts on "none combat games"?

  • Uh yes, a general tutorial on a workflow "how to patch/ update your game" would be cool. For example adding new levels.

  • I'm pretty sure this must be an update or something since the last answer on this post. But I just stumbled across it and used the physics behaviour's enable/disable action. So for anybody, who is looking for the same thing

    (having physics behaviour based movement)

    Object A should collide with B

    Object B should collide with C

    but A shouldn't collide with C

    Event: "A" is on-screen Action: "A" - disable physics collision with "C"

    This object-based disabling wasn't possible back then?

    All the best,


  • Thank you for all your advice guys!

  • Still haven't found any solution. Anybody having the same problem? Any clue on solving this collision problem with bullet + solid interaction would help a lot.

    All the best,


  • Thank you for the reply! This idea sounds really good. Will try it in the future, if it works i'll post it here. Thanks again!

  • Nope, sorry to say so.

  • EddyDingDongs resume sounds pretty good. Did anybody have any success on this (multiplayer + physics) topic?

  • Thanks digitalsoapbox!

  • It seems like only 6 keys can be pressed at the same time? (Using Construct 3) any additional key is not detected until one of the first 6 is released. Anybody has any experience on this?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • No problem

    have a great day

  • Hi,

    I think its always a good idea to have your game either with its own domain or a proper subdomain of your own website. Like ) you don't need to input the "/index.html".

    This way you can always:

    1. refer to it easily

    2. open it trough website in a new tab using target_new

    3. embed it anywhere easily using "iframe"

    Have a great day!


  • I just experienced the fullscreen function to work perfectly in chrome but not in Safari (like it used to in C2 as well) but then a tester said he can fullscreen in safari weird day. What is wrong with this fullscreen function?

    Apart from that it works for me.

    You musst do it on a input command though, not "on start of layout"!

  • Hello Construct Community!

    I have the following issues with my current game and am thankful for any advice. My project files are commented and structured, hoping to make things as easy as possible for "strangers" who are new to the files.

    I'm really hoping to find a brave soul who wants to help <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">


    • The game is a top-down endless runner (having randomly generated objects - bullets - for an infinite level). If the user moves off the screen = game over
    • To get a certain feeling I rotate the whole level (multiple layers) while the player remains still
    • Another important mechanic: How the Player and its shadow interact: Leaving the ground will "decrease the players height" (too long off ground = game over). Because I wanted the player move to its shadow and not the other way around, the user is actually steering (custom movement) the shadow and the player is positioning according to it.


    • I want obstacles (that spawn like the "ground") to act as solids, so the player can't fly through them + being pushed away by them when not moving away.
    • Since the obstacles are bullets and the shadow uses custom movement, I tried to work with giving the bullet obstacles a solid behaviour and the player object a platform behaviour.


    Test-Project File: ... g.c3p?dl=1

    (That the "player" was not pushed out of the screen but to the side was something I couldn't fix. But this worked at least close to what I wanted)

    • Applying it to my project (When you look at the file, the most important groups for this problem are "Player Controller", "Obstacle System" and maybe "Obstacles" in the "Spawning System Group")


    Project-File: ... s.c3p?dl=1

    • First I needed to reverse the "position player to shadow" while the obstacle colliding is in progress, so the "player platform behavior" + the "obstacle solid behaviour" could take effect.
    • Then I had to stop the shadow from "keep on going", so I positioned it to the player, stopped the custom movement and set the "player height the almost 0" so the player almost "crashes" when hitting an obstacle
    • To go back to the normal "not colliding mode" I use a "trigger once while true" so the whole collision process "repeats it self".


    • Hitting the obstacles from the side works like it should (even though it just "stops" the player and is not any close to being "realistic")
    • Because the obstacles are moving (bullet behaviour) the collision while being "behind the obstacles" sadly has a bad "stepping effect" and does (like in the first test) not push the player of the screen.

    Extra problem:

    • The whole collision seems to have no effect when getting close to the screens borders/ off the original layout size


    • What I want is to have a collision system that makes it possible to stop the player and push him of the screen
    • I want to fix the issue that the whole collision doesn't work close to the screens borders


    • Having those rotating layers adds a bit complexity since I carefully need to position objects on different layers via global variables and the CanvasToLayer-LayerToCanvas Method
    • The controls have quiet a learning curve, so you probably need to give it one or two shots until you get the hang of it. But if you better want me to upload videos of the "bugs" I can do so.
    • And ignore the "yellow keys" on the controls tutorial (they are deactivated at the moment)
    • I also played around with the Physics behaviour to see if I get results with it, but ney...

    I'm so thankful for any feedback, help or advice!

    Because having rotating layers, bullet objects, a player object that is controlled by its shadow and has custom movement AND the wish to make obstacles act as solids to the player is sort of really hard <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    So thanks to anybody who wants to give this challenge a try!! I hope a solution will help whoever wants bullets to work as solids to the player!

    All the best,
