h1k3's Forum Posts

  • New and improved Facebook 3.0

    Find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/317378255096076/#

    Check it out here:


    Currently testing and expanding the ability to upload pictures client side. Check it out yourself at the above link. Support for 83 languages. So if you pick english pirate, all login,logout..... dialogs from Facebook will generate in pirate talk. If you choose Greek then dialogs will generate in that language. Also available currently is a like/recommend/share page button, so you can prompt people to like your page.

    Expressions testing:

    "Logged In Status"

    "User access token"

    "User ID"

    "First Name"

    "Last Name"


    "Facebook Profile Link"

    "Full Name"


    "Profile Last Updated"

    "Verified Facebook Account"

    "User Locale"

    "Invitable friend size"

    "Current invitable friend ID"

    "Current invitable friend name"

    "Succesful Request ID"

    "Current invitable friend picture"

    "User profile picture"


    "Log in user"

    "Check Status"

    "Log out user"

    "Retrieve invitable friends"

    "Invitable friends active"

    "Send a basic app request"

    "Delete an app request"

    "Check for Permission."

    "Upload picture."


    "On ready"

    "On login"

    "On logout"

    "On info updated"

    "On invitable friends populated"

    "On App request success"

    "On App request deleted"

    "On Permission found"

    "On Permission not found"

    "While Logged in"

  • You can't get the original anymore for the security of the users. It works just as well though. Also note that the id changes between apps. So if you have numerous apps you will not immediately know if someone is using all your apps. However if you sign up for the business api, you can access how many of your apps are used by a fb user.the 2.0 api is so much more secure from the developer and user points of view. I'm building a facebook plugin based on 2.0 right now.

  • If your game has an actual web address rather than a google play, iTunes Store........ Then yes you can. If you are creating a true mobile app then I don't believe there are many options available other than using php calls from your own server to make facebook calls and use your mobile app to send calls to your server.

    I know a lot of people would like a Facebook mobile plugin. I'm looking into whether or not jquery mobile would work in order to add mobile calls to the facebook plugin I'm creating.

  • I would like to add some options to the header in the index.html file. I know I can append the header with jquery and javascript but that fires too late. I'm trying to add some Facebook meta data. Facebook scrapes just the header for this data so by the time javascript kicks in Facebook has already finished.

    Outside of manually editing the index.html file every time I export how can I add items to the header?

    Example of what I would like to add to the header of the index.html file.

    <meta property="og:title" content="Hello World">

  • The current Facebook api that my old plugins and the Scirra Facebook plugin use will be expiring in 2015. With that in mind I have been creating a new plugin based on the Facebook 2.0 API. This API is the current used and is not set to expire until 2016.

    More information will be coming as features are added, but if you want a sneak peak please head over to the Facebook user group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/317378255096076/#

    You can also see an example here http://lancelocke.yourhosting.com/fb/

    Fair warning, the plugin located at that group is a beta version. So bugs may be present(Please report them there)

  • Facebook recently released their api 2.0 interface. With it came a variety of changes and new challenges. For example I you want more than basic information permissions then you need to show facebook what you will be doing with those permissions and ask for approval. User dis will no longer be the users actual facebook id. In fact unless you have multiple apps under the same company , one user will have a different id for every app. The current plugin expires early next year when 2.0 becomes required.

    I mention this because I'm creating a plugin based off of the 2.0 api and I'm finding that some things will really need to be done via a server. This is because many features will require use of your app secret or an app token. Neither of which you would ever want to hardware into your javascript(construct).

    There are some cool features like you can create app specific groups and many other features. So if you want to group game users together(alliances.......) then facebook will handle it for you. Fun times

    If you get stumped feel free to message me. I might be able to point you in the right direction.

  • Hi there, could someone please point me in the right direction for figuring out the x and y coordinates taking into account scale? The code I have works perfectly until I change the fullscreen mode from crop to anything else. I would like to scale the code much like the button does but I don't see details on how many of the items such as layerToCanvas actually work.

    Heres my code

    Acts.prototype.Like_Button = function (l_verb, l_color, l_under, l_layout,l_faces,l_url,l_code)


    var left = fbInst.x;

    var top = fbInst.y;

    var verb1, color1, under1, layout1, faces1, url1, code1;

    if (l_under == 0){under1 = true;}else{under1= false;}

    if (l_faces == 0){faces1 = true;}else{faces1= false;}

    if (l_verb == 0){verb1 = 'like';}else{verb1= 'recommend';}

    if (l_color == 0){color1 = 'light';}else{color1= 'dark';}

    if (l_layout == 0){layout1 = 'standard';}

    else if (l_layout == 1){layout1 = 'button_count';}

    else if (l_layout == 2){layout1 = 'button';}

    else{layout1= 'box_count';}

    var div1 = document.createElement("div");



    div1.style.top = top+"px";

    div1.style.width = fbInst.width+"px";

    div1.style.height = fbInst.height+"px";


    div1.innerHTML = '<div class="fb-like" kid_directed_site="'+under1+'" colorscheme= "'+color1+'"data-href="'+l_url+'" data-layout="'+layout1+'" data-action="'+verb1+'" data-show-faces="'+faces1+'" data-share="true" data-ref="'+l_code+'"></div>';

    document.body.appendChild (div1);



  • Please help,

    I've been trying to dynamically create a div to add to my program. What I have doesn't work. Could someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong in my runtime. Here is the action:

    Acts.prototype.Like_Button = function (l_verb, l_color, l_under, l_layout,l_faces,l_url,l_code)


    var div1 = document.createElement("div");



    div1.style.top = "10px";

    //div1.style.color = "white";

    div1.innerHTML = '<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://lancelocke.yourhosting.com/fb/" data-layout="box_count" data-action="recommend" data-show-faces="true" data-share="true" data-ref="home_rec"></div>';

    document.body.appendChild (div1);


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • lancelocke.yourhosting.com/fb for a working example of the newest version.

  • Ohh yes it is to both your question and statement.

    The first functional yet limited version of the plugin is available now(No bells or whistles yet)

    Bitcoins are becoming more mainstream by the week(sometimes day)

    There are now businesses that will transfer your bitcoins to cash and vice versa.

    Not many people shop with it yet(the dollar value is still unstable, but better)

    People use it more as an investment at the moment(stock market, sort of)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/317378255096076

    This group is where I'm currently hosting the working zip file.

  • As a matter of fact, here is a copy of my base plugin.


    This will load the sdk completely for you. A code savvy person following the instructions on developers.facebook.com for their version 2.0 api could actually create a fully functional Facebook app right now by using a div plugin to implement the features I'm adding over time to the plugin.

    Bitcoin donations greatly appreciated here


  • LOL, my wife's laptop sort of broke so we are down to1 laptop at the moment. So progress has not been the quickest, however I'm am starting to add features now. I did learn a valuable lesson though. Facebook will not use Scirra generated code that has been minimized. So if you have been having issues with the official plugin or any other plugin as of right now, try compiling your code as an unminimized project.

  • In fact the first section is done which includes the first big addition. Language support, so when you create a dialogue such as a login prompt it can be in any of 80+ languages.

  • Definitely making headway